API Reference

Surfaces (maps)



xtgeo.surface_from_file(mfile, fformat=None, template=None, values=True, engine='cxtgeo', dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]

Make an instance of a RegularSurface directly from file import.

  • mfile (str) – Name of file

  • fformat – File format, None/guess/irap_binary/irap_ascii/ijxyz/petromod/ zmap_ascii/xtg/hdf is currently supported. If None or guess, the file ‘signature’ is used to guess format first, then file extension.

  • template – Only valid if ijxyz format, where an existing Cube or RegularSurface instance is applied to get correct topology.

  • values (bool) – If True (default), surface values will be read (Irap binary only)

  • engine (str) – Some import methods are implemnted in both C and Python. The C method cxtgeo is default. Alternative use python

  • dtype (Union[Type[float64], Type[float32]]) – Requsted numpy dtype of values; default is float64, alternatively float32


>>> import xtgeo
>>> mysurf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')

Changed in version 2.1: Key “values” for Irap binary maps added

Changed in version 2.13: Key “engine” added

xtgeo.surface_from_cube(cube, value)[source]

Make RegularSurface directly from a cube instance with a constant value.

The surface geometry will be exactly the same as for the Cube.

  • cube (xtgeo.cube.Cube) – A Cube instance

  • value (float) – A constant value for the surface


>>> import xtgeo
>>> mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> mymap = xtgeo.surface_from_cube(mycube, 2700)
xtgeo.surface_from_grid3d(grid, template=None, where='top', mode='depth', rfactor=1)[source]

This makes 3 instances of a RegularSurface directly from a Grid() instance.

  • grid (Grid) – XTGeo Grid instance

  • template (RegularSurface) – Optional to use an existing surface as template for geometry

  • where (str) – “top”, “base” or use the syntax “2_top” where 2 is layer no. 2 and _top indicates top of cell, while “_base” indicates base of cell

  • mode (str) – “depth”, “i” or “j”

  • rfactor (float) – Determines how fine the extracted map is; higher values for finer map (but computing time will increase). Will only apply if template is None.

New in version 2.1.

xtgeo.surface_from_roxar(project, name, category, stype='horizons', realisation=0, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]

This makes an instance of a RegularSurface directly from roxar input.

  • project (str or special) – Name of project (as folder) if outside RMS, og just use the magic project word if within RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of surface/map

  • category (str) – For horizons/zones or clipboard/general2d_data: for example ‘DS_extracted’. For clipboard/general2d_data this can be empty or None, or use ‘/’ for multiple folder levels (e.g. ‘fld/subfld’). For ‘trends’, the category is not applied.

  • stype (str) – RMS folder type, ‘horizons’ (default), ‘zones’, ‘clipboard’, ‘general2d_data’ or ‘trends’

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number, default is 0

  • dtype (Union[Type[float64], Type[float32]]) – Requested numpy dtype for array; default is 64 bit


# inside RMS:
import xtgeo
mysurf = xtgeo.surface_from_roxar(project, 'TopEtive', 'DepthSurface')


When dealing with surfaces to and from ``stype="trends"``, the surface must
exist in advance, i.e. the Roxar API do not allow creating new surfaces.
Actually trends are read only, but a workaround using ``load()`` in Roxar
API makes it possible to overwrite existing surface trends. In addition,
``realisation`` is not applied in trends.


class xtgeo.RegularSurface(ncol, nrow, xinc, yinc, xori=0.0, yori=0.0, yflip=1, rotation=0.0, values=None, ilines=None, xlines=None, masked=True, name='unknown', filesrc=None, fformat=None, undef=1e+33, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]

Bases: object

Class for a regular surface in the XTGeo framework.

The values can as default be accessed by the user as a 2D masked numpy (ncol, nrow) float64 array, but also other representations or views are possible (e.g. as 1D ordinary numpy).

Instantiating a RegularSurface:

vals = np.zeros(30 * 50)
surf = xtgeo.RegularSurface(
    ncol=30, nrow=50, xori=1234.5, yori=4321.0, xinc=30.0, yinc=50.0,
    rotation=30.0, values=vals, yflip=1,
  • ncol (int) – Integer for number of X direction columns.

  • nrow (int) – Integer for number of Y direction rows.

  • xori (Optional[float]) – X (East) origon coordinate.

  • yori (Optional[float]) – Y (North) origin coordinate.

  • xinc (float) – X increment.

  • yinc (float) – Y increment.

  • yflip (Optional[int]) – If 1, the map grid is left-handed (assuming depth downwards), otherwise -1 means that Y axis is flipped (right-handed).

  • rotation (Optional[float]) – rotation in degrees, anticlock from X axis between 0, 360.

  • values (Union[List[float], float, None]) – A scalar (for constant values) or a “array-like” input that has ncol * nrow elements. As result, a 2D (masked) numpy array of shape (ncol, nrow), C order will be made.

  • masked (Optional[bool]) – Indicating if numpy array shall be masked or not. Default is True.

  • name (Optional[str]) – A given name for the surface, default is file name root or ‘unknown’ if constructed from scratch.


The instance can be made by specification:

>>> surface = RegularSurface(
... ncol=20,
... nrow=10,
... xori=2000.0,
... yori=2000.0,
... rotation=0.0,
... xinc=25.0,
... yinc=25.0,
... values=np.zeros((20,10))
... )

Public Data Attributes:


Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.


The NCOL (NX or N-Idir) number, as property (read only).


The NROW (NY or N-Jdir) number, as property (read only).


The surface dimensions as a tuple of 2 integers (read only).


Number of active map nodes (read only).


The rotation, anticlock from X axis, in degrees [0..360>.


The X increment (or I dir increment).


The Y increment (or I dir increment).


The Y flip (handedness) indicator 1, or -1 (read only).


The X coordinate origin of the map.


The Y coordinate origin of the map.


The inlines numbering vector (read only).


The xlines numbering vector (read only).


The minimim X coordinate (read only).


The maximum X coordinate (read only).


The minimim Y coordinate (read only).


The maximum Y xoordinate (read only).


Getting the dtype of the values (np.array); float64 or float32


The map values, as 2D masked numpy (float64/32), shape (ncol, nrow).


(Read only) Map values, as 1D numpy masked, normally a numpy view(?).


(Read only) Map values, as 1D numpy (not masked), undef as np.nan.


A free form name for the surface, to be used in display etc.


Returns the undef map value (read only).


Returns the undef_limit map value (read only).


Gives the name of the file source (if any).

Public Methods:


Returns the names of the methods in the class.


Return a unique hash ID for current instance.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

from_file(mfile[, fformat, values])

Import surface (regular map) from file.


Import surface values in cases where metadata only is loaded.

to_file(mfile[, fformat, pmd_dataunits, engine])

Export a surface (map) to file.

from_hdf(mfile[, values])

Import/load a surface (map) with metadata from a HDF5 file.

to_hdf(mfile[, compression])

Export a surface (map) with metadata to a HDF5 file.

from_roxar(project, name, category[, stype, ...])

Load a surface from a Roxar RMS project.

to_roxar(project, name, category[, stype, ...])

Store (export) a regular surface to a Roxar RMS project.

from_cube(cube, zlevel)

Make a constant surface from a Cube, at a given time/depth level.

from_grid3d(grid[, template, where, mode, ...])

Extract a surface from a 3D grid.


Deep copy of a RegularSurface object to another instance.

get_values1d([order, asmasked, fill_value, ...])

Get a 1D numpy or masked array of the map values.

set_values1d(val[, order])

Update the values attribute based on a 1D input, multiple options.


Returns the surface roation, in degrees, from X, anti-clock.


Same as ncol (nx) (for backward compatibility).


Same as nrow (ny) (for backward compatibility).


Same as property xori (for backward compatibility).


Same as property yori (for backward compatibility).


Same as property xinc (for backward compatibility).


Same as property yinc (for backward compatibility).


Report the degree of similarity between two maps, by comparing mean.

compare_topology(other[, strict])

Check that two object has the same topology, i.e. map definitions.


Swap (flip) the axes columns vs rows, keep origin but reverse yflip.


Get the X and Y coordinates of the map corners.

get_value_from_xy([point, sampling])

Return the map value given a X Y point.

get_xy_value_from_ij(iloc, jloc[, zvalues])

Returns x, y, z(value) from a single i j location.

get_ij_values([zero_based, asmasked, order])

Return I J numpy 2D arrays, optionally as masked arrays.

get_ij_values1d([zero_based, activeonly, order])

Return I J numpy as 1D arrays.

get_xy_values([order, asmasked])

Return coordinates for X and Y as numpy (masked) 2D arrays.

get_xy_values1d([order, activeonly])

Return coordinates for X and Y as numpy 1D arrays.


Return coordinates for X Y and Z (values) as numpy (masked) 2D arrays.

get_xyz_values1d([order, activeonly, fill_value])

Return coordinates for X Y and Z (values) as numpy 1D arrays.

get_dataframe([ijcolumns, ij, order, ...])

Return a Pandas dataframe object, with columns X_UTME, Y_UTMN, VALUES.


Deprecated; see method get_dataframe().

get_xy_value_lists([lformat, xyfmt, valuefmt])

Returns two lists for coordinates (x, y) and values.


Automatic cropping of the surface to minimize undefined areas.


Fast infilling of undefined values.

smooth([method, iterations, width])

Various smoothing methods for surfaces.

operation(opname, value)

Do operation on map values.

operation_polygons(poly, value[, opname, ...])

A generic function for map operations inside or outside polygon(s).

add_inside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

add_outside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.

sub_inside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

sub_outside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.

mul_inside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

mul_outside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.

div_inside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

div_outside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.

set_inside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

set_outside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.


Eliminate current map values inside polygons.


Eliminate current map values outside polygons.


Add another map to current map.


Subtract another map from current map.


Multiply another map and current map.


Divide current map with another map.

gridding(points[, method, coarsen])

Grid a surface from points.

resample(other[, mask, sampling])

Resample an instance surface values from another surface instance.


Unrotete a map instance, and this will also change nrow, ncol, xinc, etc.


Refine a surface with a factor.


Coarsen a surface with a factor.

slice_grid3d(grid, prop[, zsurf, sbuffer])

Slice the grid property and update the instance surface to sampled values.

slice_cube(cube[, zsurf, sampling, mask, ...])

Slice the cube and update the instance surface to sampled cube values.

slice_cube_window(cube[, zsurf, other, ...])

Slice the cube within a vertical window and get the statistical attrubutes.

get_boundary_polygons([alpha_factor, ...])

Extract boundary polygons from the surface.

get_fence(xyfence[, sampling])

Sample the surface along X and Y positions (numpy arrays) and get Z.

get_randomline(fencespec[, hincrement, ...])

Extract a line along a fencespec.

hc_thickness_from_3dprops([xprop, yprop, ...])

Make a thickness weighted HC thickness map.

avg_from_3dprop([xprop, yprop, mprop, ...])

Average map (DZ weighted) based on numpy arrays of properties from a 3D grid.

quickplot([filename, title, subtitle, ...])

Fast surface plot of maps using matplotlib.

distance_from_point([point, azimuth])

Make map values as horizontal distance from a point with azimuth direction.


Translate a map in X Y VALUE space.

__init__(ncol, nrow, xinc, yinc, xori=0.0, yori=0.0, yflip=1, rotation=0.0, values=None, ilines=None, xlines=None, masked=True, name='unknown', filesrc=None, fformat=None, undef=1e+33, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]

Instantiating a RegularSurface:

vals = np.zeros(30 * 50)
surf = xtgeo.RegularSurface(
    ncol=30, nrow=50, xori=1234.5, yori=4321.0, xinc=30.0, yinc=50.0,
    rotation=30.0, values=vals, yflip=1,
  • ncol (int) – Integer for number of X direction columns.

  • nrow (int) – Integer for number of Y direction rows.

  • xori (Optional[float]) – X (East) origon coordinate.

  • yori (Optional[float]) – Y (North) origin coordinate.

  • xinc (float) – X increment.

  • yinc (float) – Y increment.

  • yflip (Optional[int]) – If 1, the map grid is left-handed (assuming depth downwards), otherwise -1 means that Y axis is flipped (right-handed).

  • rotation (Optional[float]) – rotation in degrees, anticlock from X axis between 0, 360.

  • values (Union[List[float], float, None]) – A scalar (for constant values) or a “array-like” input that has ncol * nrow elements. As result, a 2D (masked) numpy array of shape (ncol, nrow), C order will be made.

  • masked (Optional[bool]) – Indicating if numpy array shall be masked or not. Default is True.

  • name (Optional[str]) – A given name for the surface, default is file name root or ‘unknown’ if constructed from scratch.


The instance can be made by specification:

>>> surface = RegularSurface(
... ncol=20,
... nrow=10,
... xori=2000.0,
... yori=2000.0,
... rotation=0.0,
... xinc=25.0,
... yinc=25.0,
... values=np.zeros((20,10))
... )

Add another map to current map.

add_inside(poly, value)[source]

Add a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

add_outside(poly, value)[source]

Add a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.


Automatic cropping of the surface to minimize undefined areas.

This method is simply removing undefined “white areas”. The instance will be updated with new values for xori, yori, ncol, etc. Rotation will never change


RegularSurface instance is updated in-place

New in version 2.12.

avg_from_3dprop(xprop=None, yprop=None, mprop=None, dzprop=None, truncate_le=None, zoneprop=None, zone_minmax=None, coarsen=1, zone_avg=False)[source]

Average map (DZ weighted) based on numpy arrays of properties from a 3D grid.

The 3D arrays mush be ordinary numpies of size (nx,ny,nz). Undef entries must be given weights 0 by using DZ=0

  • xprop – 3D numpy of all X coordinates (also inactive cells)

  • yprop – 3D numpy of all Y coordinates (also inactive cells)

  • mprop – 3D numpy of requested property (e.g. porosity) all

  • dzprop – 3D numpy of dz values (for weighting) NB zero for undef cells

  • truncate_le (float) – Optional. Truncate value (mask) if value is less

  • zoneprop – 3D numpy to a zone property

  • zone_minmax – a tuple with from-to zones to combine (e.g. (1,3))


Nothing explicit, but updates the surface object.


Coarsen a surface with a factor.

Range for coarsening is 2 to 10, where e.g. 2 meaning half the number of columns and rows.

Note that there may be some ‘loss’ of nodes at the edges of the updated map, as only the ‘inside’ nodes in the updated map versus the input map are applied.


factor (int) – Coarsen factor (2 .. 10)


ValueError – Coarsen is too large, giving too few nodes in result

compare_topology(other, strict=True)[source]

Check that two object has the same topology, i.e. map definitions.

Map definitions such as origin, dimensions, number of defined cells…

  • other (surface object) – The other surface to compare with

  • strict (bool) – If false, the masks are not compared


True of same topology, False if not


Deep copy of a RegularSurface object to another instance.


>>> mymap = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> mymapcopy = mymap.copy()

Deprecated; see method get_dataframe().


Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

property dimensions

The surface dimensions as a tuple of 2 integers (read only).



distance_from_point(point=(0, 0), azimuth=0.0)[source]

Make map values as horizontal distance from a point with azimuth direction.

  • point (tuple) – Point to measure from

  • azimuth (float) – Angle from North (clockwise) in degrees

div_inside(poly, value)[source]

Divide a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

div_outside(poly, value)[source]

Divide a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.


Divide current map with another map.

property dtype

Getting the dtype of the values (np.array); float64 or float32


Eliminate current map values inside polygons.


Eliminate current map values outside polygons.

property filesrc

Gives the name of the file source (if any).


Fast infilling of undefined values.

Note that minimum and maximum values will not change.

Algorithm if fill_value is not set is based on a nearest node extrapolation. Technically, scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt is applied. If fill_value is set by a scalar, that (constant) value be be applied


fill_value (float) – If defined, fills all undefined cells with that value.


RegularSurface instance is updated in-place

New in version 2.1.

Changed in version 2.6: Added option key fill_value

from_cube(cube, zlevel)[source]

Make a constant surface from a Cube, at a given time/depth level.

The surface instance will have exactly the same origins and increments as the cube.

  • cube (Cube) – XTGeo Cube instance

  • zlevel (float) – Depth or Time (or whatever) value of the surface


Object instance updated


Here the from_roxar method is used to initiate the object directly:

>>> import xtgeo
>>> mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> mymap = xtgeo.RegularSurface()
>>> mymap.from_cube(mycube, 2700)

Deprecated since version 2.15: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.surface.surface_from_cube() instead

from_file(mfile, fformat=None, values=True, **kwargs)[source]

Import surface (regular map) from file.

Note that the fformat=None or guess option will guess format by looking at the file or stream signature or file extension. For the signature, the first bytes are scanned for ‘patterns’. If that does not work (and input is not a memory stream), it will try to use file extension where e.g. “gri” will assume irap_binary and “fgr” assume Irap Ascii. If file extension is missing, Irap binary is assumed.

The ijxyz format is the typical seismic format, on the form (ILINE, XLINE, X, Y, VALUE) as a table of points. Map values are estimated from the given values, or by using an existing map or cube as template, and match by ILINE/XLINE numbering.

BytesIO input is supported for Irap binary, Irap Ascii, ZMAP ascii.

  • mfile (Union[str, Path, BytesIO]) – File-like or memory stream instance.

  • fformat (Optional[str]) – File format, None/guess/irap_binary/irap_ascii/ijxyz is currently supported. If None or guess, the file ‘signature’ is used to guess format first, then file extension.

  • values (Optional[bool]) – If True (default), then full array is read, if False only metadata will be read. Valid for Irap binary only. This allows lazy loading in e.g. ensembles.

  • kwargs – some readers allow additonal options:

  • template – Only valid if ijxyz format, where an existing Cube or RegularSurface instance is applied to get correct topology.

  • engine – Default is “cxtgeo” which use a C backend. Optionally a pure python “python” reader will be used, which in general is slower but may be safer when reading memory streams and/or threading. Keyword engine is only relevant for Irap binary, Irap ascii and zmap.


Object instance.


Here the from_file method is used to initiate the object directly:

>>> surf = RegularSurface().from_file(surface_dir + "/topreek_rota.gri")

Changed in version 2.1: Key “values” for Irap binary maps added

Changed in version 2.2: Input io.BytesIO instance instead of file is now possible

Changed in version 2.13: ZMAP + import is added, and io.BytesIO input is extended to more formats

Deprecated since version 2.15: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.surface_from_file() instead

from_grid3d(grid, template=None, where='top', mode='depth', rfactor=1)[source]

Extract a surface from a 3D grid.

  • grid (Grid) – XTGeo Grid instance

  • template (RegularSurface) – Optional to use an existing surface as template for geometry

  • where (str) – “top”, “base” or use the syntax “2_top” where 2 is layer no. 2 and _top indicates top of cell, while “_base” indicates base of cell

  • mode (str) – “depth”, “i” or “j”

  • rfactor (float) – Determines how fine the extracted map is; higher values for finer map (but computing time will increase). Will only apply if template is None.


Object instance is updated in-place When mode=”depth”, two RegularSurface: icols and jrows are also returned.


>>> import xtgeo
>>> mymap = RegularSurface()
>>> mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> # return two additonal maps
>>> ic, jr = mymap.from_grid3d(mygrid)

New in version 2.1.

Deprecated since version 2.15: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.surface_from_grid3d() instead

from_hdf(mfile, values=True)[source]

Import/load a surface (map) with metadata from a HDF5 file.


This implementation is currently experimental and only recommended for testing.

The file extension shall be ‘.hdf’.

  • mfile (Union[str, Path, BytesIO]) – File name or Path object or memory stream

  • values (Optional[bool]) – If False, only metadatadata are read


RegularSurface() instance


>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> filepath = surf.to_hdf(outdir + "/topreek_rota.hdf")
>>> mysurf = xtgeo.RegularSurface().from_hdf(filepath)

New in version 2.14.

Deprecated since version 2.15: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.surface_from_file() instead

from_roxar(project, name, category, stype='horizons', realisation=0)[source]

Load a surface from a Roxar RMS project.

The import from the RMS project can be done either within the project or outside the project.

Note that a shortform to:

import xtgeo
mysurf = xtgeo.surface.RegularSurface()
mysurf.from_roxar(project, 'TopAare', 'DepthSurface')


import xtgeo
mysurf = xtgeo.surface_from_roxar(project, 'TopAare', 'DepthSurface')

Note also that horizon/zone name and category must exists in advance, otherwise an Exception will be raised.

  • project (str or special) – Name of project (as folder) if outside RMS, og just use the magic project word if within RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of surface/map

  • category (str) – For horizons/zones or clipboard/general2d_data: for example ‘DS_extracted’

  • stype (str) – RMS folder type, ‘horizons’ (default), ‘zones’, ‘clipboard’ or ‘general2d_data’

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number, default is 0


Object instance updated


ValueError – Various types of invalid inputs.


Here the from_roxar method is used to initiate the object directly:

mymap = RegularSurface()
mymap.from_roxar(project, 'TopAare', 'DepthSurface')

Deprecated since version 2.15: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.surface_from_roxar() instead


Return a unique hash ID for current instance.

See generic_hash() for documentation.

New in version 2.14.

get_boundary_polygons(alpha_factor=1.0, convex=False, simplify=True)[source]

Extract boundary polygons from the surface.

A regular surface may often contain areas of undefined (masked) entries which makes the surface appear ‘ragged’ and/or ‘patchy’.

This method extracts boundaries around the surface patches, and the precision depends on the keyword settings. As default, the alpha_factor of 1 makes a precise boundary, while a larger alpha_factor makes more rough polygons.


  • alpha_factor (Optional[float]) – An alpha multiplier, where lowest allowed value is 1.0. A higher number will produce smoother and less accurate polygons. Not applied if convex is set to True.

  • convex (Optional[bool]) – The default is False, which means that a “concave hull” algorithm is used. If convex is True, the alpha factor is overridden to a large number, producing a ‘convex’ shape boundary instead.

  • simplify (Optional[bool]) – If True, a simplification is done in order to reduce the number of points in the polygons, where tolerance is 0.1. Another alternative to True is to input a Dict on the form {"tolerance": 2.0, "preserve_topology": True}, cf. the Polygons.simplify() method. For details on e.g. tolerance, see Shapely’s simplify() method.


A XTGeo Polygons instance


surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file("mytop.gri")
# eliminate all values below a depth, e.g. a fluid contact
surf.values = np.ma.masked_greater(surf.values, 2100.0)
boundary = surf.get_boundary_polygons()
# the boundary may contain several smaller polygons; keep only the
# largest (first) polygon which is number 0:
boundary.filter_byid([0])  # polygon is updated in-place

See also

The Polygons.boundary_from_points() class method.

New in version 3.1.

get_dataframe(ijcolumns=False, ij=False, order='C', activeonly=True, fill_value=nan)[source]

Return a Pandas dataframe object, with columns X_UTME, Y_UTMN, VALUES.

  • ijcolumns (bool) – If True, and IX and JY indices will be added as dataframe columns. Redundant, use “ij” instead.

  • ij (bool) – Same as ijcolumns. If True, and IX and JY indices will be added as dataframe columns. Preferred syntax

  • order (str) – ‘C’ (default) for C order (row fastest), or ‘F’ for Fortran order (column fastest)

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, only active nodes are listed. If False, the values will have fill_value default None = NaN as values

  • fill_value (float) – Value of inactive nodes if activeonly is False


>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> dfr = surf.get_dataframe()
>>> dfr.to_csv('somecsv.csv')

A Pandas dataframe object.

get_fence(xyfence, sampling='bilinear')[source]

Sample the surface along X and Y positions (numpy arrays) and get Z.

Changed in version 2.14: Added keyword option sampling

Returns a masked numpy 2D array similar as input, but with updated Z values, which are masked if undefined.

  • xyfence (ndarray) – A 2D numpy array with shape (N, 3) where columns are (X, Y, Z). The Z will be updated to the map.

  • sampling (Optional[str]) – Use “bilinear” (default) for interpolation or “nearest” for snapping to nearest node.

Return type:


get_ij_values(zero_based=False, asmasked=False, order='C')[source]

Return I J numpy 2D arrays, optionally as masked arrays.

  • zero_based (bool) – If False, first number is 1, not 0

  • asmasked (bool) – If True, UNDEF map nodes are skipped

  • order (str) – ‘C’ (default) or ‘F’ order (row vs column major)

get_ij_values1d(zero_based=False, activeonly=True, order='C')[source]

Return I J numpy as 1D arrays.

  • zero_based (bool) – If False, first number is 1, not 0

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, UNDEF map nodes are skipped

  • order (str) – ‘C’ (default) or ‘F’ order (row vs column major)


Get the X and Y coordinates of the map corners.

Returns a tuple on the form ((x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)) where (if unrotated and normal flip) 0 is the lower left corner, 1 is the right, 2 is the upper left, 3 is the upper right.


Same as ncol (nx) (for backward compatibility).


Same as nrow (ny) (for backward compatibility).

get_randomline(fencespec, hincrement=None, atleast=5, nextend=2, sampling='bilinear')[source]

Extract a line along a fencespec.

New in version 2.1.

Changed in version 2.14: Added keyword option sampling

Here, horizontal axis is “length” and vertical axis is sampled depth, and this is used for fence plots.

The input fencespec is either a 2D numpy where each row is X, Y, Z, HLEN, where X, Y are UTM coordinates, Z is depth/time, and HLEN is a length along the fence, or a Polygons instance.

If input fencspec is a numpy 2D, it is important that the HLEN array has a constant increment and ideally a sampling that is less than the map resolution. If a Polygons() instance, this is automated if hincrement is None, and ignored if hincrement is False.

Returns a ndarray with shape (:, 2).

  • fencespec (Union[ndarray, object]) – 2D numpy with X, Y, Z, HLEN as rows or a xtgeo Polygons() object.

  • hincrement (Union[bool, float, None]) – Resampling horizontally. This applies only if the fencespec is a Polygons() instance. If None (default), the distance will be deduced automatically. If False, then it assumes the Polygons can be used as-is.

  • atleast (Optional[int]) – Minimum number of horizontal samples (only if fencespec is a Polygons instance and hincrement != False)

  • nextend (Optional[int]) – Extend with nextend * hincrement in both ends (only if fencespec is a Polygons instance and hincrement != False)

  • sampling (Optional[str]) – Use “bilinear” (default) for interpolation or “nearest” for snapping to nearest node.

Return type:



fence = xtgeo.polygons_from_file("somefile.pol")
fspec = fence.get_fence(distance=20, nextend=5, asnumpy=True)
surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file("somefile.gri")

arr = surf.get_randomline(fspec)

distance = arr[:, 0]
zval = arr[:, 1]
# matplotlib...
plt.plot(distance, zval)

See also

Class Polygons

The method get_fence() which can be used to pregenerate fencespec


Returns the surface roation, in degrees, from X, anti-clock.

get_value_from_xy(point=(0.0, 0.0), sampling='bilinear')[source]

Return the map value given a X Y point.

  • point (float tuple) – Position of X and Y coordinate

  • sampling (str) – Sampling method, either “bilinear” for bilinear interpolation, or “nearest” for nearest node sampling (e.g. facies maps)


The map value (interpolated). None if XY is outside defined map


mvalue = map.get_value_from_xy(point=(539291.12, 6788228.2))

Changed in version 2.14: Added keyword option sampling

get_values1d(order='C', asmasked=False, fill_value=1e+33, activeonly=False)[source]

Get a 1D numpy or masked array of the map values.

  • order (str) – Flatteting is in C (default) or F order

  • asmasked (bool) – If true, return as MaskedArray, other as standard numpy ndarray with undef as np.nan or fill_value

  • fill_value (str) – Relevent only if asmasked is False, this will be the value of undef entries

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, only active cells. Keys ‘asmasked’ and ‘fill_value’ are not revelant.


A numpy 1D array or MaskedArray


Same as property xinc (for backward compatibility).


Same as property xori (for backward compatibility).

get_xy_value_from_ij(iloc, jloc, zvalues=None)[source]

Returns x, y, z(value) from a single i j location.

  • iloc (int) – I (col) location (base is 1)

  • jloc (int) – J (row) location (base is 1)

  • zvalues (ndarray) – to precompute the numpy surface once in the caller, and submit the numpy array (use surf.get_values1d()).


The x, y, z values at location iloc, jloc

get_xy_value_lists(lformat='webportal', xyfmt=None, valuefmt=None)[source]

Returns two lists for coordinates (x, y) and values.

For lformat = ‘webportal’ (default):

The lists are returned as xylist and valuelist, where xylist is on the format:

[(x1, y1), (x2, y2) …] (a list of x, y tuples)

and valuelist is one the format

[v1, v2, …]

Inactive cells will be ignored.

  • lformat (string) – List return format (‘webportal’ is default, other options later)

  • xyfmt (string) – The formatter for xy numbers, e.g. ‘12.2f’ (default None). Note no checks on valid input.

  • valuefmt (string) – The formatter for values e.g. ‘8.4f’ (default None). Note no checks on valid input.


xylist, valuelist


>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> xylist, valuelist = surf.get_xy_value_lists(valuefmt='6.2f')
get_xy_values(order='C', asmasked=True)[source]

Return coordinates for X and Y as numpy (masked) 2D arrays.

  • order (str) – ‘C’ (default) or ‘F’ order (row major vs column major)

  • asmasked (bool) – If True , inactive nodes are masked.

get_xy_values1d(order='C', activeonly=True)[source]

Return coordinates for X and Y as numpy 1D arrays.

  • order (str) – ‘C’ (default) or ‘F’ order (row major vs column major)

  • activeonly (bool) – Only active cells are returned.


Return coordinates for X Y and Z (values) as numpy (masked) 2D arrays.

get_xyz_values1d(order='C', activeonly=True, fill_value=nan)[source]

Return coordinates for X Y and Z (values) as numpy 1D arrays.

  • order (str) – ‘C’ (default) or ‘F’ order (row major vs column major)

  • activeonly (bool) – Only active cells are returned.

  • fill_value (float) – If activeonly is False, value of inactive nodes


Same as property yinc (for backward compatibility).


Same as property yori (for backward compatibility).

gridding(points, method='linear', coarsen=1)[source]

Grid a surface from points.

  • points (Points) – XTGeo Points instance.

  • method (str) – Gridding method option: linear / cubic / nearest

  • coarsen (int) – Coarsen factor, to speed up gridding, but will give poorer result.


>>> import xtgeo
>>> mypoints = xtgeo.Points(points_dir + '/pointset2.poi')
>>> mysurf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')

>>> # update the surface by gridding the points
>>> mysurf.gridding(mypoints)
  • RuntimeError – If not possible to grid for some reason

  • ValueError – If invalid input

hc_thickness_from_3dprops(xprop=None, yprop=None, hcpfzprop=None, zoneprop=None, zone_minmax=None, dzprop=None, zone_avg=False, coarsen=1, mask_outside=False)[source]

Make a thickness weighted HC thickness map.

Make a HC thickness map based on numpy arrays of properties from a 3D grid. The numpy arrays here shall be ndarray, not masked numpies (MaskedArray).

Note that the input hcpfzprop is hydrocarbon fraction multiplied with thickness, which can be achieved by e.g.: cpfz = dz*poro*ntg*shc or by hcpfz = dz*hcpv/vbulk

  • xprop (ndarray) – 3D numpy array of X coordinates

  • yprop (ndarray) – 3D numpy array of Y coordinates

  • hcpfzprop (ndarray) – 3D numpy array of HC fraction multiplied with DZ per cell.

  • zoneprop (ndarray) – 3D numpy array indicating zonation property, where 1 is the lowest (0 values can be used to exclude parts of the grid)

  • dzprop (ndarray) – 3D numpy array holding DZ thickness. Will be applied in weighting if zone_avg is active.

  • zone_minmax (tuple) – (optional) 2 element list indicating start and stop zonation (both start and end spec are included)

  • zone_avg (bool) – A zone averaging is done prior to map gridding. This may speed up the process a lot, but result will be less precise. Default is False.

  • coarsen (int) – Select every N’th X Y point in the gridding. Will speed up process, but less precise result. Default=1

  • mask_outside (bool) – Will mask the result map undef where sum of DZ is zero. Default is False as it costs some extra CPU.


True if operation went OK (but check result!), False if not

property ilines

The inlines numbering vector (read only).


Import surface values in cases where metadata only is loaded.

Currently, only Irap binary format is supported.


surfs = []
for i in range(1000):
    surfs.append(xtgeo.surface_from_file(f"myfile{i}.gri", values=False))

# load values in number 88:

New in version 2.1.

property metadata

Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.

classmethod methods()[source]

Returns the names of the methods in the class.

>>> print(RegularSurface.methods())
METHODS for RegularSurface():
mul_inside(poly, value)[source]

Multiply a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

mul_outside(poly, value)[source]

Multiply a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.


Multiply another map and current map.

property nactive

Number of active map nodes (read only).

property name

A free form name for the surface, to be used in display etc.

property ncol

The NCOL (NX or N-Idir) number, as property (read only).

property npvalues1d

(Read only) Map values, as 1D numpy (not masked), undef as np.nan.

In most cases this will be a copy of the values.


>>> import xtgeo
>>> map = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> values = map.npvalues1d
>>> mean = np.nanmean(values)
>>> values[values <= 0] = np.nan
>>> print(values)
[nan nan ... nan]
property nrow

The NROW (NY or N-Jdir) number, as property (read only).

operation(opname, value)[source]

Do operation on map values.

Do operations on the current map values. Valid operations are:

  • ‘elilt’ or ‘eliminatelessthan’: Eliminate less than <value>

  • ‘elile’ or ‘eliminatelessequal’: Eliminate less or equal than <value>

  • opname (str) – Name of operation. See list above.

  • value – A scalar number (float) or a tuple of two floats, dependent on operation opname.


surf.operation('elilt', 200)  # set all values < 200 as undef
operation_polygons(poly, value, opname='add', inside=True, _version=2)[source]

A generic function for map operations inside or outside polygon(s).

  • poly (Polygons) – A XTGeo Polygons instance

  • value (float or RegularSurface) – Value to add, subtract etc

  • opname (str) – Name of operation… ‘add’, ‘sub’, etc

  • inside (bool) – If True do operation inside polygons; else outside.

  • _version (int) – Algorithm version, 2 will be much faster when many points on polygons (this key will be removed in later versions and shall not be applied)

quickplot(filename=None, title='QuickPlot for Surfaces', subtitle=None, infotext=None, minmax=(None, None), xlabelrotation=None, colormap='rainbow', colortable=None, faults=None, logarithmic=False)[source]

Fast surface plot of maps using matplotlib.

  • filename (str) – Name of plot file; None will plot to screen.

  • title (str) – Title of plot

  • subtitle (str) – Subtitle of plot

  • infotext (str) – Additonal info on plot.

  • minmax (tuple) – Tuple of min and max values to be plotted. Note that values outside range will be set equal to range limits

  • xlabelrotation (float) – Rotation in degrees of X labels.

  • colormap (str) – Name of matplotlib or RMS file or XTGeo colormap. Default is matplotlib’s ‘rainbow’

  • colortable (str) – Deprecated, for backward compatibility! used colormap instead.

  • faults (dict) – If fault plot is wanted, a dictionary on the form => {‘faults’: XTGeo Polygons object, ‘color’: ‘k’}

  • logarithmic (bool) – If True, a logarithmic contouring color scale will be used.


Refine a surface with a factor.

Range for factor is 2 to 10.

Note that there may be some ‘loss’ of nodes at the edges of the updated map, as only the ‘inside’ nodes in the updated map versus the input map are applied.


factor (int) – Refinement factor

resample(other, mask=True, sampling='bilinear')[source]

Resample an instance surface values from another surface instance.

Note that there may be some ‘loss’ of nodes at the edges of the updated map, as only the ‘inside’ nodes in the updated map versus the input map are applied.

The interpolation algorithm in resample is bilinear interpolation. The topolopogy of the surface (map definitions, rotation, …) will not change, only the map values. Areas with undefined nodes in other will become undefined in the instance if mask is True; othewise they will be kept as is.

  • other (RegularSurface) – Surface to resample from.

  • mask (bool) – If True (default) nodes outside will be made undefined, if False then values will be kept as original

  • sampling (str) – Either ‘bilinear’ interpolation (default) or, ‘nearest’ for nearest node. The latter can be useful for resampling discrete maps.


# map with 230x210 columns, rotation 20
surf1 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("some1.gri")
# map with 270x190 columns, rotation 0
surf2 = xtgeo.surface_from_file("some2.gri")
# will sample (interpolate) surf2's values to surf1

Instance’s surface values will be updated in-place.

Changed in version 2.9: Added mask keyword, default is True for backward compatibility.

Changed in version 2.21: Added sampling keyword option.

property rotation

The rotation, anticlock from X axis, in degrees [0..360>.

set_inside(poly, value)[source]

Set a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

set_outside(poly, value)[source]

Set a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.

set_values1d(val, order='C')[source]

Update the values attribute based on a 1D input, multiple options.

If values are np.nan or values are > UNDEF_LIMIT, they will be masked.

  • val (list-like) – Set values as a 1D array

  • order (str) – Input is C (default) or F order


Report the degree of similarity between two maps, by comparing mean.

The method computes the average per surface, and the similarity is difference in mean divided on mean of self. I.e. values close to 0.0 mean small difference.


other (surface object) – The other surface to compare with

slice_cube(cube, zsurf=None, sampling='nearest', mask=True, snapxy=False, deadtraces=True, algorithm=2)[source]

Slice the cube and update the instance surface to sampled cube values.

  • cube (object) – Instance of a Cube()

  • zsurf (surface object) – Instance of a depth (or time) map, which is the depth or time map (or…) that is used a slicer. If None, then the surface instance itself is used a slice criteria. Note that zsurf must have same map defs as the surface instance.

  • sampling (str) – ‘nearest’ for nearest node (default), or ‘trilinear’ for trilinear interpolation.

  • mask (bool) – If True (default), then the map values outside the cube will be undef. Otherwise, map will be kept as is.

  • snapxy (bool) – If True (optional), then the map values will get values at nearest Cube XY location. Only relevant to use if surface is derived from seismic coordinates (e.g. Auto4D).

  • deadtraces (bool) – If True (default) then dead cube traces (given as value 2 in SEGY trace headers), are treated as undefined, and map will become undefined at dead trace location.

  • algorithm (int) – 1 for legacy method, 2 (default from 2.9) for new method available in xtgeo from version 2.9


>>> import xtgeo
>>> cube = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> # update surf to sample cube values:
>>> surf.slice_cube(cube)
  • Exception if maps have different definitions (topology)

  • RuntimeWarning if number of sampled nodes is less than 10%

Changed in version 2.9: Added algorithm keyword, default is 2

slice_cube_window(cube, zsurf=None, other=None, other_position='below', sampling='nearest', mask=True, zrange=None, ndiv=None, attribute='max', maskthreshold=0.1, snapxy=False, showprogress=False, deadtraces=True, algorithm=2)[source]

Slice the cube within a vertical window and get the statistical attrubutes.

The statistical attributes can be min, max etc. Attributes are:

  • ‘max’ for maximum

  • ‘min’ for minimum

  • ‘rms’ for root mean square

  • ‘mean’ for expected value

  • ‘var’ for variance (population var; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variance)

  • ‘maxpos’ for maximum of positive values

  • ‘maxneg’ for negative maximum of negative values

  • ‘maxabs’ for maximum of absolute values

  • ‘sumpos’ for sum of positive values using cube sampling resolution

  • ‘sumneg’ for sum of negative values using cube sampling resolution

  • ‘meanabs’ for mean of absolute values

  • ‘meanpos’ for mean of positive values

  • ‘meanneg’ for mean of negative values

Note that ‘all’ can be used to select all attributes that are currently available.

  • cube – Instance of a Cube() here

  • zsurf – Instance of a depth (or time) map, which is the depth or time map (or…) that is used a slicer. If None, then the surface instance itself is used a slice criteria. Note that zsurf must have same map defs as the surface instance.

  • other – Instance of other surface if window is between surfaces instead of a static window. The zrange input is then not applied.

  • sampling – ‘nearest’/’trilinear’/’cube’ for nearest node (default), or ‘trilinear’ for trilinear interpolation. The ‘cube’ option is only available with algorithm = 2 and will overrule ndiv and sample at the cube’s Z increment resolution.

  • mask – If True (default), then the map values outside the cube will be undef, otherwise map will be kept as-is

  • zrange – The one-sided “radius” range of the window, e.g. 10 (10 is default) units (e.g. meters if in depth mode). The full window is +- zrange (i.e. diameter). If other surface is present, zrange is computed based on those two surfaces instead.

  • ndiv – Number of intervals for sampling within zrange. None means ‘auto’ sampling, using 0.5 of cube Z increment as basis. If algorithm = 2/3 and sampling is ‘cube’, the cube Z increment will be used.

  • attribute – The requested attribute(s), e.g. ‘max’ value. May also be a list of attributes, e.g. [‘min’, ‘rms’, ‘max’]. By such, a dict of surface objects is returned. Note ‘all’ will make a list of all possible attributes.

  • maskthreshold (float) – Only if two surface; if isochore is less than given value, the result will be masked.

  • snapxy – If True (optional), then the map values will get values at nearest Cube XY location, and the resulting surfaces layout map will be defined by the seismic layout. Quite relevant to use if surface is derived from seismic coordinates (e.g. Auto4D), but can be useful in other cases also, as long as one notes that map definition may change from input.

  • showprogress – If True, then a progress is printed to stdout.

  • deadtraces – If True (default) then dead cube traces (given as value 2 in SEGY trace headers), are treated as undefined, and map will be undefined at dead trace location.

  • algorithm – 1 for legacy method, 2 (default) for new faster and more precise method available from xtgeo version 2.9, and algorithm 3 as new implementation from Sept. 2023 (v3.4)


>>> import xtgeo
>>> cube = xtgeo.Cube(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> # update surf to sample cube values in a total range of 30 m:
>>> surf.slice_cube_window(cube, attribute='min', zrange=15.0)

>>> # Here a list is given instead:
>>> alst = ['min', 'max', 'rms']

>>> myattrs = surf.slice_cube_window(cube, attribute=alst, zrange=15.0)
>>> for attr in myattrs.keys():
...     _ = myattrs[attr].to_file(
...         outdir + '/myfile_' + attr + '.gri'
...     )
  • Exception if maps have different definitions (topology)

  • ValueError if attribute is invalid.


If attribute is a string, then the instance is updated and None is returned. If attribute is a list, then a dictionary of surface objects is returned.

Changed in version 2.9: Added algorithm keyword, default is now 2, while 1 is the legacy version

Changed in version 3.4: Added algorithm 3 which is more robust and hence recommended!

slice_grid3d(grid, prop, zsurf=None, sbuffer=1)[source]

Slice the grid property and update the instance surface to sampled values.

  • grid (Grid) – Instance of a Grid.

  • prop (GridProperty) – Instance of a GridProperty, belongs to grid

  • zsurf (surface object) – Instance of map, which is used a slicer. If None, then the surface instance itself is used a slice criteria. Note that zsurf must have same map defs as the surface instance.

  • sbuffer (int) – Default is 1; if “holes” after sampling extend this to e.g. 3


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + '/REEK.EGRID')
>>> prop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(
...     reek_dir + '/REEK.UNRST',
...     name='PRESSURE',
...     date="first",
...     grid=grd,
... )
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> # update surf to sample the 3D grid property:
>>> surf.slice_grid3d(grd, prop)

Exception if maps have different definitions (topology)

smooth(method='median', iterations=1, width=1)[source]

Various smoothing methods for surfaces.

  • method (Literal['median', 'gaussian']) – Smoothing method (median or gaussian)

  • iterations (int) – Number of iterations

  • width (float) –

    • If method is ‘median’ range of influence is in nodes.

    • If method is ‘gaussian’ range of influence is standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel.

Return type:


New in version 2.1.

sub_inside(poly, value)[source]

Subtract a value (scalar or other map) inside polygons.

sub_outside(poly, value)[source]

Subtract a value (scalar or other map) outside polygons.


Subtract another map from current map.


Swap (flip) the axes columns vs rows, keep origin but reverse yflip.

to_file(mfile, fformat='irap_binary', pmd_dataunits=(15, 10), engine='cxtgeo')[source]

Export a surface (map) to file.

Note, for zmap_ascii and storm_binary an unrotation will be done automatically. The sampling will be somewhat finer than the original map in order to prevent aliasing. See unrotate().

  • mfile (Union[str, Path, BytesIO]) – Name of file, Path instance or IOBytestream instance. An alias can be e.g. “%md5sum%” or “%fmu-v1%” with string or Path() input.

  • fformat (Optional[str]) – File format, irap_binary/irap_ascii/zmap_ascii/ storm_binary/ijxyz/petromod/xtg*. Default is irap_binary.

  • pmd_dataunits (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]) – A tuple of length 2 for petromod format, spesifying metadata for units (DataUnitDistance, DataUnitZ).

  • engine (Optional[str]) – Default is “cxtgeo” which use a C backend. Optionally a pure python “python” reader will be used, which in general is slower but may be safer when reading memory streams and/or threading. Engine is relevant for Irap binary, Irap ascii and zmap. This is mainly a developer setting.


The actual file instance, or None if io.Bytestream

Return type:

ofile (pathlib.Path)


>>> # read and write to ordinary file
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(
...     surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.fgr',
...     fformat = 'irap_ascii'
... )
>>> surf.values = surf.values + 300
>>> filename = surf.to_file(
...     outdir + '/topreek_rota300.fgr',
...     fformat = 'irap_ascii'
... )

>>> # writing to io.BytesIO:
>>> stream = io.BytesIO()
>>> surf.to_file(stream, fformat="irap_binary")

>>> # read from memory stream:
>>> _ = stream.seek(0)
>>> newsurf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(stream, fformat = 'irap_binary')

Changed in version 2.5: Added support for BytesIO

Changed in version 2.13: Improved support for BytesIO

Changed in version 2.14: Support for alias file name and return value

to_hdf(mfile, compression='lzf')[source]

Export a surface (map) with metadata to a HDF5 file.


This implementation is currently experimental and only recommended for testing.

The file extension shall be ‘.hdf’

  • mfile (Union[str, Path, BytesIO]) – Name of file, Path instance or BytesIO instance. An alias can be e.g. $md5sum.hdf, $fmu-v1.hdf with string or Path() input.

  • compression (Optional[str]) – Compression method, None, lzf (default), blosc


The actual file instance, or None if io.Bytestream

Return type:



>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> filepath = surf.to_hdf(outdir + "/topreek_rota.hdf")

New in version 2.14.

to_roxar(project, name, category, stype='horizons', realisation=0)[source]

Store (export) a regular surface to a Roxar RMS project.

The export to the RMS project can be done either within the project or outside the project. The storing is done to the Horizons or the Zones folder in RMS.


The horizon or zone name and category must exists in advance, otherwise an Exception will be raised.

When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then to_roxar() will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action.

  • project (str or special) – Name of project (as folder) if outside RMS, og just use the magic project word if within RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of surface/map

  • category (str) – Required for horizons/zones: e.g. ‘DS_extracted’. For clipboard/general2d_data is reperesent the folder(s), where “” or None means no folder, while e.g. “myfolder/subfolder” means that folders myfolder/subfolder will be created if not already present. For stype = ‘trends’, the category will not be applied

  • stype (str) – RMS folder type, ‘horizons’ (default), ‘zones’, ‘clipboard’ ‘general2d_data’, ‘trends’

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number, default is 0


ValueError – If name or category does not exist in the project


Here the from_roxar method is used to initiate the object directly:

import xtgeo
topupperreek = xtgeo.surface_from_roxar(project, 'TopUpperReek',
topupperreek.values += 200

# export to file:

# store in project
topupperreek.to_roxar(project, 'TopUpperReek', 'DS_something')


When dealing with surfaces to and from ``stype="trends"``, the surface must
exist in advance, i.e. the Roxar API do not allow creating new surfaces.
Actually trends are read only, but a workaround using ``load()`` in Roxar
API makes it possible to overwrite existing surface trends. In addition,
``realisation`` is not applied in trends.

New in version 2.1: clipboard support

New in version 2.19: general2d_data and trends support

translate_coordinates(translate=(0, 0, 0))[source]

Translate a map in X Y VALUE space.


translate (tuple) – Translate (shift) distance in X Y Z


>>> import xtgeo
>>> mysurf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + '/topreek_rota.gri')
>>> print(mysurf.xori, mysurf.yori)
468895.125 5932889.5
>>> mysurf.translate_coordinates((300,500,0))
>>> print(mysurf.xori, mysurf.yori)
469195.125 5933389.5
property undef

Returns the undef map value (read only).

property undef_limit

Returns the undef_limit map value (read only).


Unrotete a map instance, and this will also change nrow, ncol, xinc, etc.

The default sampling (factor=2) makes a finer grid in order to avoid artifacts, and this default can be used in most cases.

If an even finer grid is wanted, increase the factor. Theoretically the new increment for factor=N is between \(\\frac{1}{N}\) and \(\\frac{1}{N}\\sqrt{2}\) of the original increment, dependent on the rotation of the original surface.

If the current instance already is unrotated, nothing is done.


factor (int) – Refinement factor (>= 1)

property values

The map values, as 2D masked numpy (float64/32), shape (ncol, nrow).

When setting values as a scalar, the current mask will be preserved.

When setting values, list-like input (lists, tuples) is also accepted, as long as the length is correct and the entries are number-like.

In order to specify undefined values, you can specify the undef attribute in the list, or use float("nan").


# list like input where nrow=3 and ncol=5 (15 entries)
newvalues = list(range(15))
newvalues[2] = srf.undef
srf.values = newvalues  # here, entry 2 will be undefined
property values1d

(Read only) Map values, as 1D numpy masked, normally a numpy view(?).


map = xtgeo.surface_from_file('myfile.gri')
property xinc

The X increment (or I dir increment).

property xlines

The xlines numbering vector (read only).

property xmax

The maximum X coordinate (read only).

property xmin

The minimim X coordinate (read only).

property xori

The X coordinate origin of the map.

property yflip

The Y flip (handedness) indicator 1, or -1 (read only).

The value 1 (default) means a left-handed system if depth values are positive downwards. Assume -1 is rare, but may happen when surface is derived from seismic cube.

property yinc

The Y increment (or I dir increment).

property ymax

The maximum Y xoordinate (read only).

property ymin

The minimim Y coordinate (read only).

property yori

The Y coordinate origin of the map.



class xtgeo.Surfaces(surfaces=None, subtype=None, order=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class for a collection of Surface objects, for operations that involves a number of surfaces, such as statistical numbers.

A collection of surfaces can be different things:

  • A list if surfaces in stratigraphic order

  • A collection of different realisations of the same surface

  • A collection of isochores

  • input (list, optional) – A list of XTGeo objects and/or file names)

  • subtype (str) – “tops”, “isochores”, or None (default)

  • order (str) – Assummed order: “same”, “stratigraphic”, None(default)

See also

Class RegularSurface class.

New in version 2.1.

Public Data Attributes:


Get or set a list of individual surfaces

Public Methods:


Append surfaces from either a list of RegularSurface objects, a list of files, or a mix.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout


Copy a Surfaces instance to a new unique instance (a deep copy).


Get a RegularSurface() instance by name, or return None if name not found

from_grid3d(grid[, subgrids, rfactor])

Derive surfaces from a 3D grid

apply(func, *args, **kwargs)

Apply a function to the Surfaces array.


Return statistical measures from the surfaces.

__init__(surfaces=None, subtype=None, order=None)[source]

Append surfaces from either a list of RegularSurface objects, a list of files, or a mix.

apply(func, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Apply a function to the Surfaces array.

The return value of the function (numpy nan comptatible) will be a numpy array of the same shape as the first surface.

E.g. surfs.apply(np.nanmean, axis=0) will return the mean surface.

  • func – Function to apply, e.g. np.nanmean

  • args – The function arguments

  • kwargs – The function keyword arguments


ValueError – If surfaces differ in topology.


Copy a Surfaces instance to a new unique instance (a deep copy).


Describe an instance by printing to stdout

from_grid3d(grid, subgrids=True, rfactor=1)[source]

Derive surfaces from a 3D grid

Deprecated since version 2.15: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.surface.surfaces_from_grid() instead


Get a RegularSurface() instance by name, or return None if name not found


Return statistical measures from the surfaces.

The statistics returned is: * mean: the arithmetic mean surface * std: the standard deviation surface (where ddof = 1) * percentiles: on demand (such operations may be slow)

Currently this function expects that the surfaces all have the same shape/topology.


percentiles (list of float) – If defined, a list of perecentiles to evaluate e.g. [10, 50, 90] for p10, p50, p90


A dictionary of statistical measures, see list above

Return type:



ValueError – If surfaces differ in topology.


surfs = Surfaces(mylist)  # mylist is a collection of files
stats = surfs.statistics()
# export the mean surface

Changed in version 2.13: Added percentile

property surfaces

Get or set a list of individual surfaces

Points and Polygons



xtgeo.points_from_file(pfile, fformat='guess')[source]

Make an instance of a Points object directly from file import.

Supported formats are:

  • ‘xyz’ or ‘poi’ or ‘pol’: Simple XYZ format

  • ‘zmap’: ZMAP line format as exported from RMS (e.g. fault lines)

  • ‘rms_attr’: RMS points formats with attributes (extra columns)

  • ‘guess’: Try to choose file format based on extension

  • pfile (str | Path) – Name of file or pathlib object.

  • fformat (Optional[str]) – File format, xyz/pol/… Default is guess where file extension or file signature is parsed to guess the correct format.


import xtgeo
mypoints = xtgeo.points_from_file('somefile.xyz')
xtgeo.points_from_roxar(project, name, category, stype='horizons', realisation=0, attributes=False)[source]

Load a Points instance from Roxar RMS project.

The import from the RMS project can be done either within the project or outside the project.

Note also that horizon/zone/faults name and category must exists in advance, otherwise an Exception will be raised.

  • project – Name of project (as folder) if outside RMS, or just use the magic project word if within RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of points item, or name of well pick set if well picks.

  • category (str) – For horizons/zones/faults: for example ‘DL_depth’ or use a folder notation on clipboard/general2d_data. For well picks it is the well pick type: ‘horizon’ or ‘fault’.

  • stype (str) – RMS folder type, ‘horizons’ (default), ‘zones’, ‘clipboard’, ‘general2d_data’, ‘faults’ or ‘well_picks’

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number, default is 0

  • attributes (bool) – Bool or list with attribute names to collect. If True, all attributes are collected.


# inside RMS:
import xtgeo
mypoints = xtgeo.points_from_roxar(project, 'TopEtive', 'DP_seismic')

New in version 2.19: general2d_data support is added

xtgeo.points_from_surface(regular_surface, zname='Z_TVDSS')[source]

This makes an instance of a Points directly from a RegularSurface object.

Each surface node will be stored as a X Y Z point.

  • regular_surface – XTGeo RegularSurface() instance

  • zname (str) – Name of third column

New in version 2.16: Replaces the from_surface() method.

xtgeo.points_from_wells(wells, tops=True, incl_limit=None, top_prefix='Top', zonelist=None, use_undef=False)[source]

Get tops or zone points data from a list of wells.

  • wells (list[Well]) – List of XTGeo well objects. If a list of well files, the routine will try to load well based on file signature and/or extension, but only default settings are applied. Hence this is less flexible and more fragile.

  • tops (bool) – Get the tops if True (default), otherwise zone.

  • incl_limit (Optional[float]) – Inclination limit for zones (thickness points)

  • top_prefix (str) – Prefix used for Tops.

  • zonelist (Optional[list]) – Which zone numbers to apply, None means all.

  • use_undef (bool) – If True, then transition from UNDEF is also used.


None if empty data, otherwise a Points() instance.


wells = [xtgeo.well_from_file("w1.w"), xtgeo.well_from_file("w2.w")]
points = xtgeo.points_from_wells(wells)


The deprecated method from_wells() returns the number of wells that contribute with points. This is now implemented through the function get_nwells(). Hence the following code:

nwells_applied = poi.from_wells(...)  # deprecated method
# vs
poi = xtgeo.points_from_wells(...)
nwells_applied = poi.get_nwells()

New in version 2.16: Replaces from_wells()

xtgeo.points_from_wells_dfrac(wells, dlogname, dcodes, incl_limit=90, count_limit=3, zonelist=None, zonelogname=None)[source]

Get fraction of discrete code(s) e.g. facies per zone.

  • wells (list[Well]) – List of XTGeo well objects. If a list of file names, the routine will try to load well based on file signature and/or extension, but only default settings are applied. Hence this is less flexible and more fragile.

  • dlogname (str) – Name of discrete log (e.g. Facies)

  • dcodes (list[int]) – Code(s) to get fraction for, e.g. [3]

  • incl_limit (float) – Inclination limit for zones (thickness points)

  • count_limit (int) – Min. no of counts per segment for valid result

  • zonelist (Optional[list]) – Which zone numbers to apply, default None means all.

  • zonelogname (Optional[str]) – If None, the zonelogname property in the well object will be applied. This option is particualr useful if one uses wells directly from files.


None if empty data, otherwise a Points() instance.


wells = [xtgeo.well_from_file("w1.w"), xtgeo.well_from_file("w2.w")]
points = xtgeo.points_from_wells_dfrac(
        wells, dlogname="Facies", dcodes=[4], zonelogname="ZONELOG"


The deprecated method dfrac_from_wells() returns the number of wells that contribute with points. This is now implemented through the method get_nwells(). Hence the following code:

nwells_applied = poi.dfrac_from_wells(...)  # deprecated method
# vs
poi = xtgeo.points_from_wells_dfrac(...)
nwells_applied = poi.get_nwells()

New in version 2.16: Replaces dfrac_from_wells()


class xtgeo.Points(values=None, xname='X_UTME', yname='Y_UTMN', zname='Z_TVDSS', attributes=None, filesrc=None)[source]

Bases: XYZ

Class for a Points data in XTGeo.

The Points class is a subclass of the XYZ abstract class, and the point set itself is a pandas dataframe object.

For points, 3 float columns (X Y Z) are mandatory. In addition it is possible to have addiotional points attribute columns, and such attributes may be integer, strings or floats.

The instance can be made either from file (then as classmethod), from another object or by a spesification, e.g. from file or a surface:

xp1 = xtgeo.points_from_file('somefilename', fformat='xyz')
# or
regsurf = xtgeo.surface_from_file("somefile.gri")
xp2 = xtgeo.points_from_surface(regsurf)

You can also initialise points from list of tuples/lists in Python, where each tuple is a (X, Y, Z) coordinate:

plist = [(234, 556, 12), (235, 559, 14), (255, 577, 12)]
mypoints = Points(values=plist)

The tuples can also contain point attributes which needs spesification via an attributes dictionary:

plist = [
    (234, 556, 12, "Well1", 22),
    (235, 559, 14, "Well2", 44),
    (255, 577, 12, "Well3", 55)]
attrs = {"WellName": "str", "ID", "int"}
mypoints = Points(values=plist, attributes=attrs)

And points can be initialised from a 2D numpy array or an existing dataframe:

>>> mypoints1 = Points(values=[(1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3)])
>>> mypoints2 = Points(
...     values=pd.DataFrame(
...          [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]],
...          columns=["X_UTME", "Y_UTMN", "Z_TVDSS"]
...     )
... )

Similar as for lists, attributes are alse possible for numpy and dataframes.

Default column names in the dataframe:

  • X_UTME: UTM X coordinate as self._xname

  • Y_UTMN: UTM Y coordinate as self._yname

  • Z_TVDSS: Z coordinate, often depth below TVD SS, but may also be something else! Use zname attribute to change name.


Attributes may have undefined entries. Pandas version 0.21 (which is applied for RMS version up to 12.0.x) do not support NaN values for Integers. The solution is store undefined values as large numbers, xtgeo.UNDEF_INT (2000000000) for integers and xtgeo.UNDEF (10e32) for float values. This will change from xtgeo version 3.x where Pandas version 1 and above will be required, which in turn support will pandas.NA entries.

  • values (list | ndarray | DataFrame) – Provide input values on various forms (list-like or dataframe).

  • xname (str) – Name of first (X) mandatory column, default is X_UTME.

  • yname (str) – Name of second (Y) mandatory column, default is Y_UTMN.

  • zname (str) – Name of third (Z) mandatory column, default is Z_TVDSS.

  • attributes (Optional[dict]) – A dictionary for attribute columns as ‘name: type’, e.g. {“WellName”: “str”, “IX”: “int”}. This is applied when values are input and is to name and type the extra attribute columns in a point set.

Initialisation of Points().

Public Data Attributes:


Returns or set the Pandas dataframe object.

Inherited from XYZ


Returns or set the name of the X column.


Returns or set the name of the Y column.


Returns or set the name of the Z column.


Return or set the Pandas dataframe object.


Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of rows.

Public Methods:


Returns the Pandas dataframe object.


Set the Pandas dataframe object.

from_file(pfile[, fformat])

Deprecated since version 2.16.

from_roxar(project, name, category[, stype, ...])

Load a points/polygons item from a Roxar RMS project (deprecated).

from_dataframe(dfr[, east, north, tvdmsl, ...])

Import points/polygons from existing Pandas dataframe.

to_file(pfile[, fformat, attributes, ...])

Export Points to file.

from_wells(wells[, tops, incl_limit, ...])

Get tops or zone points data from a list of wells.


Deprecated since version 2.16.

dfrac_from_wells(wells, dlogname, dcodes[, ...])

Get fraction of discrete code(s) (e.g. facies) per zone.

to_roxar(project, name, category[, stype, ...])

Export (store) a Points item to a Roxar RMS project.


Returns a deep copy of an instance.

from_surface(surf[, zname])

Get points as X Y Value from a surface object nodes (deprecated).

snap_surface(surf[, activeonly])

Snap (transfer) the points Z values to a RegularSurface


Get the square XYZ window (boundaries) of the instance.

Inherited from XYZ


Returns a deep copy of an instance


Describe an instance by printing to stdout

from_file(pfile[, fformat])

Import Points or Polygons from a file (deprecated).


Create Points or Polygons from a list-like input (deprecated).


Return the Pandas dataframe object.


Set the Pandas dataframe object.



Columns not deleted by delete_columns(), for



Columns can be deleted silently by delete_columns()

delete_columns(clist[, strict])

Delete one or more columns by name.


Get the square XYZ window (boundaries) of the instance.

mark_in_polygons(poly[, name, inside_value, ...])

Add a column that assign values if points are inside or outside polygons.

operation_polygons(poly, value[, opname, ...])

A generic function for operations restricted to inside or outside polygon(s).

add_inside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points inside polygons (old behaviour).

add_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points inside polygons (new behaviour).

add_outside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points outside polygons (old behaviour).

add_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points outside polygons (new behaviour).

sub_inside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

sub_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

sub_outside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

sub_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

mul_inside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

mul_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

mul_outside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

mul_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

div_inside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

div_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

div_outside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) outside polygons (value 0.0 will give result 0).

div_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

set_inside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

set_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

set_outside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

set_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).


Eliminate current points inside polygons (old implentation).


Remove points inside polygons.


Eliminate current points outside polygons (old implentation).


Remove points outside polygons.

__init__(values=None, xname='X_UTME', yname='Y_UTMN', zname='Z_TVDSS', attributes=None, filesrc=None)[source]

Initialisation of Points().

add_inside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points inside polygons (old behaviour).

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to add to Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead add_inside polygons().

add_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than add_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to add to Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

add_outside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points outside polygons (old behaviour).

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to add to Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead add_outside polygons().

add_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points outside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than add_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to add to Z values outside polygons.

New in version 3.2.


Returns a deep copy of an instance.

property dataframe

Returns or set the Pandas dataframe object.

delete_columns(clist, strict=False)

Delete one or more columns by name.

Note that the columns returned by protected_columns(self)() (for instance, the coordinate columns) will not be deleted.

  • self (obj) – Points or Polygons

  • clist (list) – Name of columns

  • strict (bool) – I False, will not trigger exception if a column is not found. Otherways a ValueError will be raised.


ValueError – If strict is True and columnname not present


mypoly.delete_columns([“WELL_ID”, mypoly.hname, mypoly.dhname])

New in version 2.1.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout

dfrac_from_wells(wells, dlogname, dcodes, incl_limit=90, count_limit=3, zonelist=None, zonelogname=None)[source]

Get fraction of discrete code(s) (e.g. facies) per zone.

  • wells (list) – List of XTGeo well objects

  • dlogname (str) – Name of discrete log (e.g. Facies)

  • dcodes (list of int) – Code(s) to get fraction for, e.g. [3]

  • incl_limit (float) – Inclination limit for zones (thickness points)

  • count_limit (int) – Min. no of counts per segment for valid result

  • zonelist (list of int) – Whihc zones to compute for (default None means that all zones will be evaluated)

  • zonelogname (str) – Name of zonelog; if None than the well.zonelogname property will be applied.


None if well list is empty; otherwise the number of wells.



Deprecated since version 2.16: Use classmethod points_from_wells_dfrac() instead.

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.points_from_wells_dfrac() instead.

div_inside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to divide Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead div_inside polygons().

div_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than div_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to divide to Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

div_outside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) outside polygons (value 0.0 will give result 0).

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to divide Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead div_outside polygons().

div_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

Note if input value is 0.0 (division on zero), the result will be 0.0.

This is an improved implementation than div_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to divide to Z values outside polygons.

New in version 3.2.


Eliminate current points inside polygons (old implentation).


poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead eli_inside polygons().


Remove points inside polygons.

This is an improved implementation than eli_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.


poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

New in version 3.2.


Eliminate current points outside polygons (old implentation).


poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead eli_outside polygons().


Remove points outside polygons.

This is an improved implementation than eli_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.


poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

New in version 3.2.

from_dataframe(dfr, east='X', north='Y', tvdmsl='Z', attributes=None)[source]

Import points/polygons from existing Pandas dataframe.

  • dfr (dataframe) – Pandas dataframe.

  • east (str) – Name of easting column in input dataframe.

  • north (str) – Name of northing column in input dataframe.

  • tvdmsl (str) – Name of depth column in input dataframe.

  • attributes (dict) – Additional metadata columns, on form {“IX”: “I”, …}; “IX” here is the name of the target column, and “I” is the name in the input dataframe.

New in version 2.13.

Deprecated since version 2.16: Use points constructor directly instead

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.Points(values=dfr[[east, nort, tvdsml]], xname=east, yname=north, zname=tvdmsl) instead

from_file(pfile, fformat='xyz')[source]

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.points_from_file() instead


Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use direct Points() initialisation instead

from_roxar(project, name, category, stype='horizons', realisation=0, attributes=False)[source]

Load a points/polygons item from a Roxar RMS project (deprecated).

The import from the RMS project can be done either within the project or outside the project.

Note that the preferred shortform for (use polygons as example):

import xtgeo
mypoly = xtgeo.xyz.Polygons()
mypoly.from_roxar(project, 'TopAare', 'DepthPolys')

is now:

import xtgeo
mysurf = xtgeo.polygons_from_roxar(project, 'TopAare', 'DepthPolys')

Note also that horizon/zone/faults name and category must exists in advance, otherwise an Exception will be raised.

  • project (str or special) – Name of project (as folder) if outside RMS, og just use the magic project word if within RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of points item, or name of well pick set if well picks.

  • category (str) – For horizons/zones/faults: for example ‘DL_depth’ or use a folder notation on clipboard/general2d_data. For well picks it is the well pick type: ‘horizon’ or ‘fault’.

  • stype (str) – RMS folder type, ‘horizons’ (default), ‘zones’, ‘clipboard’, ‘general2d_data’, ‘faults’ or ‘well_picks’

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number, default is 0

  • attributes (bool) – Bool or list with attribute names to collect. If True, all attributes are collected.


Object instance updated


ValueError – Various types of invalid inputs.

Deprecated since version 2.16: Use xtgeo.points_from_roxar() or xtgeo.polygons_from_roxar()

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.points_from_roxar() instead.

from_surface(surf, zname='Z_TVDSS')[source]

Get points as X Y Value from a surface object nodes (deprecated).

Note that undefined surface nodes will not be included.

  • surf (RegularSurface) – A XTGeo RegularSurface object instance.

  • zname (str) – Name of value column (3’rd column)


topx = xtgeo.surface_from_file("topx.gri")
topx_aspoints = xtgeo.points_from_surface(topx)

topx_aspoints.to_file("mypoints.poi")  # export as XYZ file

Deprecated since version 2.16: Use xtgeo.points_from_surface() instead.

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.points_from_surface() instead

from_wells(wells, tops=True, incl_limit=None, top_prefix='Top', zonelist=None, use_undef=False)[source]

Get tops or zone points data from a list of wells.

  • wells (list) – List of XTGeo well objects

  • tops (bool) – Get the tops if True (default), otherwise zone

  • incl_limit (float) – Inclination limit for zones (thickness points)

  • top_prefix (str) – Prefix used for Tops

  • zonelist (list-like) – Which zone numbers to apply.

  • use_undef (bool) – If True, then transition from UNDEF within zonelog is also used.


None if well list is empty; otherwise the number of wells.



Deprecated since version 2.16: Use classmethod points_from_wells() instead

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.points_from_wells() instead.


Columns can be deleted silently by delete_columns()


Get the square XYZ window (boundaries) of the instance.


(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)

See also

The class method Polygons.boundary_from_points()


Returns the Pandas dataframe object.


copy (bool) – If True (default) the a deep copy is returned; otherwise a view which may be faster in some cases)

Return type:


Changed in version 3.7: Add keyword copy, defaulted to True

mark_in_polygons(poly, name='pstatus', inside_value=1, outside_value=0)

Add a column that assign values if points are inside or outside polygons.

This is a generic function that adds a column in the points dataframe with a flag for values being inside or outside polygons in a Polygons instance.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – One single xtgeo Polgons instance, or a list of Polygons instances.

  • name (str) – Name of column that flags inside or outside status

  • inside_value (int) – Flag value for being inside polygons

  • outside_value (int) – Flag value for being outside polygons

..versionadded:: 3.2

mul_inside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to multiply to Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead mul_inside polygons().

mul_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than mul_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to multiply to Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

mul_outside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to multiply to Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead mul_outside polygons().

mul_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than mul_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to multiply to Z values outside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

property nrow

Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of rows.

operation_polygons(poly, value, opname='add', inside=True, version=1)

A generic function for operations restricted to inside or outside polygon(s).

The operations are performed on the Z values, while the ‘inside’ or ‘outside’ of polygons are purely based on X and Y values (typically X is East and Y in North coordinates).

The operations are XYZ generic i.e. done on the points that defines the Polygon or the point in Points, depending on the calling instance.

Possible opname strings:

  • add: add the value

  • sub: substract the value

  • mul: multiply the value

  • div: divide the value

  • set: replace current values with value

  • eli: eliminate; here value is not applied

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A single Polygons instance or a list of Polygons instances. The list option is only allowed when version = 2

  • value (float) – Value to add, subtract etc

  • opname (str) – Name of operation… ‘add’, ‘sub’, etc

  • inside (bool) – If True do operation inside polygons; else outside. Note that boundary is treated as ‘inside’

  • version (int) – The algorithm version, see notes below. Although version 1 is default, version 2 is recommended as it is much faster and works intuitively when have multiple polygons and/or using the is_inside=False (i.e. outside)


version=1: This function works only intuitively when using one single polygon in the poly instance. When having several polygons the operation is done sequentially per polygon which may lead to surprising results. For instance, using “add inside” into two overlapping polygons, the addition will be doubled in the overlapping part. Similarly, using e.g. “eli, outside” will completely remove all points of two non-overlapping polygons are given as input.

version=2: This is a new and recommended implementation. It works much faster and intuitively for both inside and outside, overlapping and multiple polygons within a Polygons instance.

Changed in version 3.2: Add version option which defaults to 1. Also allow that poly option can be a list of Polygons when version is 2.


Columns not deleted by delete_columns(), for instance the coordinate columns.


Set the Pandas dataframe object.

set_inside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to set Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead set_inside polygons().

set_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than set_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to set as Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

set_outside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to set Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead set_outside polygons().

set_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than set_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to set as Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

snap_surface(surf, activeonly=True)[source]

Snap (transfer) the points Z values to a RegularSurface

  • surf (RegularSurface) – Surface to snap to.

  • activeonly (bool) – If True (default), the points outside the defined surface will be removed. If False, these points will keep the original values.


None (instance is updated inplace)

  • ValueError – Input object of wrong data type, must be RegularSurface

  • RuntimeError – Error code from C routine surf_get_zv_from_xyv is …

New in version 2.1.

sub_inside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to subtract to Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead sub_inside polygons().

sub_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than sub_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to subtract to Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

sub_outside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to subtract to Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead sub_outside polygons().

sub_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than sub_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to subtract to Z values outside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

to_file(pfile, fformat='xyz', attributes=True, pfilter=None, wcolumn=None, hcolumn=None, mdcolumn='M_MDEPTH', **kwargs)[source]

Export Points to file.

  • pfile (str) – Name of file

  • fformat (str) – File format xyz/poi/pol or rms_attr

  • attributes (bool or list) – List of extra columns to export (some formats) or True for all attributes present

  • pfilter (dict) – Filter on e.g. top name(s) with keys TopName or ZoneName as {‘TopName’: [‘Top1’, ‘Top2’]}.

  • wcolumn (str) – Name of well column (rms_wellpicks format only)

  • hcolumn (str) – Name of horizons column (rms_wellpicks format only)

  • mdcolumn (str) – Name of MD column (rms_wellpicks format only)


Number of points exported

Note that the rms_wellpicks will try to output to:

  • HorizonName, WellName, MD if a MD (mdcolumn) is present,

  • HorizonName, WellName, X, Y, Z otherwise


For backward compatibility, the key filter can be applied instead of pfilter.


KeyError if pfilter is set and key(s) are invalid

to_roxar(project, name, category, stype='horizons', pfilter=None, realisation=0, attributes=False)[source]

Export (store) a Points item to a Roxar RMS project.

The export to the RMS project can be done either within the project or outside the project.

Note also that horizon/zone name and category must exists in advance, otherwise an Exception will be raised.


When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then to_roxar() will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action.

  • project (str or special) – Name of project (as folder) if outside RMS, og just use the magic project word if within RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of points item, or name of well pick set if well picks.

  • category (str) – For horizons/zones/faults: for example ‘DL_depth’ or use a folder notation on clipboard/general2d_data. For well picks it is the well pick type: “horizon” or “fault”.

  • pfilter (dict) – Filter on e.g. top name(s) with keys TopName or ZoneName as {‘TopName’: [‘Top1’, ‘Top2’]}

  • stype – RMS folder type, ‘horizons’ (default), ‘zones’, ‘clipboard’, ‘general2d_data’, ‘faults’ or ‘well_picks’

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number, default is 0

  • attributes (bool) – If True, attributes will be preserved (from RMS 11)


Object instance updated

  • ValueError – Various types of invalid inputs.

  • NotImplementedError – Not supported in this ROXAPI version

New in version 2.19: general2d_data support is added

property xname

Returns or set the name of the X column.

property yname

Returns or set the name of the Y column.

property zname

Returns or set the name of the Z column.



xtgeo.polygons_from_file(pfile, fformat='guess')[source]

Make an instance of a Polygons object directly from file import.

Supported formats are:

  • ‘xyz’ or ‘pol’: Simple XYZ format

  • ‘zmap’: ZMAP line format as exported from RMS (e.g. fault lines)

  • ‘guess’: Try to choose file format based on extension



import xtgeo
mypoly = xtgeo.polygons_from_file('somefile.xyz')
xtgeo.polygons_from_roxar(project, name, category, stype='horizons', realisation=0)[source]

Load a Polygons instance from Roxar RMS project.

Note also that horizon/zone/faults name and category must exists in advance, otherwise an Exception will be raised.

  • project (str | Any) – Name of project (as folder) if outside RMS, or just use the magic project word if within RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of polygons item

  • category (str) – For horizons/zones/faults: for example ‘DL_depth’ or use a folder notation on clipboard/general2d_data.

  • stype (Optional[str]) – RMS folder type, ‘horizons’ (default), ‘zones’, ‘clipboard’, ‘faults’, ‘general2d_data’

  • realisation (Optional[int]) – Realisation number, default is 0


import xtgeo
mysurf = xtgeo.polygons_from_roxar(project, 'TopAare', 'DepthPolys')

New in version 2.19: general2d_data support is added

xtgeo.polygons_from_wells(wells, zone=1, resample=1)[source]

Get polygons from wells and a single zone number.

  • wells (list[Well]) – List of XTGeo well objects, a single XTGeo well or a list of well files. If a list of well files, the routine will try to load well based on file signature and/or extension, but only default settings are applied. Hence this is less flexible and more fragile.

  • zone (Optional[int]) – The zone number to extract the linepiece from

  • resample (Optional[int]) – If given, resample every N’th sample to make polylines smaller in terms of bits and bytes. 1 = No resampling, which means just use well sampling (which can be rather dense; typically 15 cm).


None if empty data, otherwise a Polygons() instance.


wells = ["w1.w", "w2.w"]
points = xtgeo.polygons_from_wells(wells, zone=2)


This method replaces the deprecated method from_wells(). The latter returns the number of wells that contribute with polygon segments. This is now implemented through the function get_nwells(). Hence the following code:

nwells_applied = poly.from_wells(...)  # deprecated method
# vs
poly = xtgeo.polygons_from_wells(...)
nwells_applied = poly.get_nwells()


class xtgeo.Polygons(values=None, xname='X_UTME', yname='Y_UTMN', zname='Z_TVDSS', pname='POLY_ID', hname='H_CUMLEN', dhname='H_DELTALEN', tname='T_CUMLEN', dtname='T_DELTALEN', name='poly', attributes=None, fformat='guess')[source]

Bases: XYZ

Class for a Polygons object (connected points) in the XTGeo framework.

The term Polygons is here used in a wider context, as it includes polylines that do not connect into closed polygons. A Polygons instance may contain several pieces of polylines/polygons, which are identified by POLY_ID.

The polygons are stored in Python as a Pandas dataframe, which allow for flexible manipulation and fast execution.

A Polygons instance will have 4 mandatory columns; here by default names:

  • X_UTME - for X UTM coordinate (Easting)

  • Y_UTMN - For Y UTM coordinate (Northing)

  • Z_TVDSS - For depth or property from mean SeaLevel; Depth positive down

  • POLY_ID - for polygon ID as there may be several polylines segments

Each Polygons instance can also a name (through the name attribute). Default is ‘poly’. E.g. if a well fence, it is logical to name the instance to be the same as the well name.

  • values (list | ndarray | DataFrame) – Provide input values on various forms (list-like or dataframe).

  • xname (str) – Name of first (X) mandatory column, default is X_UTME.

  • yname (str) – Name of second (Y) mandatory column, default is Y_UTMN.

  • zname (str) – Name of third (Z) mandatory column, default is Z_TVDSS.

  • pname (str) – Name of forth (P) mandatory enumerating column, default is POLY_ID.

  • hname (str) – Name of cumulative horizontal length, defaults to “H_CUMLEN” if in dataframe otherwise None.

  • dhname (str) – Name of delta horizontal length, defaults to “H_DELTALEN” if in dataframe otherwise None.

  • tname (str) – Name of cumulative total length, defaults to “T_CUMLEN” if in dataframe otherwise None.

  • dtname (str) – Name of delta total length, defaults to “T_DELTALEN” if in dataframe otherwise None.

  • attributes (Optional[dict]) – A dictionary for attribute columns as ‘name: type’, e.g. {“WellName”: “str”, “IX”: “int”}. This is applied when values are input and is to name and type the extra attribute columns in a point set.

Concrete initialisation for base class _XYZ.

Public Data Attributes:


Returns or sets the name of the instance.



Returns or set the name of the cumulative horizontal length.


Returns or set the name of the delta horizontal length column if it exists.


Returns or set the name of the cumulative total length column if it exists.


Returns or set the name of the delta total length column if it exists.


Returns or set the Pandas dataframe object.

Inherited from XYZ


Returns or set the name of the X column.


Returns or set the name of the Y column.


Returns or set the name of the Z column.


Return or set the Pandas dataframe object.


Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of rows.

Public Methods:


Returns the Pandas dataframe object.


Set the Pandas dataframe object.

boundary_from_points(points[, alpha_factor, ...])

Instantiate polygons from detecting the boundary around points.



Columns not deleted by delete_columns(), for

from_file(pfile[, fformat])

Deprecated since version 2.21.

to_file(pfile[, fformat])

Export Polygons to file.

from_wells(wells, zone[, resample])

Get line segments from a list of wells and a single zone number.

to_roxar(project, name, category[, stype, ...])

Export (store) a Polygons item to a Roxar RMS project.


Returns a deep copy of an instance


Deprecated since version 2.16.


Get a dataframe copy from the Polygons points with no ID column.


Returns a list of Shapely LineString objects, one per POLY_ID.


Get the square XYZ window (boundaries) of the instance.

simplify([tolerance, preserve_topology])

Simply a polygon, i.e. remove unneccesary points.


Remove all line segments not in polyid.

tlen([tname, dtname, atindex])

Compute and add or replace columns for cum.

hlen([hname, dhname, atindex])

Compute and add/replace columns for cum.

extend(distance[, nsamples, mode2d])

Extend polyline by distance at both ends, nsmaples times.

rescale(distance[, addlen, kind, mode2d])

Rescale (resample) by using a new increment.

get_fence([distance, atleast, nextend, ...])

Extracts a fence with constant horizontal sampling.

quickplot([filename, others, title, ...])

Simple plotting of polygons using matplotlib.

Inherited from XYZ


Returns a deep copy of an instance


Describe an instance by printing to stdout

from_file(pfile[, fformat])

Import Points or Polygons from a file (deprecated).


Create Points or Polygons from a list-like input (deprecated).


Return the Pandas dataframe object.


Set the Pandas dataframe object.



Columns not deleted by delete_columns(), for



Columns can be deleted silently by delete_columns()

delete_columns(clist[, strict])

Delete one or more columns by name.


Get the square XYZ window (boundaries) of the instance.

mark_in_polygons(poly[, name, inside_value, ...])

Add a column that assign values if points are inside or outside polygons.

operation_polygons(poly, value[, opname, ...])

A generic function for operations restricted to inside or outside polygon(s).

add_inside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points inside polygons (old behaviour).

add_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points inside polygons (new behaviour).

add_outside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points outside polygons (old behaviour).

add_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points outside polygons (new behaviour).

sub_inside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

sub_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

sub_outside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

sub_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

mul_inside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

mul_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

mul_outside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

mul_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

div_inside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

div_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

div_outside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) outside polygons (value 0.0 will give result 0).

div_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

set_inside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

set_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

set_outside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

set_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).


Eliminate current points inside polygons (old implentation).


Remove points inside polygons.


Eliminate current points outside polygons (old implentation).


Remove points outside polygons.

__init__(values=None, xname='X_UTME', yname='Y_UTMN', zname='Z_TVDSS', pname='POLY_ID', hname='H_CUMLEN', dhname='H_DELTALEN', tname='T_CUMLEN', dtname='T_DELTALEN', name='poly', attributes=None, fformat='guess')[source]

Concrete initialisation for base class _XYZ.

add_inside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points inside polygons (old behaviour).

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to add to Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead add_inside polygons().

add_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than add_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to add to Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

add_outside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points outside polygons (old behaviour).

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to add to Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead add_outside polygons().

add_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) to points outside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than add_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to add to Z values outside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

classmethod boundary_from_points(points, alpha_factor=1.0, alpha=None, convex=False)[source]

Instantiate polygons from detecting the boundary around points.


  • points – The XTGeo Points instance to estimate boundary/boundaries around.

  • alpha_factor (Optional[float]) – The alpha factor is a multiplier to alpha. Normally it will be around 1, but can be increased to get a looser boundary. Dependent on the points topology, it can also be decreased to some extent.

  • alpha (Optional[float]) – The alpha factor for determine the ‘precision’ in how to delineate the polygon. A large value will produce a smoother polygon. The default is to detect the value from the data, but note that this default may be far from optimal for you needs. Usually use the alpha_factor to tune the best value. The actual alpha applied in the concave hull algorithm is alpha_factor multiplied with alpha.

  • convex (bool) – If True, then compute a maximum boundary (convex), and note that alpha_factor and alpha are not applied in ths case. Default is False.


A Polygons instance.


Returns a deep copy of an instance

property dataframe

Returns or set the Pandas dataframe object.

delete_columns(clist, strict=False)

Delete one or more columns by name.

Note that the columns returned by protected_columns(self)() (for instance, the coordinate columns) will not be deleted.

  • self (obj) – Points or Polygons

  • clist (list) – Name of columns

  • strict (bool) – I False, will not trigger exception if a column is not found. Otherways a ValueError will be raised.


ValueError – If strict is True and columnname not present


mypoly.delete_columns([“WELL_ID”, mypoly.hname, mypoly.dhname])

New in version 2.1.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout

property dhname

Returns or set the name of the delta horizontal length column if it exists.

If the column does not exist, None is returned. Default name is H_DELTALEN.

New in version 2.1.

div_inside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to divide Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead div_inside polygons().

div_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than div_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to divide to Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

div_outside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) outside polygons (value 0.0 will give result 0).

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to divide Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead div_outside polygons().

div_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

Note if input value is 0.0 (division on zero), the result will be 0.0.

This is an improved implementation than div_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to divide to Z values outside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

property dtname

Returns or set the name of the delta total length column if it exists.

New in version 2.1.


Eliminate current points inside polygons (old implentation).


poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead eli_inside polygons().


Remove points inside polygons.

This is an improved implementation than eli_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.


poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

New in version 3.2.


Eliminate current points outside polygons (old implentation).


poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead eli_outside polygons().


Remove points outside polygons.

This is an improved implementation than eli_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.


poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

New in version 3.2.

extend(distance, nsamples=1, mode2d=True)[source]

Extend polyline by distance at both ends, nsmaples times.

The instance is updated in-place.

  • distance (float) – The horizontal distance (sampling) to extend

  • nsamples (int) – Number of samples to extend.

  • mode2d (bool) – XY extension (only True is supported)

New in version 2.1.


Remove all line segments not in polyid.

The instance is updated in-place.


polyid (int or list of int) – Which ID(s) to keep, None means use first.


mypoly.filter_byid(polyid=[2, 4])  # keep POLY_ID 2 and 4

New in version 2.1.

from_file(pfile, fformat='xyz')[source]

Deprecated since version 2.21: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.polygons_from_file() instead


Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use direct Polygons() initialisation instead

from_wells(wells, zone, resample=1)[source]

Get line segments from a list of wells and a single zone number.

  • wells (list) – List of XTGeo well objects

  • zone (int) – Which zone to apply

  • resample (int) – If given, resample every N’th sample to make polylines smaller in terms of bits and bytes. 1 = No resampling which means well sampling (which can be rather dense; typically 15 cm).


None if well list is empty; otherwise the number of wells that have one or more line segments to return

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.polygons_from_wells(…) instead


Columns can be deleted silently by delete_columns()


Get the square XYZ window (boundaries) of the instance.


(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)

See also

The class method Polygons.boundary_from_points()


Returns the Pandas dataframe object.


copy (bool) – If True, return a deep copy of the dataframe

Return type:


get_fence(distance=20, atleast=5, nextend=2, name=None, asnumpy=True, polyid=None)[source]

Extracts a fence with constant horizontal sampling.

Additonal H_CUMLEN and H_DELTALEN vectors will be added, suitable for X sections.

  • distance (float) – New horizontal distance between points

  • atleast (int) – Minimum number of points. If the true length/atleast is less than distance, than distance will be be reset to length/atleast. Values below 3 are not permitted

  • nextend (int) – Number of samples to extend at each end. Note that in case of internal resetting of distance (due to ‘atleast’), then nextend internally will be modified in order to fulfill the initial intention. Hence keep distance*nextend as target.

  • name (str) – Name of polygon (if asnumpy=False)

  • asnumpy (bool) – Return a [:, 5] numpy array with columns X.., Y.., Z.., HLEN, dH

  • polyid (int) – Which POLY_ID to use. Default (if None) is to use the first found.


A numpy array (if asnumpy=True) or a new Polygons() object

New in version 2.1.


Returns a list of Shapely LineString objects, one per POLY_ID.

New in version 2.1.


Get a dataframe copy from the Polygons points with no ID column.

Convert from POLY_ID based to XYZ, where a new polygon is marked with a 999 value as flag.

hlen(hname='H_CUMLEN', dhname='H_DELTALEN', atindex=0)[source]

Compute and add/replace columns for cum. horizontal length and delta length.

The instance is updated in-place.

  • hname (str) – Name of cumulative horizontal length. Default is H_CUMLEN.

  • dhname (str) – Name of delta length column. Default is H_DELTALEN.

  • atindex (int) – Which index which shall be 0.0 for cumulative length.

New in version 2.1.

property hname

Returns or set the name of the cumulative horizontal length.

If the column does not exist, None is returned. Default name is H_CUMLEN.

New in version 2.1.

mark_in_polygons(poly, name='pstatus', inside_value=1, outside_value=0)

Add a column that assign values if points are inside or outside polygons.

This is a generic function that adds a column in the points dataframe with a flag for values being inside or outside polygons in a Polygons instance.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – One single xtgeo Polgons instance, or a list of Polygons instances.

  • name (str) – Name of column that flags inside or outside status

  • inside_value (int) – Flag value for being inside polygons

  • outside_value (int) – Flag value for being outside polygons

..versionadded:: 3.2

mul_inside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to multiply to Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead mul_inside polygons().

mul_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than mul_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to multiply to Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

mul_outside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to multiply to Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead mul_outside polygons().

mul_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than mul_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to multiply to Z values outside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

property name

Returns or sets the name of the instance.

property nrow

Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of rows.

operation_polygons(poly, value, opname='add', inside=True, version=1)

A generic function for operations restricted to inside or outside polygon(s).

The operations are performed on the Z values, while the ‘inside’ or ‘outside’ of polygons are purely based on X and Y values (typically X is East and Y in North coordinates).

The operations are XYZ generic i.e. done on the points that defines the Polygon or the point in Points, depending on the calling instance.

Possible opname strings:

  • add: add the value

  • sub: substract the value

  • mul: multiply the value

  • div: divide the value

  • set: replace current values with value

  • eli: eliminate; here value is not applied

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A single Polygons instance or a list of Polygons instances. The list option is only allowed when version = 2

  • value (float) – Value to add, subtract etc

  • opname (str) – Name of operation… ‘add’, ‘sub’, etc

  • inside (bool) – If True do operation inside polygons; else outside. Note that boundary is treated as ‘inside’

  • version (int) – The algorithm version, see notes below. Although version 1 is default, version 2 is recommended as it is much faster and works intuitively when have multiple polygons and/or using the is_inside=False (i.e. outside)


version=1: This function works only intuitively when using one single polygon in the poly instance. When having several polygons the operation is done sequentially per polygon which may lead to surprising results. For instance, using “add inside” into two overlapping polygons, the addition will be doubled in the overlapping part. Similarly, using e.g. “eli, outside” will completely remove all points of two non-overlapping polygons are given as input.

version=2: This is a new and recommended implementation. It works much faster and intuitively for both inside and outside, overlapping and multiple polygons within a Polygons instance.

Changed in version 3.2: Add version option which defaults to 1. Also allow that poly option can be a list of Polygons when version is 2.

property pname

Columns not deleted by delete_columns(), for instance the coordinate columns.

quickplot(filename=None, others=None, title='QuickPlot for Polygons', subtitle=None, infotext=None, linewidth=1.0, color='r')[source]

Simple plotting of polygons using matplotlib.

  • filename (str) – Name of plot file; None will plot to screen.

  • others (list of Polygons) – List of other polygon instances to plot

  • title (str) – Title of plot

  • subtitle (str) – Subtitle of plot

  • infotext (str) – Additonal info on plot.

  • linewidth (float) – Width of line.

  • color (str) – Name of color (may use matplotib shortcuts, e.g. ‘r’ for ‘red’)

rescale(distance, addlen=False, kind='simple', mode2d=True)[source]

Rescale (resample) by using a new increment.

The increment (distance) may be a horizontal or a True 3D distance dependent on mode2d.

The instance is updated in-place.

If the distance is larger than the total input poly-line length, nothing is done. Note that the result distance may differ from the requested distance caused to rounding to fit original length.

Hence actual distance is input distance +- 50%.

  • distance (float) – New distance between points

  • addlen (str) – If True, total and horizontal cum. and delta length columns will be added.

  • kind (str) – What kind of rescaling: slinear/cubic/simple

  • mode2d (bool) – The distance may be a 2D (XY) ora 3D (XYZ) mode.

Changed in version 2.1: a new algorithm


Set the Pandas dataframe object.

set_inside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to set Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead set_inside polygons().

set_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than set_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to set as Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

set_outside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to set Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead set_outside polygons().

set_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than set_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to set as Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

simplify(tolerance=0.1, preserve_topology=True)[source]

Simply a polygon, i.e. remove unneccesary points.

This is based on Shapely’s simplify() method

  • tolerance (Optional[float]) – Cf. Shapely’s documentation

  • preserve_topology (Optional[bool]) – Default is True, if False a faster algorithm is applied

Return type:



True if simplification is achieved. The polygons instance is updated in-place.

sub_inside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) to points inside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to subtract to Z values inside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead sub_inside polygons().

sub_inside_polygons(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) for points inside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than sub_inside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to subtract to Z values inside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

sub_outside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) to points outside polygons.

  • poly – A xtgeo Polygons instance

  • value – Value to subtract to Z values outside polygons.

See notes under operation_polygons() and consider instead sub_outside polygons().

sub_outside_polygons(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) for points outside polygons (new behaviour).

This is an improved implementation than sub_outside(), and is now the recommended method, as it is both faster and works similar for all single and overlapping sub-polygons within one or more Polygons instances.

  • poly (Union[TypeVar(Polygons), list[TypeVar(Polygons)]]) – A xtgeo Polygons instance, or a list of xtgeo Polygons instances

  • value (float) – Value to subtract to Z values outside polygons.

New in version 3.2.

tlen(tname='T_CUMLEN', dtname='T_DELTALEN', atindex=0)[source]

Compute and add or replace columns for cum. total 3D length and delta length.

The instance is updated in-place.

  • tname (str) – Name of cumulative total length. Default is T_CUMLEN.

  • dtname (str) – Name of delta length column. Default is T_DELTALEN.

  • atindex (int) – Which index which shall be 0.0 for cumulative length.

New in version 2.1.

property tname

Returns or set the name of the cumulative total length column if it exists.

New in version 2.1.

to_file(pfile, fformat='xyz')[source]

Export Polygons to file.

  • pfile (str) – Name of file

  • fformat (str) – File format xyz/poi/pol


Number of polygon points exported

to_roxar(project, name, category, stype='horizons', realisation=0)[source]

Export (store) a Polygons item to a Roxar RMS project.

The export to the RMS project can be done either within the project or outside the project.

Note also that horizon/zone name and category must exists in advance, otherwise an Exception will be raised.


When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then to_roxar() will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action.

  • project (str or special) – Name of project (as folder) if outside RMS, og just use the magic project word if within RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of polygons item

  • category (str) – For horizons/zones/faults: for example ‘DL_depth’ and use a folder notation for clipboard/general2d_data

  • stype (str) – RMS folder type, ‘horizons’ (default), ‘zones’ or ‘faults’ or ‘clipboard’ (in prep: well picks)

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number, default is 0


Object instance updated

  • ValueError – Various types of invalid inputs.

  • NotImplementedError – Not supported in this ROXAPI version

New in version 2.19: general2d_data support is added

property xname

Returns or set the name of the X column.

property yname

Returns or set the name of the Y column.

property zname

Returns or set the name of the Z column.


Well (single)


xtgeo.well_from_file(wfile, fformat='rms_ascii', mdlogname=None, zonelogname=None, lognames='all', lognames_strict=False, strict=False)[source]

Make an instance of a Well directly from file import.

  • wfile (str | Path) – File path for well, either a string or a pathlib.Path instance

  • fformat (Optional[str]) – “rms_ascii” or “hdf5”

  • mdlogname (Optional[str]) – Name of Measured Depth log, if any

  • zonelogname (Optional[str]) – Name of Zonelog, if any

  • lognames (UnionType[str, list[str], None]) – Name or list of lognames to import, default is “all”

  • lognames_strict (Optional[bool]) – If True, all lognames must be present.

  • strict (Optional[bool]) – If True, then import will fail if zonelogname or mdlogname are asked for but those names are not present in wells.

Return type:



>>> import xtgeo
>>> import pathlib
>>> welldir = pathlib.Path("../foo")
>>> mywell = xtgeo.well_from_file(welldir / "OP_1.w")

Changed in version 2.1: Added lognames and lognames_strict

Changed in version 2.1: strict now defaults to False

xtgeo.well_from_roxar(project, name, trajectory='Drilled trajectory', logrun='log', lognames='all', lognames_strict=False, inclmd=False, inclsurvey=False)[source]

This makes an instance of a Well directly from Roxar RMS.

Note this method works only when inside RMS, or when RMS license is activated (through the roxar environment).

  • project (str | object) – Path to project or magic the project variable in RMS.

  • name (str) – Name of Well, as shown in RMS.

  • trajectory (Optional[str]) – Name of trajectory in RMS.

  • logrun (Optional[str]) – Name of logrun in RMS.

  • lognames (UnionType[str, list[str], None]) – List of lognames to import, or use ‘all’ for all present logs

  • lognames_strict (Optional[bool]) – If True and log is not in lognames is a list, an Exception will be raised.

  • inclmd (Optional[bool]) – If True, a Measured Depth log will be included.

  • inclsurvey (Optional[bool]) – If True, logs for azimuth and deviation will be included.

Return type:



Well instance.


# inside RMS:
import xtgeo
mylogs = ['ZONELOG', 'GR', 'Facies']
mywell = xtgeo.well_from_roxar(
    project, "31_3-1", trajectory="Drilled", logrun="log", lognames=mylogs

Changed in version 2.1: lognames defaults to “all”, not None


class xtgeo.Well(rkb=0.0, xpos=0.0, ypos=0.0, wname='', df=None, mdlogname=None, zonelogname=None, wlogtypes=None, wlogrecords=None, filesrc=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class for a single well in the XTGeo framework.

The well logs are stored in a Pandas dataframe, which make manipulation easy and fast.

The well trajectory are here represented as first 3 columns in the dataframe, and XYZ have pre-defined names: X_UTME, Y_UTMN, Z_TVDSS.

Other geometry logs may has also ‘semi-defined’ names, but this is not a strict rule:

M_MDEPTH or Q_MDEPTH: Measured depth, either real/true (M_xx) or quasi computed/estimated (Q_xx). The Quasi may be incorrect for all uses, but sufficient for some computations.

Similar for M_INCL, Q_INCL, M_AZI, Q_ASI.

All Pandas values (yes, discrete also!) are currently stored as float64 format, and undefined values are Nan. Integers are stored as Float due to the (historic) lacking support for ‘Integer Nan’.

Note there is a method that can return a dataframe (copy) with Integer and Float columns, see get_filled_dataframe().

The instance can be made either from file or by specification:

>>> well1 = xtgeo.well_from_file(well_dir + '/OP_1.w')
>>> well2 = xtgeo.Well(rkb=32.0, xpos=1234.0, ypos=4567.0, wname="Foo",
            df: mydataframe, ...)
  • rkb (float) – Well RKB height

  • xpos (float) – Well head X pos

  • ypos (float) – Well head Y pos

  • wname (str) – well name

  • df (Optional[DataFrame]) – A pandas dataframe with log values, expects columns to include ‘X_UTME’, ‘Y_UTMN’, ‘Z_TVDSS’ for x, y and z coordinates. Other columns should be log values.

  • filesrc (UnionType[str, Path, None]) – source file if any

  • mdlogname (Optional[str]) – Name of Measured Depth log, if any.

  • zonelogname (Optional[str]) – Name of Zonelog, if any

  • wlogtypes (Optional[dict[str, str]]) – dictionary of log types, ‘DISC’ (discrete) or ‘CONT’ (continuous), defaults to to ‘CONT’.

  • wlogrecords (Optional[dict[str, str]]) – dictionary of codes for ‘DISC’ logs, None for no codes given, defaults to None.

Public Data Attributes:


Return or set name of X coordinate column.


Return or set name of Y coordinate column.


Return or set name of Z coordinate column.


Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.


Returns RKB height for the well (read only).


Returns well header X position (read only).


Returns well header Y position (read only).


Returns well name, read only.


Returns or set (rename) a well name.


Returns or set (rename) a well name.


Get well name on syntax safe form; '/' and spaces replaced with '_'.


See safewellname.


Well name on a short form where blockname/spaces removed (read only).


Returns well name on the assummed form aka '31/2-E-4 AH2'.


Returns name of MD log, if any (None if missing).


Returns or sets name of zone log, return None if missing.


Returns or set the Pandas dataframe object for all logs.


Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of rows.


Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of columns.


Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of columns.


Returns dataframe column names as list, including mandatory coords.


Returns the Pandas dataframe column as list excluding coords.


Returns wlogtypes


Returns wlogrecords

Public Methods:


Ensure consistency for the instance.


Well name on a short name form where blockname and spaces are removed.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

from_file(wfile[, fformat])

Deprecated, see xtgeo.well_from_file()

to_file(wfile[, fformat])

Export well to file or memory stream.


Deprecated, use xtgeo.well_from_file()

to_hdf(wfile[, compression])

Export well to HDF based file.

from_roxar(project, name[, trajectory, ...])

Deprecated, use xtgeo.well_from_roxar()

to_roxar(*args, **kwargs)

Export (save/store) a well to a roxar project.


Get the lognames for all logs.


Get a compound dictionary with well log metadata.


Set a compound dictionary with well log metadata.


Return True of log is discrete, otherwise False.


Copy a Well instance to a new unique Well instance.

rename_log(lname, newname)

Rename a log, e.g. Poro to PORO.

create_log(lname[, logtype, logrecord, ...])

Create a new log with initial values.

copy_log(lname, newname[, force])

Copy a log from an existing to a name


Delete/remove an existing log, or list of logs.


Delete/remove an existing log, or list of logs.


Returns the type of a given log (e.g. DISC or CONT), None if not present.

set_logtype(lname, ltype)

Sets the type of a give log (e.g. DISC or CONT).


Returns the record (dict) of a given log name, None if not exists.

set_logrecord(lname, newdict)

Sets the record (dict) of a given discrete log.

get_logrecord_codename(lname, key)

Returns the name entry of a log record, for a given key.


Get a copy (default) or a view of the dataframe.

get_filled_dataframe([fill_value, ...])

Fill the Nan's in the dataframe with real UNDEF values.


Set the dataframe.


Make a relative length of a well, as a log.


Compute some well geometrical arrays MD, INCL, AZI, as logs.

truncate_parallel_path(other[, xtol, ytol, ...])

Truncate the part of the well trajectory that is ~parallel with other.


Consider if well overlap in X Y coordinates with other well, True/False.

limit_tvd(tvdmin, tvdmax)

Truncate the part of the well that is outside tvdmin, tvdmax.

downsample([interval, keeplast])

Downsample by sampling every N'th element (coarsen only).

rescale([delta, tvdrange])

Rescale (refine or coarse) by sampling a delta along the trajectory, in MD.


Return a Polygons object from the well trajectory.

get_fence_polyline([sampling, nextend, ...])

Return a fence polyline as a numpy array or a Polygons object.

create_surf_distance_log(surf[, name])

Make a log that is vertical distance to a regular surface.


Reports if well has holes in zonation, less or equal to N samples.

get_zonation_points([tops, incl_limit, ...])

Extract zonation points from Zonelog and make a marker list.

get_zone_interval(zonevalue[, resample, ...])

Extract the X Y Z ID line (polyline) segment for a given zonevalue.

get_fraction_per_zone(dlogname, dcodes[, ...])

Get fraction of a discrete parameter, e.g. a facies, per zone.

mask_shoulderbeds(inputlogs, targetlogs[, ...])

Mask data around zone boundaries or other discrete log boundaries.


Return Points obj where well crosses the surface (horizon picks).

make_ijk_from_grid(grid[, grid_id, ...])

Look through a Grid and add grid I J K as discrete logs.


Create a zone quality/indicator (flag) log.

get_gridproperties(gridprops[, grid, prop_id])

Look through a Grid and add a set of grid properties as logs.

__init__(rkb=0.0, xpos=0.0, ypos=0.0, wname='', df=None, mdlogname=None, zonelogname=None, wlogtypes=None, wlogrecords=None, filesrc=None)[source]

Copy a Well instance to a new unique Well instance.

copy_log(lname, newname, force=True)[source]

Copy a log from an existing to a name

If the new log already exists, it will be silently overwritten, unless the option force=False.

  • lname (str) – name of existing log

  • newname (str) – name of new log

Return type:



True if a new log is made (either new or force overwrite an existing) or False if the new log already exists, and force=False.


A copy can also be done directly in the dataframe, but with less
consistency checks; hence this method is recommended
create_log(lname, logtype='CONT', logrecord=None, value=0.0, force=True)[source]

Create a new log with initial values.

If the logname already exists, it will be silently overwritten, unless the option force=False.

  • lname (str) – name of new log

  • logtype (str) – Must be ‘CONT’ (default) or ‘DISC’ (discrete)

  • logrecord (Optional[dict]) – A dictionary of key: values for ‘DISC’ logs

  • value (float) – initial value to set

  • force (bool) – If True, and lname exists, it will be overwritten, if False, no new log will be made. Will return False.

Return type:



True ff a new log is made (either new or force overwrite an existing) or False if the new log already exists, and force=False.


A new log can also be created by adding it to the dataframe directly, but
with less control over e.g. logrecord

Make a relative length of a well, as a log.

The first well og entry defines zero, then the horizontal length is computed relative to that by simple geometric methods.

create_surf_distance_log(surf, name='DIST_SURF')[source]

Make a log that is vertical distance to a regular surface.

If the trajectory is above the surface (i.e. more shallow), then the distance sign is positive.

  • surf (object) – The RegularSurface instance.

  • name (Optional[str]) – The name of the new log. If it exists it will be overwritten.


mywell.rescale()  # optional
thesurf = xtgeo.surface_from_file("some.gri")
mywell.create_surf_distance_log(thesurf, name="sdiff")
property dataframe

Returns or set the Pandas dataframe object for all logs.


Delete/remove an existing log, or list of logs.

Will continue silently if a log does not exist.


lname (str | list[str]) – A logname or a list of lognames

Return type:



Number of logs deleted


A log can also be deleted by simply removing it from the dataframe.

Delete/remove an existing log, or list of logs.

Will continue silently if a log does not exist.


lname (str | list[str]) – A logname or a list of lognames

Return type:



Number of logs deleted


A log can also be deleted by simply removing it from the dataframe.

Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

downsample(interval=4, keeplast=True)[source]

Downsample by sampling every N’th element (coarsen only).

  • interval (int) – Sampling interval.

  • keeplast (bool) – If True, the last element from the original dataframe is kept, to avoid that the well is shortened.


Ensure consistency for the instance.

New in version 3.5.

from_file(wfile, fformat='rms_ascii', **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated, see xtgeo.well_from_file()

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.well_from_file() instead


Deprecated, use xtgeo.well_from_file()

Deprecated since version 3.6: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.well_from_file() instead

from_roxar(project, name, trajectory='Drilled trajectory', logrun='log', lognames='all', lognames_strict=False, inclmd=False, inclsurvey=False)[source]

Deprecated, use xtgeo.well_from_roxar()

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.well_from_roxar() instead


Compute some well geometrical arrays MD, INCL, AZI, as logs.

These are kind of quasi measurements hence the logs will named with a Q in front as Q_MDEPTH, Q_INCL, and Q_AZI.

These logs will be added to the dataframe. If the mdlogname attribute does not exist in advance, it will be set to ‘Q_MDEPTH’.


False if geometrics cannot be computed


Get a copy (default) or a view of the dataframe.


copy (bool) – If True, return a deep copy. A view (copy=False) will be faster and more memory efficient, but less “safe” for some cases when manipulating dataframes.

Changed in version 3.7: Added copy keyword

get_fence_polyline(sampling=20, nextend=2, tvdmin=None, asnumpy=True)[source]

Return a fence polyline as a numpy array or a Polygons object.

The result will aim for a regular sampling interval, useful for extracting fence plots (cross-sections).

  • sampling (float) – Sampling interval i.e. horizonal distance (input)

  • nextend (int) – Number if sampling to extend; e.g. 2 * 20

  • tvdmin (float) – Minimum TVD starting point.

  • as_numpy (bool) – If True, a numpy array, otherwise a Polygons object with 5 columns where the 2 last are HLEN and POLY_ID and the POLY_ID will be set to 0.


A numpy array of shape (NLEN, 5) in F order, Or a Polygons object with 5 columns If not possible, return False

Changed in version 2.1: improved algorithm

get_filled_dataframe(fill_value=1e+33, fill_value_int=2000000000)[source]

Fill the Nan’s in the dataframe with real UNDEF values.

This module returns a copy of the dataframe in the object; it does not change the instance.

Note that DISC logs will be casted to columns with integer as datatype.


A pandas dataframe where Nan er replaces with preset

high XTGeo UNDEF values, or user defined values.

get_fraction_per_zone(dlogname, dcodes, zonelist=None, incl_limit=80, count_limit=3, zonelogname=None)[source]

Get fraction of a discrete parameter, e.g. a facies, per zone.

It can be constrained by an inclination.

Also, it needs to be evaluated only of ZONE is complete; either INCREASE or DECREASE ; hence a quality flag is made and applied.

  • dlogname (str) – Name of discrete log, e.g. ‘FACIES’

  • dnames (list of int) – Codes of facies (or similar) to report for

  • zonelist (list of int) – Zones to use

  • incl_limit (float) – Inclination limit for well path.

  • count_limit (int) – Minimum number of counts required per segment for valid calculations

  • zonelogname (str). If None, the Well() – applied


A pandas dataframe (ready for the xyz/Points class), None if a zonelog is missing or or dlogname is missing, list is zero length for any reason.

get_gridproperties(gridprops, grid=('ICELL', 'JCELL', 'KCELL'), prop_id='_model')[source]

Look through a Grid and add a set of grid properties as logs.

The name of the logs will …

This can be done to sample model properties along a well.

  • gridprops (Grid) – A XTGeo GridProperties instance (a collection of properties) or a single GridProperty instance

  • grid (Grid or tuple) – A XTGeo Grid instance or a reference via tuple. If this is tuple with log names, it states that these logs already contains the gridcell IJK numbering.

  • prop_id (str) – Add a tag (optional) to the current log name, e.g as PORO_model, where _model is the tag.



New in version 2.1.


Get the lognames for all logs.


Returns the record (dict) of a given log name, None if not exists.

get_logrecord_codename(lname, key)[source]

Returns the name entry of a log record, for a given key.


# get the name for zonelog entry no 4:
zname = well.get_logrecord_codename('ZONELOG', 4)

Returns the type of a given log (e.g. DISC or CONT), None if not present.

Return type:



Return a Polygons object from the well trajectory.


skipname (bool) – If True then name column is omitted

New in version 2.1.

Changed in version 2.13: Added skipname key

static get_short_wellname(wellname)[source]

Well name on a short name form where blockname and spaces are removed.

This should cope with both North Sea style and Haltenbanken style. E.g.: ‘31/2-G-5 AH’ -> ‘G-5AH’, ‘6472_11-F-23_AH_T2’ -> ‘F-23AHT2’


Return Points obj where well crosses the surface (horizon picks).

There may be several points in the Points() dataframe attribute. Also a DIRECTION column will show 1 if surface is penetrated from above, and -1 if penetrated from below.


surf (RegularSurface) – The surface instance


A Points instance, or None if no crossing points

New in version 2.8.


Get a compound dictionary with well log metadata.

The result will be an dict on the form:

{"X_UTME": ["CONT", None], ... "Facies": ["DISC", {1: "BG", 2: "SAND"}]}

Return type:


get_zonation_points(tops=True, incl_limit=80, top_prefix='Top', zonelist=None, use_undef=False)[source]

Extract zonation points from Zonelog and make a marker list.

Currently it is either ‘Tops’ or ‘Zone’ (thicknesses); default is tops (i.e. tops=True).

The zonelist can be a list of zones, or a tuple with two members specifying first and last member. Note however that the zonation shall be without jumps and increasing. E.g.:

zonelist=(1, 5)  # meaning [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# or
zonelist=[1, 2, 3, 4]
# while _not_ legal:
zonelist=[1, 4, 8]

Zone numbers less than 0 are not accepted

  • tops (bool) – If True then compute tops, else (thickness) points.

  • incl_limit (float) – If given, and usezone is True, the max angle of inclination to be used as input to zonation points.

  • top_prefix (str) – As well logs usually have isochore (zone) name, this prefix could be Top, e.g. ‘SO43’ –> ‘TopSO43’

  • zonelist (list of int or tuple) – Zones to use

  • use_undef (bool) – If True, then transition from UNDEF is also used.


A pandas dataframe (ready for the xyz/Points class), None if a zonelog is missing

get_zone_interval(zonevalue, resample=1, extralogs=None)[source]

Extract the X Y Z ID line (polyline) segment for a given zonevalue.

  • zonevalue (int) – The zone value to extract

  • resample (int) – If given, downsample every N’th sample to make polylines smaller in terms of bit and bytes. 1 = No downsampling.

  • extralogs (list of str) – List of extra log names to include


A pandas dataframe X Y Z ID (ready for the xyz/Polygon class), None if a zonelog is missing or actual zone does dot exist in the well.


Return True of log is discrete, otherwise False.


logname (str) – Name of log to check if discrete or not

New in version 2.2.0.

limit_tvd(tvdmin, tvdmax)[source]

Truncate the part of the well that is outside tvdmin, tvdmax.

Range will be in tvdmin <= tvd <= tvdmax.

  • tvdmin (float) – Minimum TVD

  • tvdmax (float) – Maximum TVD

property lognames

Returns the Pandas dataframe column as list excluding coords.



property lognames_all

Returns dataframe column names as list, including mandatory coords.



make_ijk_from_grid(grid, grid_id='', algorithm=2, activeonly=True)[source]

Look through a Grid and add grid I J K as discrete logs.

Note that the the grid counting has base 1 (first row is 1 etc).

By default, log (i.e. column names in the dataframe) will be ICELL, JCELL, KCELL, but you can add a tag (ID) to that name.

  • grid (Grid) – A XTGeo Grid instance

  • grid_id (str) – Add a tag (optional) to the current log name

  • algorithm (int) – Which interbal algorithm to use, default is 2 (expert setting)

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, only active cells are applied (algorithm 2 only)


RuntimeError – ‘Error from C routine, code is …’

Changed in version 2.9: Added keys for and activeonly


Create a zone quality/indicator (flag) log.

This routine looks through to zone log and flag intervals according to neighbouring zones:

  • 0: Undetermined flag

  • 1: Zonelog interval numbering increases,

    e.g. for zone 2: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5

  • 2: Zonelog interval numbering decreases,

    e.g. for zone 2: 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

  • 3: Interval is a U turning point, e.g. 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1

  • 4: Interval is a inverse U turning point, 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5

  • 9: Interval is bounded by one or more missing sections,

    e.g. 1 1 1 2 2 2 -999 -999

If a log with the name exists, it will be silently replaced


zqname (str) – Name of quality log

mask_shoulderbeds(inputlogs, targetlogs, nsamples=2, strict=False)[source]

Mask data around zone boundaries or other discrete log boundaries.

This operates on number of samples, hence the actual distance which is masked depends on the sampling interval (ie. count) or on distance measures. Distance measures are TVD (true vertical depth) or MD (measured depth).

  • inputlogs (list[str]) – List of input logs, must be of discrete type.

  • targetlogs (list[str]) – List of logs where mask is applied.

  • nsamples (UnionType[int, dict[str, float], None]) – Number of samples around boundaries to filter, per side, i.e. value 2 means 2 above and 2 below, in total 4 samples. As alternative specify nsamples indirectly with a relative distance, as a dictionary with one record, as {“tvd”: 0.5} or {“md”: 0.7}.

  • strict (Optional[bool]) – If True, will raise Exception of any of the input or target log names are missing.

Return type:



True if any operation has been done. False in case nothing has been done,

e.g. no targetlogs for this particular well and strict is False.


ValueError – Various messages when wrong or inconsistent input.


>>> mywell1 = Well(well_dir + '/OP_1.w')
>>> mywell2 = Well(well_dir + '/OP_2.w')
>>> did_succeed = mywell1.mask_shoulderbeds(["Zonelog", "Facies"], ["Perm"])
>>> did_succeed = mywell2.mask_shoulderbeds(
...     ["Zonelog"],
...     ["Perm"],
...     nsamples={"tvd": 0.8}
... )

Consider if well overlap in X Y coordinates with other well, True/False.

property mdlogname

Returns name of MD log, if any (None if missing).



property metadata

Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.

property name

Returns or set (rename) a well name.

property ncol

Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of columns.



property nlogs

Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of columns.



property nrow

Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of rows.



rename_log(lname, newname)[source]

Rename a log, e.g. Poro to PORO.


Reports if well has holes in zonation, less or equal to N samples.

Zonation may have holes due to various reasons, and usually a few undef samples indicates that something is wrong. This method reports well and start interval of the “holes”

The well shall have zonelog from import (via zonelogname attribute) and preferly a MD log (via mdlogname attribute); however if the latter is not present, a report withou MD values will be present.


threshold (int) – Number of samples (max.) that defines a hole, e.g. 5 means that undef samples in the range [1, 5] (including 5) is applied


A Pandas dataframe as a report. None if no list is made.


RuntimeError if zonelog is not present

rescale(delta=0.15, tvdrange=None)[source]

Rescale (refine or coarse) by sampling a delta along the trajectory, in MD.

  • delta (float) – Step length

  • tvdrange (tuple of floats) – Resampling can be limited to TVD interval

Changed in version 2.2: Added tvdrange

property rkb

Returns RKB height for the well (read only).

property safewellname

Get well name on syntax safe form; ‘/’ and spaces replaced with ‘_’.


Set the dataframe.

set_logrecord(lname, newdict)[source]

Sets the record (dict) of a given discrete log.

set_logtype(lname, ltype)[source]

Sets the type of a give log (e.g. DISC or CONT).


Set a compound dictionary with well log metadata.

This operation is somewhat risky as it may lead to inconsistency, so use with care! Typically, one will use get_wlogs() first and then modify some attributes.


wlogs (dict) – Input data dictionary

  • ValueError – Invalid log type found in input:

  • ValueError – Invalid log record found in input:

  • ValueError – Invalid input key found:

  • ValueError – Invalid log record found in input:

property shortwellname

Well name on a short form where blockname/spaces removed (read only).

This should cope with both North Sea style and Haltenbanken style.

E.g.: ‘31/2-G-5 AH’ -> ‘G-5AH’, ‘6472_11-F-23_AH_T2’ -> ‘F-23AHT2’



to_file(wfile, fformat='rms_ascii')[source]

Export well to file or memory stream.

  • wfile (str | Path | BytesIO) – File name or stream.

  • fformat (Optional[str]) – File format (‘rms_ascii’/’rmswell’, ‘hdf/hdf5/h5’).


>>> xwell = Well(well_dir + '/OP_1.w')
>>> dfr = xwell.get_dataframe()
>>> dfr['Poro'] += 0.1
>>> xwell.set_dataframe(dfr)
>>> filename = xwell.to_file(outdir + "/somefile_copy.rmswell")
to_hdf(wfile, compression='lzf')[source]

Export well to HDF based file.


This implementation is currently experimental and only recommended for testing.


wfile (str | Path) – HDF File name to write to export to.

Return type:



A Path instance to actual file applied.

New in version 2.14.

to_roxar(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Export (save/store) a well to a roxar project.

Note this method works only when inside RMS, or when RMS license is activated in terminal.

The current implementation will either update the existing well (then well log array size must not change), or it will make a new well in RMS.

  • project (str, object) – Magic string ‘project’ or file path to project

  • wname (str) – Name of well, as shown in RMS.

  • ( (lognames) – obj:list or :obj:str): List of lognames to save, or use simply ‘all’ for current logs for this well. Default is ‘all’

  • realisation (int) – Currently inactive

  • trajectory (str) – Name of trajectory in RMS, default is “Drilled trajectory”

  • logrun (str) – Name of logrun in RMS, defaault is “log”

  • update_option (str) – None | “overwrite” | “append”. This only applies when the well (wname) exists in RMS, and rules are based on name matching. Default is None which means that all well logs in RMS are emptied and then replaced with the content from xtgeo. The “overwrite” option will replace logs in RMS with logs from xtgeo, and append new if they do not exist in RMS. The “append” option will only append logs if name does not exist in RMS already. Reading only a subset of logs and then use “overwrite” or “append” may speed up execution significantly.


When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then to_roxar() will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action.


# assume that existing logs in RMS are ["PORO", "PERMH", "GR", "DT", "FAC"]
# read only one existing log (faster)

wll = xtgeo.well_from_roxar(project, "WELL1", lognames=["PORO"])
dfr = wll.get_dataframe()
dfr["PORO"] += 0.2  # add 0.2 to PORO log
wll.create_log("NEW", value=0.333)  # create a new log with constant value

# the "option" is a variable... for output, ``lognames="all"`` is default
if option is None:
    # remove all current logs in RMS; only logs will be PORO and NEW
    wll.to_roxar(project, "WELL1", update_option=option)
elif option == "overwrite":
    # keep all original logs but update PORO and add NEW
    wll.to_roxar(project, "WELL1", update_option=option)
elif option == "append":
    # keep all original logs as they were (incl. PORO) and add NEW
    wll.to_roxar(project, "WELL1", update_option=option)


The keywords lognames and update_option will interact

New in version 2.12.

Changed in version 2.15: Saving to new wells enabled (earlier only modifying existing)

Changed in version 3.5: Add key update_option

property truewellname

Returns well name on the assummed form aka ‘31/2-E-4 AH2’.

truncate_parallel_path(other, xtol=None, ytol=None, ztol=None, itol=None, atol=None)[source]

Truncate the part of the well trajectory that is ~parallel with other.

  • other (Well) – Other well to compare with

  • xtol (float) – Tolerance in X (East) coord for measuring unit

  • ytol (float) – Tolerance in Y (North) coord for measuring unit

  • ztol (float) – Tolerance in Z (TVD) coord for measuring unit

  • itol (float) – Tolerance in inclination (degrees)

  • atol (float) – Tolerance in azimuth (degrees)

property wellname

Returns well name, read only.



property wlogrecords

Returns wlogrecords

property wlogtypes

Returns wlogtypes

property wname

Returns or set (rename) a well name.

property xname

Return or set name of X coordinate column.

property xpos

Returns well header X position (read only).

property xwellname

See safewellname.

property yname

Return or set name of Y coordinate column.

property ypos

Returns well header Y position (read only).

property zname

Return or set name of Z coordinate column.

property zonelogname

Returns or sets name of zone log, return None if missing.



Wells (multiple)


class xtgeo.Wells(wells=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class for a collection of Well objects, for operations that involves a number of wells.

See also the xtgeo.well.Well class.


wells (list[Well]) – The list of Well objects.

Public Data Attributes:


Returns a list of well names (read only).


Returns or sets a list of XTGeo Well objects, None if empty.

Public Methods:


Describe an instance by printing to stdout


Copy a Wells instance to a new unique instance (a deep copy).


Get a Well() instance by name, or None

from_files(filelist[, fformat, mdlogname, ...])

Deprecated see wells_from_files()

get_dataframe([filled, fill_value1, fill_value2])

Get a big dataframe for all wells or blocked wells in instance, with well name as first column

quickplot([filename, title])

Fast plot of wells using matplotlib.

limit_tvd(tvdmin, tvdmax)

Limit TVD to be in range tvdmin, tvdmax for all wells

downsample([interval, keeplast])

Downsample by sampling every N'th element (coarsen only), all wells.

wellintersections([wfilter, showprogress])

Get intersections between wells, return as dataframe table.


Copy a Wells instance to a new unique instance (a deep copy).


Describe an instance by printing to stdout

downsample(interval=4, keeplast=True)[source]

Downsample by sampling every N’th element (coarsen only), all wells.

from_files(filelist, fformat='rms_ascii', mdlogname=None, zonelogname=None, strict=True, append=True)[source]

Deprecated see wells_from_files()

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.wells_from_files() instead

get_dataframe(filled=False, fill_value1=-999, fill_value2=-9999)[source]

Get a big dataframe for all wells or blocked wells in instance, with well name as first column

  • filled (bool) – If True, then NaN’s are replaces with values

  • fill_value1 (int) – Only applied if filled=True, for logs that have missing values

  • fill_value2 (int) – Only applied if filled=True, when logs are missing completely for that well.


Get a Well() instance by name, or None

limit_tvd(tvdmin, tvdmax)[source]

Limit TVD to be in range tvdmin, tvdmax for all wells

property names

Returns a list of well names (read only).


namelist = wells.names
for prop in namelist:
    print ('Well name is {}'.format(name))
quickplot(filename=None, title='QuickPlot')[source]

Fast plot of wells using matplotlib.

  • filename (str) – Name of plot file; None will plot to screen.

  • title (str) – Title of plot

wellintersections(wfilter=None, showprogress=False)[source]

Get intersections between wells, return as dataframe table.

Notes on wfilter: A wfilter is settings to improve result. In particular to remove parts of trajectories that are parallel.

wfilter = {‘parallel’: {‘xtol’: 4.0, ‘ytol’: 4.0, ‘ztol’:2.0,

‘itol’:10, ‘atol’:2}}

Here xtol is tolerance in X coordinate; further Y tolerance, Z tolerance, (I)nclination tolerance, and (A)zimuth tolerance.

  • tvdrange (tuple of floats) – Search interval. One is often just interested in the reservoir section.

  • wfilter (dict) – A dictionrary for filter options, in order to improve result. See example above.

  • showprogress (bool) – Will show progress to screen if enabled.


A Pandas dataframe object, with columns WELL, CWELL and UTMX UTMY

TVD coordinates for CWELL where CWELL crosses WELL, and also MDEPTH for the WELL.

property wells

Returns or sets a list of XTGeo Well objects, None if empty.

Blocked well (single)


xtgeo.blockedwell_from_file(bwfile, fformat='rms_ascii', mdlogname=None, zonelogname=None, strict=False)[source]

Make an instance of a BlockedWell directly from file import.



>>> import xtgeo
>>> well3 = xtgeo.blockedwell_from_file(well_dir + '/OP_1.bw')
xtgeo.blockedwell_from_roxar(project, gname, bwname, wname, lognames=None, ijk=True, realisation=0)[source]

This makes an instance of a BlockedWell directly from Roxar RMS.

For arguments, see BlockedWell.from_roxar().


# inside RMS:
import xtgeo
mylogs = ['ZONELOG', 'GR', 'Facies']
mybw = xtgeo.blockedwell_from_roxar(project, 'Simgrid', 'BW', '31_3-1',


class xtgeo.BlockedWell(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Well

Class for a blocked well in the XTGeo framework, subclassed from the Well class.

Similar to Wells, the blocked well logs are stored as Pandas dataframe, which make manipulation easy and fast.

For blocked well logs, the numbers of rows cannot be changed if you want to save the result in RMS, as this is derived from the grid. Also the blocked well icon must exist before save.

The well trajectory are here represented as logs, and XYZ have magic names as default: X_UTME, Y_UTMN, Z_TVDSS, which are the three first Pandas columns.

Other geometry logs has also ‘semi-magic’ names:

M_MDEPTH or Q_MDEPTH: Measured depth, either real/true (M…) or quasi computed/estimated (Q…). The Quasi computations may be incorrect for all uses, but sufficient for some computations.

Similar for M_INCL, Q_INCL, M_AZI, Q_AZI.

I_INDEX, J_INDEX, K_INDEX: They are grid indices. For practical reasons they are treated as a CONT logs, since the min/max grid indices usually are unknown, and hence making a code index is not trivial.

All Pandas values (yes, discrete also!) are stored as float32 or float64 format, and undefined values are Nan. Integers are stored as Float due to the lacking support for ‘Integer Nan’ (currently lacking in Pandas, but may come in later Pandas versions).

Note there is a method that can return a dataframe (copy) with Integer and Float columns, see get_filled_dataframe().

The instance can be made either from file or:

>>> well1 = xtgeo.blockedwell_from_file(well_dir + '/OP_1.bw')  # RMS ascii well

If in RMS, instance can be made also from RMS icon:

well4 = xtgeo.blockedwell_from_roxar(

Public Data Attributes:


Returns or set (rename) the grid name that the blocked wells belongs to.

Inherited from Well


Return or set name of X coordinate column.


Return or set name of Y coordinate column.


Return or set name of Z coordinate column.


Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.


Returns RKB height for the well (read only).


Returns well header X position (read only).


Returns well header Y position (read only).


Returns well name, read only.


Returns or set (rename) a well name.


Returns or set (rename) a well name.


Get well name on syntax safe form; '/' and spaces replaced with '_'.


See safewellname.


Well name on a short form where blockname/spaces removed (read only).


Returns well name on the assummed form aka '31/2-E-4 AH2'.


Returns name of MD log, if any (None if missing).


Returns or sets name of zone log, return None if missing.


Returns or set the Pandas dataframe object for all logs.


Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of rows.


Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of columns.


Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of columns.


Returns dataframe column names as list, including mandatory coords.


Returns the Pandas dataframe column as list excluding coords.


Returns wlogtypes


Returns wlogrecords

Public Methods:


Copy a Well instance to a new unique Well instance.

from_roxar(*args, **kwargs)

Import (retrieve) a single blocked well from roxar project.

to_roxar(*args, **kwargs)

Set (export) a single blocked well item inside roxar project.

Inherited from Well


Ensure consistency for the instance.


Well name on a short name form where blockname and spaces are removed.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

from_file(wfile[, fformat])

Deprecated, see xtgeo.well_from_file()

to_file(wfile[, fformat])

Export well to file or memory stream.


Deprecated, use xtgeo.well_from_file()

to_hdf(wfile[, compression])

Export well to HDF based file.

from_roxar(project, name[, trajectory, ...])

Deprecated, use xtgeo.well_from_roxar()

to_roxar(*args, **kwargs)

Export (save/store) a well to a roxar project.


Get the lognames for all logs.


Get a compound dictionary with well log metadata.


Set a compound dictionary with well log metadata.


Return True of log is discrete, otherwise False.


Copy a Well instance to a new unique Well instance.

rename_log(lname, newname)

Rename a log, e.g. Poro to PORO.

create_log(lname[, logtype, logrecord, ...])

Create a new log with initial values.

copy_log(lname, newname[, force])

Copy a log from an existing to a name


Delete/remove an existing log, or list of logs.


Delete/remove an existing log, or list of logs.


Returns the type of a given log (e.g. DISC or CONT), None if not present.

set_logtype(lname, ltype)

Sets the type of a give log (e.g. DISC or CONT).


Returns the record (dict) of a given log name, None if not exists.

set_logrecord(lname, newdict)

Sets the record (dict) of a given discrete log.

get_logrecord_codename(lname, key)

Returns the name entry of a log record, for a given key.


Get a copy (default) or a view of the dataframe.

get_filled_dataframe([fill_value, ...])

Fill the Nan's in the dataframe with real UNDEF values.


Set the dataframe.


Make a relative length of a well, as a log.


Compute some well geometrical arrays MD, INCL, AZI, as logs.

truncate_parallel_path(other[, xtol, ytol, ...])

Truncate the part of the well trajectory that is ~parallel with other.


Consider if well overlap in X Y coordinates with other well, True/False.

limit_tvd(tvdmin, tvdmax)

Truncate the part of the well that is outside tvdmin, tvdmax.

downsample([interval, keeplast])

Downsample by sampling every N'th element (coarsen only).

rescale([delta, tvdrange])

Rescale (refine or coarse) by sampling a delta along the trajectory, in MD.


Return a Polygons object from the well trajectory.

get_fence_polyline([sampling, nextend, ...])

Return a fence polyline as a numpy array or a Polygons object.

create_surf_distance_log(surf[, name])

Make a log that is vertical distance to a regular surface.


Reports if well has holes in zonation, less or equal to N samples.

get_zonation_points([tops, incl_limit, ...])

Extract zonation points from Zonelog and make a marker list.

get_zone_interval(zonevalue[, resample, ...])

Extract the X Y Z ID line (polyline) segment for a given zonevalue.

get_fraction_per_zone(dlogname, dcodes[, ...])

Get fraction of a discrete parameter, e.g. a facies, per zone.

mask_shoulderbeds(inputlogs, targetlogs[, ...])

Mask data around zone boundaries or other discrete log boundaries.


Return Points obj where well crosses the surface (horizon picks).

make_ijk_from_grid(grid[, grid_id, ...])

Look through a Grid and add grid I J K as discrete logs.


Create a zone quality/indicator (flag) log.

get_gridproperties(gridprops[, grid, prop_id])

Look through a Grid and add a set of grid properties as logs.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Copy a Well instance to a new unique Well instance.

copy_log(lname, newname, force=True)

Copy a log from an existing to a name

If the new log already exists, it will be silently overwritten, unless the option force=False.

  • lname (str) – name of existing log

  • newname (str) – name of new log

Return type:



True if a new log is made (either new or force overwrite an existing) or False if the new log already exists, and force=False.


A copy can also be done directly in the dataframe, but with less
consistency checks; hence this method is recommended
create_log(lname, logtype='CONT', logrecord=None, value=0.0, force=True)

Create a new log with initial values.

If the logname already exists, it will be silently overwritten, unless the option force=False.

  • lname (str) – name of new log

  • logtype (str) – Must be ‘CONT’ (default) or ‘DISC’ (discrete)

  • logrecord (Optional[dict]) – A dictionary of key: values for ‘DISC’ logs

  • value (float) – initial value to set

  • force (bool) – If True, and lname exists, it will be overwritten, if False, no new log will be made. Will return False.

Return type:



True ff a new log is made (either new or force overwrite an existing) or False if the new log already exists, and force=False.


A new log can also be created by adding it to the dataframe directly, but
with less control over e.g. logrecord

Make a relative length of a well, as a log.

The first well og entry defines zero, then the horizontal length is computed relative to that by simple geometric methods.

create_surf_distance_log(surf, name='DIST_SURF')

Make a log that is vertical distance to a regular surface.

If the trajectory is above the surface (i.e. more shallow), then the distance sign is positive.

  • surf (object) – The RegularSurface instance.

  • name (Optional[str]) – The name of the new log. If it exists it will be overwritten.


mywell.rescale()  # optional
thesurf = xtgeo.surface_from_file("some.gri")
mywell.create_surf_distance_log(thesurf, name="sdiff")
property dataframe

Returns or set the Pandas dataframe object for all logs.


Delete/remove an existing log, or list of logs.

Will continue silently if a log does not exist.


lname (str | list[str]) – A logname or a list of lognames

Return type:



Number of logs deleted


A log can also be deleted by simply removing it from the dataframe.

Delete/remove an existing log, or list of logs.

Will continue silently if a log does not exist.


lname (str | list[str]) – A logname or a list of lognames

Return type:



Number of logs deleted


A log can also be deleted by simply removing it from the dataframe.

Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

downsample(interval=4, keeplast=True)

Downsample by sampling every N’th element (coarsen only).

  • interval (int) – Sampling interval.

  • keeplast (bool) – If True, the last element from the original dataframe is kept, to avoid that the well is shortened.


Ensure consistency for the instance.

New in version 3.5.

from_file(wfile, fformat='rms_ascii', **kwargs)

Deprecated, see xtgeo.well_from_file()

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.well_from_file() instead


Deprecated, use xtgeo.well_from_file()

Deprecated since version 3.6: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.well_from_file() instead

from_roxar(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Import (retrieve) a single blocked well from roxar project.

Note this method works only when inside RMS, or when RMS license is activated.

  • project (str) – Magic string project or file path to project

  • gname (str) – Name of GridModel icon in RMS

  • bwname (str) – Name of Blocked Well icon in RMS, usually ‘BW’

  • wname (str) – Name of well, as shown in RMS.

  • lognames (list) – List of lognames to include, or use ‘all’ for all current blocked logs for this well. Default is ‘all’.

  • realisation (int) – Realisation index (0 is default)

  • ijk (bool) – If True, then make additional logs with grid IJK as I_INDEX, etc, default is False

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.blockedwell_from_roxar() instead


Compute some well geometrical arrays MD, INCL, AZI, as logs.

These are kind of quasi measurements hence the logs will named with a Q in front as Q_MDEPTH, Q_INCL, and Q_AZI.

These logs will be added to the dataframe. If the mdlogname attribute does not exist in advance, it will be set to ‘Q_MDEPTH’.


False if geometrics cannot be computed


Get a copy (default) or a view of the dataframe.


copy (bool) – If True, return a deep copy. A view (copy=False) will be faster and more memory efficient, but less “safe” for some cases when manipulating dataframes.

Changed in version 3.7: Added copy keyword

get_fence_polyline(sampling=20, nextend=2, tvdmin=None, asnumpy=True)

Return a fence polyline as a numpy array or a Polygons object.

The result will aim for a regular sampling interval, useful for extracting fence plots (cross-sections).

  • sampling (float) – Sampling interval i.e. horizonal distance (input)

  • nextend (int) – Number if sampling to extend; e.g. 2 * 20

  • tvdmin (float) – Minimum TVD starting point.

  • as_numpy (bool) – If True, a numpy array, otherwise a Polygons object with 5 columns where the 2 last are HLEN and POLY_ID and the POLY_ID will be set to 0.


A numpy array of shape (NLEN, 5) in F order, Or a Polygons object with 5 columns If not possible, return False

Changed in version 2.1: improved algorithm

get_filled_dataframe(fill_value=1e+33, fill_value_int=2000000000)

Fill the Nan’s in the dataframe with real UNDEF values.

This module returns a copy of the dataframe in the object; it does not change the instance.

Note that DISC logs will be casted to columns with integer as datatype.


A pandas dataframe where Nan er replaces with preset

high XTGeo UNDEF values, or user defined values.

get_fraction_per_zone(dlogname, dcodes, zonelist=None, incl_limit=80, count_limit=3, zonelogname=None)

Get fraction of a discrete parameter, e.g. a facies, per zone.

It can be constrained by an inclination.

Also, it needs to be evaluated only of ZONE is complete; either INCREASE or DECREASE ; hence a quality flag is made and applied.

  • dlogname (str) – Name of discrete log, e.g. ‘FACIES’

  • dnames (list of int) – Codes of facies (or similar) to report for

  • zonelist (list of int) – Zones to use

  • incl_limit (float) – Inclination limit for well path.

  • count_limit (int) – Minimum number of counts required per segment for valid calculations

  • zonelogname (str). If None, the Well() – applied


A pandas dataframe (ready for the xyz/Points class), None if a zonelog is missing or or dlogname is missing, list is zero length for any reason.

get_gridproperties(gridprops, grid=('ICELL', 'JCELL', 'KCELL'), prop_id='_model')

Look through a Grid and add a set of grid properties as logs.

The name of the logs will …

This can be done to sample model properties along a well.

  • gridprops (Grid) – A XTGeo GridProperties instance (a collection of properties) or a single GridProperty instance

  • grid (Grid or tuple) – A XTGeo Grid instance or a reference via tuple. If this is tuple with log names, it states that these logs already contains the gridcell IJK numbering.

  • prop_id (str) – Add a tag (optional) to the current log name, e.g as PORO_model, where _model is the tag.



New in version 2.1.


Get the lognames for all logs.


Returns the record (dict) of a given log name, None if not exists.

get_logrecord_codename(lname, key)

Returns the name entry of a log record, for a given key.


# get the name for zonelog entry no 4:
zname = well.get_logrecord_codename('ZONELOG', 4)

Returns the type of a given log (e.g. DISC or CONT), None if not present.

Return type:



Return a Polygons object from the well trajectory.


skipname (bool) – If True then name column is omitted

New in version 2.1.

Changed in version 2.13: Added skipname key

static get_short_wellname(wellname)

Well name on a short name form where blockname and spaces are removed.

This should cope with both North Sea style and Haltenbanken style. E.g.: ‘31/2-G-5 AH’ -> ‘G-5AH’, ‘6472_11-F-23_AH_T2’ -> ‘F-23AHT2’


Return Points obj where well crosses the surface (horizon picks).

There may be several points in the Points() dataframe attribute. Also a DIRECTION column will show 1 if surface is penetrated from above, and -1 if penetrated from below.


surf (RegularSurface) – The surface instance


A Points instance, or None if no crossing points

New in version 2.8.


Get a compound dictionary with well log metadata.

The result will be an dict on the form:

{"X_UTME": ["CONT", None], ... "Facies": ["DISC", {1: "BG", 2: "SAND"}]}

Return type:


get_zonation_points(tops=True, incl_limit=80, top_prefix='Top', zonelist=None, use_undef=False)

Extract zonation points from Zonelog and make a marker list.

Currently it is either ‘Tops’ or ‘Zone’ (thicknesses); default is tops (i.e. tops=True).

The zonelist can be a list of zones, or a tuple with two members specifying first and last member. Note however that the zonation shall be without jumps and increasing. E.g.:

zonelist=(1, 5)  # meaning [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# or
zonelist=[1, 2, 3, 4]
# while _not_ legal:
zonelist=[1, 4, 8]

Zone numbers less than 0 are not accepted

  • tops (bool) – If True then compute tops, else (thickness) points.

  • incl_limit (float) – If given, and usezone is True, the max angle of inclination to be used as input to zonation points.

  • top_prefix (str) – As well logs usually have isochore (zone) name, this prefix could be Top, e.g. ‘SO43’ –> ‘TopSO43’

  • zonelist (list of int or tuple) – Zones to use

  • use_undef (bool) – If True, then transition from UNDEF is also used.


A pandas dataframe (ready for the xyz/Points class), None if a zonelog is missing

get_zone_interval(zonevalue, resample=1, extralogs=None)

Extract the X Y Z ID line (polyline) segment for a given zonevalue.

  • zonevalue (int) – The zone value to extract

  • resample (int) – If given, downsample every N’th sample to make polylines smaller in terms of bit and bytes. 1 = No downsampling.

  • extralogs (list of str) – List of extra log names to include


A pandas dataframe X Y Z ID (ready for the xyz/Polygon class), None if a zonelog is missing or actual zone does dot exist in the well.

property gridname

Returns or set (rename) the grid name that the blocked wells belongs to.


Return True of log is discrete, otherwise False.


logname (str) – Name of log to check if discrete or not

New in version 2.2.0.

limit_tvd(tvdmin, tvdmax)

Truncate the part of the well that is outside tvdmin, tvdmax.

Range will be in tvdmin <= tvd <= tvdmax.

  • tvdmin (float) – Minimum TVD

  • tvdmax (float) – Maximum TVD

property lognames

Returns the Pandas dataframe column as list excluding coords.



property lognames_all

Returns dataframe column names as list, including mandatory coords.



make_ijk_from_grid(grid, grid_id='', algorithm=2, activeonly=True)

Look through a Grid and add grid I J K as discrete logs.

Note that the the grid counting has base 1 (first row is 1 etc).

By default, log (i.e. column names in the dataframe) will be ICELL, JCELL, KCELL, but you can add a tag (ID) to that name.

  • grid (Grid) – A XTGeo Grid instance

  • grid_id (str) – Add a tag (optional) to the current log name

  • algorithm (int) – Which interbal algorithm to use, default is 2 (expert setting)

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, only active cells are applied (algorithm 2 only)


RuntimeError – ‘Error from C routine, code is …’

Changed in version 2.9: Added keys for and activeonly


Create a zone quality/indicator (flag) log.

This routine looks through to zone log and flag intervals according to neighbouring zones:

  • 0: Undetermined flag

  • 1: Zonelog interval numbering increases,

    e.g. for zone 2: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5

  • 2: Zonelog interval numbering decreases,

    e.g. for zone 2: 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

  • 3: Interval is a U turning point, e.g. 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1

  • 4: Interval is a inverse U turning point, 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5

  • 9: Interval is bounded by one or more missing sections,

    e.g. 1 1 1 2 2 2 -999 -999

If a log with the name exists, it will be silently replaced


zqname (str) – Name of quality log

mask_shoulderbeds(inputlogs, targetlogs, nsamples=2, strict=False)

Mask data around zone boundaries or other discrete log boundaries.

This operates on number of samples, hence the actual distance which is masked depends on the sampling interval (ie. count) or on distance measures. Distance measures are TVD (true vertical depth) or MD (measured depth).

  • inputlogs (list[str]) – List of input logs, must be of discrete type.

  • targetlogs (list[str]) – List of logs where mask is applied.

  • nsamples (UnionType[int, dict[str, float], None]) – Number of samples around boundaries to filter, per side, i.e. value 2 means 2 above and 2 below, in total 4 samples. As alternative specify nsamples indirectly with a relative distance, as a dictionary with one record, as {“tvd”: 0.5} or {“md”: 0.7}.

  • strict (Optional[bool]) – If True, will raise Exception of any of the input or target log names are missing.

Return type:



True if any operation has been done. False in case nothing has been done,

e.g. no targetlogs for this particular well and strict is False.


ValueError – Various messages when wrong or inconsistent input.


>>> mywell1 = Well(well_dir + '/OP_1.w')
>>> mywell2 = Well(well_dir + '/OP_2.w')
>>> did_succeed = mywell1.mask_shoulderbeds(["Zonelog", "Facies"], ["Perm"])
>>> did_succeed = mywell2.mask_shoulderbeds(
...     ["Zonelog"],
...     ["Perm"],
...     nsamples={"tvd": 0.8}
... )

Consider if well overlap in X Y coordinates with other well, True/False.

property mdlogname

Returns name of MD log, if any (None if missing).



property metadata

Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.

property name

Returns or set (rename) a well name.

property ncol

Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of columns.



property nlogs

Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of columns.



property nrow

Returns the Pandas dataframe object number of rows.



rename_log(lname, newname)

Rename a log, e.g. Poro to PORO.


Reports if well has holes in zonation, less or equal to N samples.

Zonation may have holes due to various reasons, and usually a few undef samples indicates that something is wrong. This method reports well and start interval of the “holes”

The well shall have zonelog from import (via zonelogname attribute) and preferly a MD log (via mdlogname attribute); however if the latter is not present, a report withou MD values will be present.


threshold (int) – Number of samples (max.) that defines a hole, e.g. 5 means that undef samples in the range [1, 5] (including 5) is applied


A Pandas dataframe as a report. None if no list is made.


RuntimeError if zonelog is not present

rescale(delta=0.15, tvdrange=None)

Rescale (refine or coarse) by sampling a delta along the trajectory, in MD.

  • delta (float) – Step length

  • tvdrange (tuple of floats) – Resampling can be limited to TVD interval

Changed in version 2.2: Added tvdrange

property rkb

Returns RKB height for the well (read only).

property safewellname

Get well name on syntax safe form; ‘/’ and spaces replaced with ‘_’.


Set the dataframe.

set_logrecord(lname, newdict)

Sets the record (dict) of a given discrete log.

set_logtype(lname, ltype)

Sets the type of a give log (e.g. DISC or CONT).


Set a compound dictionary with well log metadata.

This operation is somewhat risky as it may lead to inconsistency, so use with care! Typically, one will use get_wlogs() first and then modify some attributes.


wlogs (dict) – Input data dictionary

  • ValueError – Invalid log type found in input:

  • ValueError – Invalid log record found in input:

  • ValueError – Invalid input key found:

  • ValueError – Invalid log record found in input:

property shortwellname

Well name on a short form where blockname/spaces removed (read only).

This should cope with both North Sea style and Haltenbanken style.

E.g.: ‘31/2-G-5 AH’ -> ‘G-5AH’, ‘6472_11-F-23_AH_T2’ -> ‘F-23AHT2’



to_file(wfile, fformat='rms_ascii')

Export well to file or memory stream.

  • wfile (str | Path | BytesIO) – File name or stream.

  • fformat (Optional[str]) – File format (‘rms_ascii’/’rmswell’, ‘hdf/hdf5/h5’).


>>> xwell = Well(well_dir + '/OP_1.w')
>>> dfr = xwell.get_dataframe()
>>> dfr['Poro'] += 0.1
>>> xwell.set_dataframe(dfr)
>>> filename = xwell.to_file(outdir + "/somefile_copy.rmswell")
to_hdf(wfile, compression='lzf')

Export well to HDF based file.


This implementation is currently experimental and only recommended for testing.


wfile (str | Path) – HDF File name to write to export to.

Return type:



A Path instance to actual file applied.

New in version 2.14.

to_roxar(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Set (export) a single blocked well item inside roxar project.

Note this method works only when inside RMS, or when RMS license is activated. RMS will store blocked wells as a Gridmodel feature, not as a well.


When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then to_roxar() will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action.

  • project (str or object) – Magic object ‘project’ or file path to project

  • gname (str) – Name of GridModel icon in RMS

  • bwname (str) – Name of Blocked Well icon in RMS, usually ‘BW’

  • wname (str) – Name of well, as shown in RMS.

  • lognames (list or "all") – List of lognames to include, or use ‘all’ for all current blocked logs for this well (except index logs). Default is “all”.

  • realisation (int) – Realisation index (0 is default)

  • ijk (bool) – If True, then also write special index logs if they exist, such as I_INDEX, J_INDEX, K_INDEX, etc. Default is False

property truewellname

Returns well name on the assummed form aka ‘31/2-E-4 AH2’.

truncate_parallel_path(other, xtol=None, ytol=None, ztol=None, itol=None, atol=None)

Truncate the part of the well trajectory that is ~parallel with other.

  • other (Well) – Other well to compare with

  • xtol (float) – Tolerance in X (East) coord for measuring unit

  • ytol (float) – Tolerance in Y (North) coord for measuring unit

  • ztol (float) – Tolerance in Z (TVD) coord for measuring unit

  • itol (float) – Tolerance in inclination (degrees)

  • atol (float) – Tolerance in azimuth (degrees)

property wellname

Returns well name, read only.



property wlogrecords

Returns wlogrecords

property wlogtypes

Returns wlogtypes

property wname

Returns or set (rename) a well name.

property xname

Return or set name of X coordinate column.

property xpos

Returns well header X position (read only).

property xwellname

See safewellname.

property yname

Return or set name of Y coordinate column.

property ypos

Returns well header Y position (read only).

property zname

Return or set name of Z coordinate column.

property zonelogname

Returns or sets name of zone log, return None if missing.



Blocked wells (multiple)


xtgeo.blockedwells_from_roxar(project, gname, bwname, lognames=None, ijk=True)[source]

This makes an instance of a BlockedWells directly from Roxar RMS.

For arguments, see BlockedWells.from_roxar().

Note the difference between classes BlockedWell and BlockedWells.


# inside RMS:
import xtgeo
mylogs = ['ZONELOG', 'GR', 'Facies']
mybws = xtgeo.blockedwells_from_roxar(project, 'Simgrid', 'BW',


class xtgeo.BlockedWells(wells=None)[source]

Bases: Wells

Class for a collection of BlockedWell objects, for operations that involves a number of wells.

See also the xtgeo.well.BlockedWell class.

Public Data Attributes:

Inherited from Wells


Returns a list of well names (read only).


Returns or sets a list of XTGeo Well objects, None if empty.

Public Methods:


Copy a BlockedWells instance to a new unique instance.


Get a BlockedWell() instance by name, or None

from_files(filelist[, fformat, mdlogname, ...])

Import blocked wells from a list of files (filelist).

from_roxar(*args, **kwargs)

Import (retrieve) blocked wells from roxar project.

Inherited from Wells


Describe an instance by printing to stdout


Copy a Wells instance to a new unique instance (a deep copy).


Get a Well() instance by name, or None

from_files(filelist[, fformat, mdlogname, ...])

Deprecated see wells_from_files()

get_dataframe([filled, fill_value1, fill_value2])

Get a big dataframe for all wells or blocked wells in instance, with well name as first column

quickplot([filename, title])

Fast plot of wells using matplotlib.

limit_tvd(tvdmin, tvdmax)

Limit TVD to be in range tvdmin, tvdmax for all wells

downsample([interval, keeplast])

Downsample by sampling every N'th element (coarsen only), all wells.

wellintersections([wfilter, showprogress])

Get intersections between wells, return as dataframe table.


Copy a BlockedWells instance to a new unique instance.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout

downsample(interval=4, keeplast=True)

Downsample by sampling every N’th element (coarsen only), all wells.

from_files(filelist, fformat='rms_ascii', mdlogname=None, zonelogname=None, strict=True, append=True)[source]

Import blocked wells from a list of files (filelist).

  • filelist (list of str) – List with file names

  • fformat (str) – File format, rms_ascii (rms well) is currently supported and default format.

  • mdlogname (str) – Name of measured depth log, if any

  • zonelogname (str) – Name of zonation log, if any

  • strict (bool) – If True, then import will fail if zonelogname or mdlogname are asked for but not present in wells.

  • append (bool) – If True, new wells will be added to existing wells.


Here the from_file method is used to initiate the object directly:

mywells = BlockedWells(['31_2-6.w', '31_2-7.w', '31_2-8.w'])

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.blockedwells_from_files() instead

from_roxar(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Import (retrieve) blocked wells from roxar project.

Note this method works only when inside RMS, or when RMS license is activated.

All the wells present in the bwname icon will be imported.

  • project (str) – Magic string ‘project’ or file path to project

  • gname (str) – Name of GridModel icon in RMS

  • bwname (str) – Name of Blocked Well icon in RMS, usually ‘BW’

  • lognames (list) – List of lognames to include, or use ‘all’ for all current blocked logs for this well.

  • ijk (bool) – If True, then logs with grid IJK as I_INDEX, etc

  • realisation (int) – Realisation index (0 is default)

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.blockedwells_from_roxar() instead


Get a BlockedWell() instance by name, or None

get_dataframe(filled=False, fill_value1=-999, fill_value2=-9999)

Get a big dataframe for all wells or blocked wells in instance, with well name as first column

  • filled (bool) – If True, then NaN’s are replaces with values

  • fill_value1 (int) – Only applied if filled=True, for logs that have missing values

  • fill_value2 (int) – Only applied if filled=True, when logs are missing completely for that well.


Get a Well() instance by name, or None

limit_tvd(tvdmin, tvdmax)

Limit TVD to be in range tvdmin, tvdmax for all wells

property names

Returns a list of well names (read only).


namelist = wells.names
for prop in namelist:
    print ('Well name is {}'.format(name))
quickplot(filename=None, title='QuickPlot')

Fast plot of wells using matplotlib.

  • filename (str) – Name of plot file; None will plot to screen.

  • title (str) – Title of plot

wellintersections(wfilter=None, showprogress=False)

Get intersections between wells, return as dataframe table.

Notes on wfilter: A wfilter is settings to improve result. In particular to remove parts of trajectories that are parallel.

wfilter = {‘parallel’: {‘xtol’: 4.0, ‘ytol’: 4.0, ‘ztol’:2.0,

‘itol’:10, ‘atol’:2}}

Here xtol is tolerance in X coordinate; further Y tolerance, Z tolerance, (I)nclination tolerance, and (A)zimuth tolerance.

  • tvdrange (tuple of floats) – Search interval. One is often just interested in the reservoir section.

  • wfilter (dict) – A dictionrary for filter options, in order to improve result. See example above.

  • showprogress (bool) – Will show progress to screen if enabled.


A Pandas dataframe object, with columns WELL, CWELL and UTMX UTMY

TVD coordinates for CWELL where CWELL crosses WELL, and also MDEPTH for the WELL.

property wells

Returns or sets a list of XTGeo Well objects, None if empty.

Cubes (e.g. seismic)



xtgeo.cube_from_file(mfile, fformat='guess')[source]

This makes an instance of a Cube directly from file import.



>>> import xtgeo
>>> mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
xtgeo.cube_from_roxar(project, name, folder=None)[source]

This makes an instance of a Cube directly from roxar input.

The folder is a string on form “a” or “a/b” if subfolders are present


import xtgeo
mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_roxar(project, "DepthCube")


class xtgeo.Cube(ncol, nrow, nlay, xinc, yinc, zinc, xori=0.0, yori=0.0, zori=0.0, yflip=1, values=0.0, rotation=0.0, zflip=1, ilines=None, xlines=None, traceidcodes=None, segyfile=None, filesrc=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class for a (seismic) cube in the XTGeo framework.

The values are stored as a 3D numpy array (4 bytes; float32 is default), with internal C ordering (nlay fastest).

See xtgeo.cube_from_file() for importing cubes from e.g. segy files.

See also Cube section in documentation: docs/datamodel.rst


>>> import xtgeo
>>> # a user defined cube:
>>> mycube = xtgeo.Cube(
...     xori=100.0,
...     yori=200.0,
...     zori=150.0,
...     ncol=40,
...     nrow=30,
...     nlay=10,
...     rotation=30,
...     values=0
... )
  • xori – Origin in Easting coordinate

  • yori – Origin in Northing coordinate

  • zori – Origin in Depth coordinate, where depth is positive down

  • ncol – Number of columns

  • nrow – Number of columns

  • nlay – Number of layers, starting from top

  • rotation – Cube rotation, X axis is applied and “school-wise” rotation, anti-clock in degrees

  • values – Numpy array with shape (ncol, nrow, nlay), C order, np.float32

  • ilines – 1D numpy array with ncol elements, aka INLINES array, defaults to arange

  • xlines – 1D numpy array with nrow elements, aka XLINES array, defaults to arange

  • segyfile – Name of source segyfile if any

  • filesrc – String: Source file if any

  • yflip – Normally 1; if -1 Y axis is flipped –> from left-handed (1) to right handed (-1). Right handed cubes are common.

Initiate a Cube instance.

Public Data Attributes:


Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.


The NCOL (NX or I dir) number (read-only).


The NROW (NY or J dir) number (read-only).


The NLAY (or NZ or K dir) number (read-only).


The cube dimensions with 3 integers (read only).


The XORI (origin corner) coordinate.


The YORI (origin corner) coordinate.


The ZORI (origin corner) coordinate.


The XINC (increment X) as property.


The YINC (increment Y).


The ZINC (increment Z).


The rotation, anticlock from X axis in degrees.


The inlines numbering vector.


The xlines numbering vector.


Return the time/depth slices as an int array (read only).


The trace identifaction codes array (ncol, nrow).


The YFLIP indicator, 1 is normal, -1 means Y flipped.


The ZFLIP indicator, 1 is normal, -1 means Z flipped.


The input segy file name (str), if any (or None) (read-only).


The input file name (str), if any (or None) (read-only).


The values, as a 3D numpy (ncol, nrow, nlay), 4 byte float.

Public Methods:


Return a unique hash ID for current instance.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout or return.


Deep copy of a Cube() object to another instance.


Swap the axes inline vs xline, keep origin.

resample(incube[, sampling, outside_value])

Resample a Cube object into this instance.

do_thinning(icol, jrow, klay)

Thinning the cube by removing every N column, row and/or layer.

do_cropping(icols, jrows, klays[, mode])

Cropping the cube by removing rows, columns, layers.


Set values for traces flagged as dead.

get_xy_value_from_ij(iloc, jloc[, ixline, ...])

Returns x, y coordinate from a single i j location.

get_randomline(fencespec[, zmin, zmax, ...])

Get a randomline from a fence spesification.

from_file(sfile[, fformat, engine])

Deprecated, see cube_from_file().

to_file(sfile[, fformat, pristine, engine])

Export cube data to file.

from_roxar(project, name[, folder])

Import (transfer) a cube from a Roxar seismic object to XTGeo.

to_roxar(project, name[, folder, propname, ...])

Export (transfer) a cube from a XTGeo cube object to Roxar data.

scan_segy_traces(sfile[, outfile])

Scan a SEGY file traces and print limits info to STDOUT or file.

scan_segy_header(sfile[, outfile])

Scan a SEGY file header and print info to screen or file.

__init__(ncol, nrow, nlay, xinc, yinc, zinc, xori=0.0, yori=0.0, zori=0.0, yflip=1, values=0.0, rotation=0.0, zflip=1, ilines=None, xlines=None, traceidcodes=None, segyfile=None, filesrc=None)[source]

Initiate a Cube instance.


Deep copy of a Cube() object to another instance.

>>> mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> mycube2 = mycube.copy()

Describe an instance by printing to stdout or return.


flush (bool) – If True, description is printed to stdout.

property dimensions

The cube dimensions with 3 integers (read only).



do_cropping(icols, jrows, klays, mode='edges')[source]

Cropping the cube by removing rows, columns, layers.

Note that input boundary checking is currently lacking, and this is a currently a user responsibility!

The ‘mode’ is used to determine to different ‘approaches’ on cropping. Examples for icols and mode ‘edges’: Here the tuple (N, M) will cut N first rows and M last rows.

However, if mode is ‘inclusive’ then, it defines the range of rows to be included, and the numbering now shall be the INLINE, XLINE and DEPTH/TIME mode.

  • icols (int tuple) – Cropping front, end of rows, or inclusive range

  • jrows (int tuple) – Cropping front, end of columns, or inclusive range

  • klays (int tuple) – Cropping top, base layers, or inclusive range.

  • mode (str) – ‘Default is ‘edges’; alternative is ‘inclusive’


Crop 10 columns from front, 2 from back, then 20 rows in front, 40 in back, then no cropping of layers:

>>> import xtgeo
>>> mycube1 = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> mycube2 = mycube1.copy()
>>> mycube1.do_cropping((10, 2), (20, 40), (0, 0))
>>> mycube1.to_file(outdir + '/mysegy_smaller.segy')

In stead, do cropping as ‘inclusive’ where inlines, xlines, slices arrays are known:

>>> mycube2.do_cropping((11, 32), (112, 114), (150, 200))
do_thinning(icol, jrow, klay)[source]

Thinning the cube by removing every N column, row and/or layer.

  • icol (int) – Thinning factor for columns (usually inlines)

  • jrow (int) – Thinning factor for rows (usually xlines)

  • klay (int) – Thinning factor for layers


ValueError – If icol, jrow or klay are out of reasonable range


>>> mycube1 = Cube(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> mycube1.do_thinning(2, 2, 1)  # keep every second column, row
>>> mycube1.to_file(outdir + '/mysegy_smaller.segy')
property filesrc

The input file name (str), if any (or None) (read-only).

from_file(sfile, fformat='guess', engine=None)[source]

Deprecated, see cube_from_file().

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.cube_from_file() instead

from_roxar(project, name, folder=None)[source]

Import (transfer) a cube from a Roxar seismic object to XTGeo.

  • project (str) – Inside RMS use the magic ‘project’, else use path to RMS project

  • name (str) – Name of cube within RMS project.

  • folder (str) – Folder name in in RMS if present; use ‘/’ to seperate subfolders


To be described...


zz = Cube()
zz.from_roxar(project, 'truth_reek_seismic_depth_2000', folder="alt/depth")

Deprecated since version 3.6: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.cube_from_roxar() instead


Return a unique hash ID for current instance.

See generic_hash() for documentation.

New in version 2.14.

get_randomline(fencespec, zmin=None, zmax=None, zincrement=None, hincrement=None, atleast=5, nextend=2, sampling='nearest')[source]

Get a randomline from a fence spesification.

This randomline will be a 2D numpy with depth/time on the vertical axis, and length along as horizontal axis. Undefined values will have the np.nan value.

The input fencespec is either a 2D numpy where each row is X, Y, Z, HLEN, where X, Y are UTM coordinates, Z is depth/time, and HLEN is a length along the fence, or a Polygons instance.

If input fencspec is a numpy 2D, it is important that the HLEN array has a constant increment and ideally a sampling that is less than the Cube resolution. If a Polygons() instance, this is automated!

  • fencespec (ndarray or Polygons) – 2D numpy with X, Y, Z, HLEN as rows or a xtgeo Polygons() object.

  • zmin (float) – Minimum Z (default is Cube Z minima/origin)

  • zmax (float) – Maximum Z (default is Cube Z maximum)

  • zincrement (float) – Sampling vertically, default is Cube ZINC/2

  • hincrement (float or bool) – Resampling horizontally. This applies only if the fencespec is a Polygons() instance. If None (default), the distance will be deduced automatically.

  • atleast (int) – Minimum number of horizontal samples (only if fencespec is a Polygons instance)

  • nextend (int) – Extend with nextend * hincrement in both ends (only if fencespec is a Polygons instance)

  • sampling (str) – Algorithm, ‘nearest’ or ‘trilinear’ (first is faster, second is more precise for continuous fields)


(hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax, ndarray2d)

Return type:

A tuple


ValueError – Input fence is not according to spec.

Changed in version 2.1: support for Polygons() as fencespec, and keywords hincrement, atleast and sampling

See also

Class Polygons

The method get_fence() which can be used to pregenerate fencespec

get_xy_value_from_ij(iloc, jloc, ixline=False, zerobased=False)[source]

Returns x, y coordinate from a single i j location.

  • iloc (int) – I (col) location (base is 1)

  • jloc (int) – J (row) location (base is 1)

  • ixline (bool) – If True, then input locations are inline and xline position

  • zerobased (bool) – If True, first index is 0, else it is 1. This does not apply when ixline is set to True.


The X, Y coordinate pair.

property ilines

The inlines numbering vector.

property metadata

Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.

property ncol

The NCOL (NX or I dir) number (read-only).

property nlay

The NLAY (or NZ or K dir) number (read-only).

property nrow

The NROW (NY or J dir) number (read-only).

resample(incube, sampling='nearest', outside_value=None)[source]

Resample a Cube object into this instance.

  • incube (Cube) – A XTGeo Cube instance

  • sampling (str) – Sampling algorithm: ‘nearest’ for nearest node of ‘trilinear’ for trilinear interpoltion (more correct but slower)

  • outside_value (None or float) – use this value


ValueError – If cubes do not overlap


>>> import xtgeo
>>> mycube1 = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> mycube2 = xtgeo.Cube(
...     xori=777574,
...     yori=6736507,
...     zori=1000,
...     xinc=10,
...     yinc=10,
...     zinc=4,
...     ncol=100,
...     nrow=100,
...     nlay=100,
...     yflip=mycube1.yflip,
...     rotation=mycube1.rotation
... )
>>> mycube2.resample(mycube1)
property rotation

The rotation, anticlock from X axis in degrees.

static scan_segy_header(sfile, outfile=None)[source]

Scan a SEGY file header and print info to screen or file.

  • sfile (str) – Name of SEGY file

  • outfile (str) – File where store header info, if empty or None output goes to screen (STDOUT).

Deprecated since version 3.6: This will be removed in 4.0. This functionality is no longer supported in xtgeo. Use the segyio library instead.

static scan_segy_traces(sfile, outfile=None)[source]

Scan a SEGY file traces and print limits info to STDOUT or file.

  • sfile (str) – Name of SEGY file

  • outfile (Union[str, Path, StringIO, BytesIO]) – File where store scanned trace info, if empty or None output goes to STDOUT.

Deprecated since version 3.6: This will be removed in 4.0. This functionality is no longer supported in xtgeo. Use the segyio library instead.

property segyfile

The input segy file name (str), if any (or None) (read-only).


Swap the axes inline vs xline, keep origin.

to_file(sfile, fformat='segy', pristine=False, engine='xtgeo')[source]

Export cube data to file.

  • sfile (str) – Filename

  • fformat (str, optional) – file format ‘segy’ (default) or ‘rms_regular’

  • pristine (bool) – If True, make SEGY from scratch.

  • engine (str) – Which “engine” to use.

>>> import xtgeo
>>> zz = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy")
>>> zz.to_file(outdir + '/some.rmsreg')
to_roxar(project, name, folder=None, propname='seismic_attribute', domain='time', compression=('wavelet', 5.0), target='seismic')[source]

Export (transfer) a cube from a XTGeo cube object to Roxar data.


When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then to_roxar() will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action.

  • project (Any) – Inside RMS use the magic ‘project’, else use path to RMS project, or a project reference

  • name (str) – Name of cube (seismic data) within RMS project.

  • folder (Optional[str]) – Cubes may be stored under a folder in the tree, use ‘/’ to seperate subfolders.

  • propname (str) – Name of grid property; only relevant when target is “grid” and defaults to “seismic_attribute”

  • domain (str) – ‘time’ (default) or ‘depth’

  • compression (tuple[str, float]) – Reference to Roxar API ‘compression method’ and ‘compression tolerance’, but implementation is pending. Hence inactive.

  • target (str) – Optionally, the seismic cube can be written to the Grid model tree in RMS. Internally, it will be convert to a “box” grid with one gridproperty, before it is written to RMS. The compression``and ``domain are not relevant when writing to grid model.


To be described...


zz = xtgeo.cube_from_file('myfile.segy')
zz.to_roxar(project, 'reek_cube')
# write cube to "Grid model" tree in RMS instead
zz.to_roxar(project, 'cube_as_grid', propname="impedance", target="grid")

Changed in version 3.4: Add target and propname keys

property traceidcodes

The trace identifaction codes array (ncol, nrow).

property values

The values, as a 3D numpy (ncol, nrow, nlay), 4 byte float.


Set values for traces flagged as dead.

Dead traces have traceidcodes 2 and corresponding values in the cube will here receive a constant value to mimic “undefined”.


newvalue (float) – Set cube values to newvalues where traceid is 2.


The estimated simple ‘average’ of old value will

be returned as (max + min)/2. If no dead traces, return None.

Return type:

oldvalue (float)

property xinc

The XINC (increment X) as property.

property xlines

The xlines numbering vector.

property xori

The XORI (origin corner) coordinate.

property yflip

The YFLIP indicator, 1 is normal, -1 means Y flipped.

YFLIP = 1 means a LEFT HANDED coordinate system with Z axis positive down, while inline (col) follow East (X) and xline (rows) follows North (Y), when rotation is zero.

property yinc

The YINC (increment Y).

property yori

The YORI (origin corner) coordinate.

property zflip

The ZFLIP indicator, 1 is normal, -1 means Z flipped.

ZFLIP = 1 and YFLIP = 1 means a LEFT HANDED coordinate system with Z axis positive down, while inline (col) follow East (X) and xline (rows) follows North (Y), when rotation is zero.

property zinc

The ZINC (increment Z).

property zori

The ZORI (origin corner) coordinate.

property zslices

Return the time/depth slices as an int array (read only).

3D grids and properties



xtgeo.grid_from_file(gfile, fformat=None, **kwargs)[source]

Read a grid (cornerpoint) from filelike and an returns a Grid() instance.

  • gfile (str or Path) – File name to be imported. If fformat=”eclipse_run” then a fileroot name shall be input here, see example below.

  • fformat (str) – File format egrid/roff/grdecl/bgrdecl/eclipserun/xtgcpgeom (None is default and means “guess”)

  • initprops (str list) – Optional, and only applicable for file format “eclipserun”. Provide a list the names of the properties here. A special value “all” can be get all properties found in the INIT file

  • restartprops (str list) – Optional, see initprops

  • restartdates (int list) – Optional, required if restartprops

  • ijkrange (list-like) – Optional, only applicable for hdf files, see Grid.from_hdf().

  • zerobased (bool) – Optional, only applicable for hdf files, see Grid.from_hdf().

  • mmap (bool) – Optional, only applicable for xtgf files, see Grid.from_xtgf().

Return type:



>>> import xtgeo
>>> mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")

Example using “eclipserun”:

>>> mycase = "REEK"  # meaning REEK.EGRID, REEK.INIT, REEK.UNRST
>>> xg = xtgeo.grid_from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/" + mycase,
...     fformat="eclipserun",
...     initprops="all",
... )
Grid ... filesrc='.../REEK.EGRID'

OSError – if file is not found etc

xtgeo.grid_from_roxar(project, gname, realisation=0, dimensions_only=None, info=False)[source]

Read a 3D grid inside a RMS project and return a Grid() instance.

  • project (str or special) – The RMS project or the project variable from inside RMS.

  • gname (str) – Name of Grid Model in RMS.

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number.

  • dimensions_only (bool) – If True, only the ncol, nrow, nlay will read. The actual grid geometry will remain empty (None). This will be much faster of only grid size info is needed, e.g. for initalising a grid property.

  • info (bool) – If true, only grid info

Return type:



# inside RMS
import xtgeo
mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_roxar(project, "REEK_SIM")


class xtgeo.Grid(coordsv, zcornsv, actnumsv, dualporo=False, dualperm=False, subgrids=None, units=None, filesrc=None, props=None, name=None, roxgrid=None, roxindexer=None)[source]

Bases: _Grid3D

Class for a 3D grid corner point geometry in XTGeo.

I.e. the geometric grid cells and the active cell indicator.

The grid geometry class instances are normally created when importing a grid from file, as it is normally too complex to create from scratch.

  • coordsv (ndarray) – numpy array of dtype float64 and dimensions (nx + 1, ny + 1, 6) Giving the x,y,z values of the upper and lower corners in the grid.

  • zcornsv (ndarray) – numpy array of dtype float32 and dimensions (nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1, 4) giving the sw, se, nw, ne corners along the i,jth corner line for the kth layer.

  • actnumsv (ndarray) – numpy array of dtype int32 and dimensions (nx, ny, nz) giving the activity number for each cell. 0 means inactive, 1 means active. For dualporo=True/dualperm=True grids, value can also be 2 or 3 meaning rock volume only and pore volume only respectively.

  • dualporo (bool) – True if dual porosity grid.

  • dualperm (bool) – True if dual permeability grid.

  • subgrids (Optional[dict]) – dictionary giving names to subset of layers. Has name as key and list of layer indices as values. Defaults to no names given.

  • units (Optional[Units]) – The length units the coordinates are in, (either Units.CM, Units.METRES, Units.FEET for cm, metres and feet respectively). Default (None) is unitless.

  • filesrc (UnionType[Path, str, None]) – Optional filename of grid.

  • props (Optional[GridProperties]) – GridProperties instance containing the properties of the grid, defaults to empty instance.

  • name (Optional[str]) – Optional name of the grid.

  • roxgrid (Optional[Any]) – Roxar Grid the Grid originates from if any, defaults to no such grid.

  • roxindexer (Optional[Any]) – Roxar grid indexer for the roxgrid. Defaults to no such indexer.

See also

The GridProperty and the GridProperties classes.

Public Data Attributes:


Return or set metadata instance of type MetaDataCPGeometry.


Source for grid (filepath or name in RMS).


Name attribute of grid.


The grid dimensions (read only).


The storage grid array dimensions tuple of 3 integers (read only).


IJK handedness for grids, "right" or "left".


A dict with subgrid name and an array as value.


Returns the number of active cells (read only).


Returns the 3D ndarray which for active cells.


np.ndrarray: Indices (1D array) for active cells (read only).


Returns the total number of cells (read only).


Boolean flag for dual porosity scheme (read only).


Boolean flag for dual porosity scheme (read only).


Return or set a XTGeo GridProperties objects attached to the Grid.


Return or set a list of XTGeo GridProperty objects.


Returns a list of property names that are hooked to a grid.


Get the Roxar native proj.grid_models[gname].get_grid() object.


The Roxar native proj.grid_models[gname].get_grid().grid_indexer object.

Inherited from _Grid3D


Returns the NCOL (NX or Ncolumns) number of cells.


Returns the NROW (NY or Nrows) number of cells.


Returns the NLAY (NZ or Nlayers) number of cells.

Public Methods:


Return a unique hash ID for current instance.

create_box([dimension, origin, oricenter, ...])

Create a rectangular 'shoebox' grid from spec.

to_file(gfile[, fformat])

Export grid geometry to file, various vendor formats.

to_hdf(gfile[, compression, chunks, subformat])

Export grid geometry to HDF5 storage format (experimental!).

to_xtgf(gfile[, subformat])

Export grid geometry to xtgeo native binary file format (experimental!).

to_roxar(project, gname[, realisation, ...])

Export (upload) a grid from XTGeo to RMS via Roxar API.

from_file(gfile[, fformat])

Import grid geometry from file, and makes an instance of this class.

from_hdf(gfile[, ijkrange, zerobased])

Import grid geometry from HDF5 file (experimental!).

from_xtgf(gfile[, mmap])

Import grid geometry from native xtgeo file format (experimental!).

from_roxar(projectname, gname[, ...])

Import grid model geometry from RMS project, and makes an instance.


Convert the units of the grid.


Copy from one existing Grid instance to a new unique instance.

describe([details, flush])

Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

get_dataframe([activeonly, ijk, xyz, ...])

Returns a Pandas dataframe for the grid and any attached grid properties.

dataframe(*args, **kwargs)




Get grid geometry data suitable for use with VTK's vtkExplicitStructuredGrid.


Get necessary arrays on correct layout for VTK ExplicitStructuredGrid usage.


Append a single property to the grid.


Set the subgrid from a simplified ordered dictionary.


Get the subgrids on a simplified ordered dictionary.


Rename the names in the subgrids with the new names.


Estimate design and simbox thickness of the grid or a subgrid.


Estimate flip (handedness) of grid returns as 1 or -1.


Estimate subgrid index from a zone property.


Make a XTGeo GridProperty instance for a Zone property subgrid index.

get_actnum_indices([order, inverse])

Returns the 1D ndarray which holds the indices for active cells.

get_dualactnum_indices([order, fracture])

Returns the 1D ndarray which holds the indices for matrix/fracture cases.


Return the GridProperties instance attached to the grid.


Gets a property object by name lookup, return None if not present.

get_actnum([name, asmasked, mask, dual])

Return an ACTNUM GridProperty object.


Modify the existing active cell index, ACTNUM.

get_dz([name, flip, asmasked, mask, metric])

Return the dZ as GridProperty object.

get_dx([name, asmasked, metric])

Return the dX as GridProperty object.

get_dy([name, asmasked, metric])

Return the dY as GridProperty object.

get_dxdy([names, asmasked])

Return the dX and dY as GridProperty object.

get_cell_volume([ijk, activeonly, ...])

Return the bulk volume for a given cell.

get_bulk_volume([name, asmasked, precision])

Return the geometric cell volume for all cells as a GridProperty object.

get_ijk([names, asmasked, mask, zerobased])

Returns 3 xtgeo.grid3d.GridProperty objects: I counter, J counter, K counter.

get_ijk_from_points(points[, activeonly, ...])

Returns a list/dataframe of cell indices based on a Points() instance.

get_xyz([names, asmasked, mask])

Returns 3 xtgeo.grid3d.GridProperty objects for x, y, z coordinates.

get_xyz_cell_corners([ijk, activeonly, ...])

Return a 8 * 3 tuple x, y, z for each corner.


Returns 8*3 (24) xtgeo.grid3d.GridProperty objects, x, y, z for each corner.

get_layer_slice(layer[, top, activeonly])

Get numpy arrays for cell coordinates e.g. for plotting.

get_geometrics([allcells, cellcenter, ...])

Get a list of grid geometrics such as origin, min, max, etc.

get_adjacent_cells(prop, val1, val2[, ...])

Get a discrete property which reports val1 properties vs neighbouring val2.


Return a GridProperties() instance with grid quality measures.


Activate all cells in the grid, by manipulating ACTNUM.


Inactivate cells thinner than a given threshold.

inactivate_inside(poly[, layer_range, ...])

Inacativate grid inside a polygon.

inactivate_outside(poly[, layer_range, ...])

Inacativate grid outside a polygon.


Collapse inactive layers where, for I J with other active cells.

crop(colcrop, rowcrop, laycrop[, props])

Reduce the grid size by cropping.


Reduce the grid to one single layer.

translate_coordinates([translate, flip])

Translate (move) and/or flip grid coordinates in 3D.


Reverse the row axis (J indices).


Make the 3D grid consistent in Z, by a minimal gap (zsep).

convert_to_hybrid([nhdiv, toplevel, ...])

Convert to hybrid grid, either globally or in a selected region.

refine_vertically(rfactor[, zoneprop])

Refine vertically, proportionally.

report_zone_mismatch([well, zonelogname, ...])

Reports mismatch between wells and a zone.

get_randomline(fencespec, prop[, zmin, ...])

Get a sampled randomline from a fence spesification.

__init__(coordsv, zcornsv, actnumsv, dualporo=False, dualperm=False, subgrids=None, units=None, filesrc=None, props=None, name=None, roxgrid=None, roxindexer=None)[source]

Activate all cells in the grid, by manipulating ACTNUM.

Return type:


property actnum_array

Returns the 3D ndarray which for active cells.

Values are 1 for active, 0 for inactive, in C order (read only).

property actnum_indices

np.ndrarray: Indices (1D array) for active cells (read only).

In dual poro/perm systems, this will be the active indices for the matrix cells and/or fracture cells (i.e. actnum >= 1).




Append a single property to the grid.

Return type:



Collapse inactive layers where, for I J with other active cells.

Return type:


convert_to_hybrid(nhdiv=10, toplevel=1000.0, bottomlevel=1100.0, region=None, region_number=None)[source]

Convert to hybrid grid, either globally or in a selected region.

This function will convert the internal structure in the corner point grid, so that the cells between two levels toplevel and bottomlevel become horizontal, which can be useful in flow simulators when e.g. liquid contact movements are dominating. See example on usage in the Troll field.

Note that the resulting hybrid will have an increased number of layers. If the initial grid has N layers, and the number of horizontal layers is NHDIV, then the result grid will have N * 2 + NHDIV layers.

  • nhdiv (int) – Number of hybrid layers.

  • toplevel (float) – Top of hybrid grid.

  • bottomlevel (float) – Base of hybrid grid.

  • region (GridProperty, optional) – Region property (if needed).

  • region_number (int) – Which region to apply hybrid grid in if region.

Return type:



Create a hybridgrid from file, based on a GRDECL file (no region):

import xtgeo
grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file("simgrid.grdecl", fformat="grdecl")
grd.convert_to_hybrid(nhdiv=12, toplevel=2200, bottomlevel=2250)
# save in binary GRDECL fmt:
grd.to_file("simgrid_hybrid.bgrdecl", fformat="bgrdecl")

See also

Make a hybrid grid example.


Convert the units of the grid. :type units: Units :param units: The unit to convert to.


ValueError – When the grid is unitless (no initial unit information available).

Return type:



Copy from one existing Grid instance to a new unique instance.

Note that associated properties will also be copied.


>>> grd = create_box_grid((5,5,5))
>>> newgrd = grd.copy()
Return type:


create_box(dimension=(10, 12, 6), origin=(10.0, 20.0, 1000.0), oricenter=False, increment=(100, 150, 5), rotation=30.0, flip=1)[source]

Create a rectangular ‘shoebox’ grid from spec.

  • dimension (tuple of int) – A tuple of (NCOL, NROW, NLAY)

  • origin (tuple of float) – Startpoint of grid (x, y, z)

  • oricenter (bool) – If False, startpoint is node, if True, use cell center

  • increment (tuple of float) – Grid increments (xinc, yinc, zinc)

  • rotation (float) – Roations in degrees, anticlock from X axis.

  • flip (int) – If +1, grid origin is lower left and left-handed; if -1, origin is upper left and right-handed (row flip).

Return type:



Instance is updated (previous instance content will be erased)

New in version 2.1.

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.create_box_grid() instead

crop(colcrop, rowcrop, laycrop, props=None)[source]

Reduce the grid size by cropping.

The new grid will get new dimensions.

If props is “all” then all properties assosiated (linked) to then grid are also cropped, and the instances are updated.

  • colcrop (tuple) – A tuple on the form (i1, i2) where 1 represents start number, and 2 represent end. The range is inclusive for both ends, and the number start index is 1 based.

  • rowcrop (tuple) – A tuple on the form (j1, j2)

  • laycrop (tuple) – A tuple on the form (k1, k2)

  • props (list or str) – None is default, while properties can be listed. If “all”, then all GridProperty objects which are linked to the Grid instance are updated.

Return type:



The instance is updated (cropped)


>>> import xtgeo
>>> mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> mygrid.crop((3, 6), (4, 20), (1, 10))
>>> mygrid.to_file(outdir + "/gf_reduced.roff")
dataframe(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Return type:



A Pandas dataframe

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Method dataframe is deprecated, use get_dataframe instead.

describe(details=False, flush=True)[source]

Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

Return type:


property dimensions

The grid dimensions (read only).


Dimensions NamedTuple

property dualperm

Boolean flag for dual porosity scheme (read only).

property dualporo

Boolean flag for dual porosity scheme (read only).


Estimate design and simbox thickness of the grid or a subgrid.

If the grid consists of several subgrids, and nsub is not specified, then a failure should be raised.


nsub (int or str) – Subgrid index to check, either as a number (starting with 1) or as subgrid name. If set to None, the whole grid will examined.


where key “design” gives one letter in(P, T, B, X, M)

P=proportional, T=topconform, B=baseconform, X=underdetermined, M=Mixed conform. Key “dzsimbox” is simbox thickness estimate per cell. None if nsub is given, but subgrids are missing, or nsub (name or number) is out of range.

Return type:

result (dict)


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file(emerald_dir + "/emerald_hetero_grid.roff")
>>> print(grd.subgrids)
dict([('subgrid_0', range(1, 17)), ('subgrid_1', range(17, 47))])
>>> res = grd.estimate_design(nsub="subgrid_0")
>>> print("Subgrid design is", res["design"])
Subgrid design is P
>>> print("Subgrid simbox thickness is", res["dzsimbox"])
Subgrid simbox thickness is 2.548...

Estimate flip (handedness) of grid returns as 1 or -1.

The flip numbers are 1 for left-handed and -1 for right-handed. :rtype: Literal[1, -1]

See also


property filesrc

Source for grid (filepath or name in RMS).



from_file(gfile, fformat=None, **kwargs)[source]

Import grid geometry from file, and makes an instance of this class.

If file extension is missing, then the extension will guess the fformat key, e.g. fformat egrid will be guessed if “.EGRID”. The “eclipserun” will try to input INIT and UNRST file in addition the grid in “one go”.

  • gfile (str or Path) – File name to be imported. If fformat=”eclipse_run” then a fileroot name shall be input here, see example below.

  • fformat (str) – File format egrid/roff/grdecl/bgrdecl/eclipserun/xtgcpgeom (None is default and means “guess”)

  • initprops (str list) – Optional, and only applicable for file format “eclipserun”. Provide a list the names of the properties here. A special value “all” can be get all properties found in the INIT file

  • restartprops (str list) – Optional, see initprops

  • restartdates (int list) – Optional, required if restartprops

  • ijkrange (list-like) – Optional, only applicable for hdf files, see Grid.from_hdf().

  • zerobased (bool) – Optional, only applicable for hdf files, see Grid.from_hdf().

  • mmap (bool) – Optional, only applicable for xtgf files, see Grid.from_xtgf().

Return type:



>>> xg = Grid()
>>> xg.from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID", fformat="egrid")
Grid ... filesrc='.../REEK.EGRID'

Example using “eclipserun”:

>>> mycase = "REEK"  # meaning REEK.EGRID, REEK.INIT, REEK.UNRST
>>> xg = Grid()
>>> xg.from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/" + mycase,
...     fformat="eclipserun",
...     initprops="all",
... )
Grid ... filesrc='.../REEK.EGRID'

OSError – if file is not found etc

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.grid_from_file() instead

from_hdf(gfile, ijkrange=None, zerobased=False)[source]

Import grid geometry from HDF5 file (experimental!).

  • gfile (str) – Name of output file

  • ijkrange (list-like) – Partial read, e.g. (1, 20, 1, 30, 1, 3) as (i1, i2, j1, j2, k1, k2). Numbering scheme depends on zerobased, where default is eclipse-like i.e. first cell is 1. Numbering is inclusive for both ends. If ijkrange exceeds original range, an Exception is raised. Using existing boundaries can be defaulted by “min” and “max”, e.g. (1, 20, 5, 10, “min”, “max”)

  • zerobased (bool) – If True index in ijkrange is zero based.

  • ValueError – The ijkrange spesification exceeds boundaries.

  • ValueError – The ijkrange list must have 6 elements

Return type:



>>> xg = create_box_grid((20,20,5))
>>> filename = xg.to_hdf(outdir + "/myfile_grid.h5")
>>> xg.from_hdf(filename, ijkrange=(1, 10, 10, 15, 1, 4))

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.grid_from_file() instead

from_roxar(projectname, gname, realisation=0, dimensions_only=None, info=False)[source]

Import grid model geometry from RMS project, and makes an instance.

  • projectname (str) – Name of RMS project

  • gname (str) – Name of grid model

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number.

  • dimensions_only (bool) – If True, only the ncol, nrow, nlay will read. The actual grid geometry will remain empty (None). This will be much faster of only grid size info is needed, e.g. for initalising a grid property.

  • info (bool) – If True, various info will printed to screen. This info will depend on version of ROXAPI, and is mainly a developer/debugger feature. Default is False.

Return type:


Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.grid_from_roxar() instead

from_xtgf(gfile, mmap=False)[source]

Import grid geometry from native xtgeo file format (experimental!).

  • gfile (str) – Name of output file

  • mmap (bool) – If true, reading with memory mapping is active

Return type:



>>> xg = create_box_grid((5,5,5))
>>> filename = xg.to_xtgf(outdir + "/myfile_grid.xtg")
>>> xg.from_xtgf(filename)

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.grid_from_file() instead


Return a unique hash ID for current instance.

See generic_hash() for documentation. :rtype: str

New in version 2.14.

get_actnum(name='ACTNUM', asmasked=False, mask=None, dual=False)[source]

Return an ACTNUM GridProperty object.

  • name (str) – name of property in the XTGeo GridProperty object.

  • asmasked (bool) – Actnum is returned with all cells shown as default. Use asmasked=True to make 0 entries masked.

  • mask (bool) – Deprecated, use asmasked instead!

  • dual (bool) – If True, and the grid is a dualporo/perm grid, an extended ACTNUM is applied (numbers 0..3)

Return type:



>>> import xtgeo
>>> mygrid = xtgeo.create_box_grid((2,2,2))
>>> act = mygrid.get_actnum()
>>> print("{}% of cells are active".format(act.values.mean() * 100))
100.0% of cells are active

Changed in version 2.6: Added dual keyword

get_actnum_indices(order='C', inverse=False)[source]

Returns the 1D ndarray which holds the indices for active cells.

  • order (str) – “Either ‘C’ (default) or ‘F’ order).

  • inverse (bool) – Default is False, returns indices for inactive cells if True.

Return type:


Changed in version 2.18: Added inverse option

get_adjacent_cells(prop, val1, val2, activeonly=True)[source]

Get a discrete property which reports val1 properties vs neighbouring val2.

The result will be a new gridproperty, which in general has value 0 but 1 if criteria is met, and 2 if criteria is met but cells are faulted.

  • prop (xtgeo.GridProperty) – A discrete grid property, e.g region

  • val1 (int) – Primary value to evaluate

  • val2 (int) – Neighbourung value

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, do not look at inactive cells

Return type:


Raises: Nothing

get_bulk_volume(name='bulkvol', asmasked=True, precision=2)[source]

Return the geometric cell volume for all cells as a GridProperty object.

This method is currently experimental.

A bulk volume of a cornerpoint cell is actually a non-trivial and a non-unique entity. The volume is approximated by dividing the cell (hexahedron) into 6 tetrehedrons; there is however a large number of ways to do this division.

As default (precision=2) an average of two different ways to divide the cell into tetrahedrons is averaged.

  • name (str) – name of property, default to “bulkvol”

  • asmasked (bool) – are masked. Otherwise a numpy array will all bulk for all cells is returned

  • precision (int) – An number indication precision level, where a higher number means increased precision but also increased computing time. Currently 1, 2 (default), 4 are supported.

Return type:



XTGeo GridProperty object

New in version 2.13: (as experimental)

get_cell_volume(ijk=(1, 1, 1), activeonly=True, zerobased=False, precision=2)[source]

Return the bulk volume for a given cell.

This method is currently experimental.

A bulk volume of a cornerpoint cell is actually a non-trivial and a non-unique entity. The volume is approximated by dividing the cell (hexahedron) into 6 tetrehedrons; there is however a large number of ways to do this division.

As default (precision=2) an average of two different ways to divide the cell into tetrahedrons is averaged.

  • ijk (tuple) – A tuple of I J K (NB! cell counting starts from 1 unless zerobased is True).

  • activeonly (bool) – Skip undef cells if True; return None for inactive.

  • precision (int) – An even number indication precision level,where a higher number means increased precision but also increased computing time. Currently 1, 2, 4 are supported.

Return type:



Cell total bulk volume


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> print(grid.get_cell_volume(ijk=(10,13,2)))

New in version 2.13: (as experimental)

get_dataframe(activeonly=True, ijk=True, xyz=True, doubleformat=False)[source]

Returns a Pandas dataframe for the grid and any attached grid properties.

Note that this dataframe method is rather similar to GridProperties dataframe function, but have other defaults.

  • activeonly (bool) – If True (default), return only active cells.

  • ijk (bool) – If True (default), show cell indices, IX JY KZ columns

  • xyz (bool) – If True (default), show cell center coordinates.

  • doubleformat (bool) – If True, floats are 64 bit, otherwise 32 bit. Note that coordinates (if xyz=True) is always 64 bit floats.

Return type:



A Pandas dataframe object


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID", fformat="egrid")
>>> names = ["SOIL", "SWAT", "PRESSURE"]
>>> dates = [19991201]
>>> xpr = xtgeo.gridproperties_from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/REEK.UNRST",
...     fformat="unrst",
...     names=names,
...     dates=dates,
...     grid=grd,
... )
>>> grd.gridprops = xpr  # attach properties to grid

>>> df = grd.get_dataframe()

>>> # save as CSV file
>>> df.to_csv(outdir + "/mygrid.csv")
get_dualactnum_indices(order='C', fracture=False)[source]

Returns the 1D ndarray which holds the indices for matrix/fracture cases.

  • order (str) – “Either ‘C’ (default) or ‘F’ order).

  • fracture (bool) – If True use Fracture properties.

Return type:


get_dx(name='dX', asmasked=True, metric='horizontal')[source]

Return the dX as GridProperty object.

Returns the average length of x direction edges for each cell as a GridProperty. The length is by default horizontal vector length (see the metric parameter).

  • name (str) – names of properties

  • asmasked (bool) – are masked.

  • metric (str) – One of the following metrics: * “euclid”: sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2) * “horizontal”: sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) * “east west vertical”: sqrt(dy^2 + dz^2) * “north south vertical”: sqrt(dx^2 + dz^2) * “x projection”: dx * “y projection”: dy * “z projection”: dz

Return type:



XTGeo GridProperty objects containing dx.

get_dxdy(names=('dX', 'dY'), asmasked=False)[source]

Return the dX and dY as GridProperty object.

The values lengths are projected to a constant Z.

  • name (tuple) – names of properties

  • asmasked (bool) – are masked.

Return type:

tuple[GridProperty, GridProperty]


Two XTGeo GridProperty objects (dx, dy). XTGeo GridProperty objects containing dy.

Deprecated since version 3.0: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.Grid.get_dx() and/or xtgeo.Grid.get_dy() instead.

get_dy(name='dY', asmasked=True, metric='horizontal')[source]

Return the dY as GridProperty object.

Returns the average length of y direction edges for each cell as a GridProperty. The length is by default horizontal vector length (see the metric parameter).

  • name (str) – names of properties

  • asmasked (bool) – are masked.

  • metric (str) – One of the following metrics: * “euclid”: sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2) * “horizontal”: sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) * “east west vertical”: sqrt(dy^2 + dz^2) * “north south vertical”: sqrt(dx^2 + dz^2) * “x projection”: dx * “y projection”: dy * “z projection”: dz

Return type:



Two XTGeo GridProperty objects (dx, dy).

get_dz(name='dZ', flip=True, asmasked=True, mask=None, metric='z projection')[source]

Return the dZ as GridProperty object.

Returns the average length of z direction edges for each cell as a GridProperty. The length is by default the z delta, ie. projected onto the z dimension (see the metric parameter).

  • name (str) – name of property

  • flip (bool) – Use False for Petrel grids were Z is negative down (experimental)

  • asmasked (bool) – True if only for active cells, False for all cells

  • mask (bool) – Deprecated, use asmasked instead!

  • metric (str) – One of the following metrics: * “euclid”: sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2) * “horizontal”: sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2) * “east west vertical”: sqrt(dy^2 + dz^2) * “north south vertical”: sqrt(dx^2 + dz^2) * “x projection”: dx * “y projection”: dy * “z projection”: dz

Return type:



A XTGeo GridProperty object dZ

get_geometrics(allcells=False, cellcenter=True, return_dict=False, _ver=1)[source]

Get a list of grid geometrics such as origin, min, max, etc.

This returns a tuple: (xori, yori, zori, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, avg_rotation, avg_dx, avg_dy, avg_dz, grid_regularity_flag)

If a dictionary is returned, the keys are as in the list above.

  • allcells (bool) – If True, return also for inactive cells

  • cellcenter (bool) – If True, use cell center, otherwise corner coords

  • return_dict (bool) – If True, return a dictionary instead of a list, which is usually more convinient.

  • _ver (int) – Private option; only for developer!

Return type:

dict | tuple

Raises: Nothing


>>> mygrid = grid_from_file(reek_dir + "REEK.EGRID")
>>> gstuff = mygrid.get_geometrics(return_dict=True)
>>> print(f"X min/max is {gstuff['xmin']:.2f} {gstuff['xmax']:.2f}")
X min/max is 456620.79 467106.33

Return the GridProperties instance attached to the grid.

See also the gridprops() property

Return type:


Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.Grid().gridprops instead


Return a GridProperties() instance with grid quality measures.

These measures are currently: :rtype: GridProperties

  • minangle_topbase (degrees) - minimum angle of top and base

  • maxangle_topbase (degrees) - maximum angle of top and base

  • minangle_topbase_proj (degrees) min angle projected (bird view)

  • maxangle_topbase_proj (degrees) max angle projected (bird view)

  • minangle_sides (degress) minimum angle, all side surfaces

  • maxangle_sides (degress) maximum angle, all side surfaces

  • collapsed (int) Integer, 1 of one or more corners are collpased in Z

  • faulted (int) Integer, 1 if cell is faulted (one or more neighbours offset)

  • negative_thickness (int) Integer, 1 if cell has negative thickness

  • concave_proj (int) 1 if cell is concave seen from projected bird view


# store grid quality measures in RMS
gprops = grd.gridquality()
for gprop in gprops:
    gprop.to_roxar(project, "MyGrid", gprop.name)
get_ijk(names=('IX', 'JY', 'KZ'), asmasked=True, mask=None, zerobased=False)[source]

Returns 3 xtgeo.grid3d.GridProperty objects: I counter, J counter, K counter.

  • names (tuple[str, str, str]) – a 3 x tuple of names per property (default IX, JY, KZ).

  • asmasked (bool) – If True, UNDEF cells are masked, default is True

  • mask (bool) – Deprecated, use asmasked instead!

  • zerobased (bool) – If True, counter start from 0, otherwise 1 (default=1).

Return type:

tuple[GridProperty, GridProperty, GridProperty]

get_ijk_from_points(points, activeonly=True, zerobased=False, dataframe=True, includepoints=True, columnnames=('IX', 'JY', 'KZ'), fmt='int', undef=-1)[source]

Returns a list/dataframe of cell indices based on a Points() instance.

If a point is outside the grid, -1 values are returned

  • points (Points) – A XTGeo Points instance

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, UNDEF cells are not included

  • zerobased (bool) – If True, counter start from 0, otherwise 1 (default=1).

  • dataframe (bool) – If True result is Pandas dataframe, otherwise a list of tuples

  • includepoints (bool) – If True, include the input points in result

  • columnnames (tuple) – Name of columns if dataframe is returned

  • fmt (str) – Format of IJK arrays (int/float). Default is “int”

  • undef (int or float) – Value to assign to undefined (outside) entries.

Return type:

DataFrame | list

New in version 2.6.

Changed in version 2.8: Added keywords columnnames, fmt, undef

get_layer_slice(layer, top=True, activeonly=True)[source]

Get numpy arrays for cell coordinates e.g. for plotting.

In each cell there are 5 XY pairs, making a closed polygon as illustrated here:

XY3 < XY2 !~~~~~~~! ! ! ^ !~~~~~~~! XY0 -> XY1 XY4

Note that cell ordering is C ordering (row is fastest)

  • layer (int) – K layer, starting with 1 as topmost

  • tip (bool) – If True use top of cell, otherwise use base

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, only return active cells


[[[X0, Y0], [X1, Y1]…[X4, Y4]], [[..][..]]…] icarray (np): On the form [ic1, ic2, …] where ic is cell count (C order)

Return type:

layerarray (np)


Return two arrays forr cell corner for bottom layer:

grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file(REEKFILE)

parr, ibarr = grd.get_layer_slice(grd.nlay, top=False)

New in version 2.3.


Gets a property object by name lookup, return None if not present.

Return type:


get_randomline(fencespec, prop, zmin=None, zmax=None, zincrement=1.0, hincrement=None, atleast=5, nextend=2)[source]

Get a sampled randomline from a fence spesification.

This randomline will be a 2D numpy with depth on the vertical axis, and length along as horizontal axis. Undefined values will have the np.nan value.

The input fencespec is either a 2D numpy where each row is X, Y, Z, HLEN, where X, Y are UTM coordinates, Z is depth/time, and HLEN is a length along the fence, or a Polygons instance.

If input fencspec is a numpy 2D, it is important that the HLEN array has a constant increment and ideally a sampling that is less than the Grid resolution. If a Polygons() instance, this will be automated if hincrement is None.

  • fencespec (ndarray or Polygons) – 2D numpy with X, Y, Z, HLEN as rows or a xtgeo Polygons() object.

  • prop (GridProperty or str) – The grid property object, or name, which shall be plotted.

  • zmin (float) – Minimum Z (default is Grid Z minima/origin)

  • zmax (float) – Maximum Z (default is Grid Z maximum)

  • zincrement (float) – Sampling vertically, default is 1.0

  • hincrement (float) – Resampling horizontally. This applies only if the fencespec is a Polygons() instance. If None (default), the distance will be deduced automatically.

  • atleast (int) – Minimum number of horizontal samples This applies only if the fencespec is a Polygons() instance.

  • nextend (int) – Extend with nextend * hincrement in both ends. This applies only if the fencespec is a Polygons() instance.


(hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax, ndarray2d)

Return type:

A tuple


ValueError – Input fence is not according to spec.


mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("somegrid.roff")
poro = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("someporo.roff")
mywell = xtgeo.well_from_file("somewell.rmswell")
fence = mywell.get_fence_polyline(sampling=5, tvdmin=1750, asnumpy=True)
(hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax, arr) = mygrid.get_randomline(
     fence, poro, zmin=1750, zmax=1850, zincrement=0.5,
# matplotlib ...
plt.imshow(arr, cmap="rainbow", extent=(hmin1, hmax1, vmax1, vmin1))

New in version 2.1.

See also

Class Polygons

The method get_fence() which can be used to pregenerate fencespec


Get the subgrids on a simplified ordered dictionary.

The simplified dictionary is on the form {“name1”: 3, “name2”: 5}

Return type:

Optional[dict[str, int]]


Get grid geometry data suitable for use with VTK’s vtkExplicitStructuredGrid.

Builds and returns grid geometry data in a format tailored for use with VTK’s explicit structured grid (ESG). Essentially this entails building an unstructured grid representation where all the grid cells are represented as hexahedrons with explicit connectivities. The cell connectivity array refers into the accompanying vertex array.

In VTK, cell order increases in I fastest, then J, then K.

Return type:

tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]

The returned tuple contains:
  • numpy array with dimensions in terms of points (not cells)

  • vertex array, numpy array with vertex coordinates

  • connectivity array for all the cells, numpy array with integer indices

  • inactive cell indices, numpy array with integer indices

This function also tries to remove/weld duplicate vertices, but this is still a work in progress.

Example usage with VTK:

dims, vert_arr, conn_arr, inact_arr = xtg_grid.get_vtk_esg_geometry_data()

vert_arr = vert_arr.reshape(-1, 3)
vtk_points = vtkPoints()
vtk_points.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(vert_arr, deep=1))

vtk_cell_array = vtkCellArray()
vtk_cell_array.SetData(8, numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(conn_arr, deep=1))

vtk_esgrid = vtkExplicitStructuredGrid()


ghost_arr_vtk = vtk_esgrid.AllocateCellGhostArray()
ghost_arr_np = vtk_to_numpy(ghost_arr_vtk)
ghost_arr_np[inact_arr] = vtkDataSetAttributes.HIDDENCELL

New in version 2.20.


Get necessary arrays on correct layout for VTK ExplicitStructuredGrid usage.


import pyvista as pv
dim, crn, inactind = grd.get_vtk_geometries()
grid = pv.ExplicitStructuredGrid(dim, crn)
grid.hide_cells(inactind, inplace=True)
Return type:

tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]


dims, corners, inactive_indices

New in version 2.18.

get_xyz(names=('X_UTME', 'Y_UTMN', 'Z_TVDSS'), asmasked=True, mask=None)[source]

Returns 3 xtgeo.grid3d.GridProperty objects for x, y, z coordinates.

The values are mid cell values. Note that ACTNUM is ignored, so these is also extracted for UNDEF cells (which may have weird coordinates). However, the option asmasked=True will mask the numpies for undef cells.

  • names (tuple[str, str, str]) – a 3 x tuple of names per property (default is X_UTME,

  • Y_UTMN

  • Z_TVDSS).

  • asmasked (bool) – If True, then inactive cells is masked (numpy.ma).

  • mask (bool) – Deprecated, use asmasked instead!

Return type:

tuple[GridProperty, GridProperty, GridProperty]

get_xyz_cell_corners(ijk=(1, 1, 1), activeonly=True, zerobased=False)[source]

Return a 8 * 3 tuple x, y, z for each corner.

2       3
!  top  !
!~~~~~~~!    Listing corners with Python index (0 base)
0       1

6       7
!  base !
4       5
  • ijk (tuple) – A tuple of I J K (NB! cell counting starts from 1 unless zerobased is True)

  • activeonly (bool) – Skip undef cells if set to True.

Return type:

tuple[int, ...]


A tuple with 24 elements (x1, y1, z1, … x8, y8, z8)

for 8 corners. None if cell is inactive and activeonly=True.


>>> grid = grid_from_file(reek_dir + "REEK.EGRID")
>>> print(grid.get_xyz_cell_corners(ijk=(10,13,2)))
(458704.10..., 1716.969970703125)

RuntimeWarning if spesification is invalid.

get_xyz_corners(names=('X_UTME', 'Y_UTMN', 'Z_TVDSS'))[source]

Returns 8*3 (24) xtgeo.grid3d.GridProperty objects, x, y, z for each corner.

The values are cell corner values. Note that ACTNUM is ignored, so these is also extracted for UNDEF cells (which may have weird coordinates).

2       3
!  top  !
!~~~~~~~!    Listing corners with Python index (0 base)
0       1

6       7
!  base !
4       5

names (list) – Generic name of the properties, will have a number added, e.g. X0, X1, etc.

Return type:

tuple[GridProperty, ...]


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.create_box_grid((2,2,2))
>>> gps = grid.get_xyz_corners() # list of 24 grid properties
>>> len(gps)
>>> gps[0].values.tolist()
[[[0.0, 0.0], ... [[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]]]

RunetimeError if corners has wrong spesification


Make a XTGeo GridProperty instance for a Zone property subgrid index.

Return type:


property gridprops

Return or set a XTGeo GridProperties objects attached to the Grid.

property ijk_handedness

IJK handedness for grids, “right” or “left”.

For a non-rotated grid with K increasing with depth, ‘left’ is corner in lower-left, while ‘right’ is origin in upper-left corner.




Inactivate cells thinner than a given threshold.

Return type:


inactivate_inside(poly, layer_range=None, inside=True, force_close=False)[source]

Inacativate grid inside a polygon.

The Polygons instance may consist of several polygons. If a polygon is open, then the flag force_close will close any that are not open when doing the operations in the grid.

  • poly (Polygons) – A polygons object

  • layer_range (tuple) – A tuple of two ints, upper layer = 1, e.g. (1, 14). Note that base layer count is 1 (not zero)

  • inside (bool) – True if remove inside polygon

  • force_close (bool) – If True then force polygons to be closed.

  • RuntimeError – If a problems with one or more polygons.

  • ValueError – If Polygon is not a XTGeo object

Return type:


inactivate_outside(poly, layer_range=None, force_close=False)[source]

Inacativate grid outside a polygon.

Return type:



Make the 3D grid consistent in Z, by a minimal gap (zsep).


zsep (float) – Minimum gap

Return type:


property metadata

Return or set metadata instance of type MetaDataCPGeometry.



property nactive

Returns the number of active cells (read only).



property name

Name attribute of grid.



property ncol

Returns the NCOL (NX or Ncolumns) number of cells.

property nlay

Returns the NLAY (NZ or Nlayers) number of cells.

property nrow

Returns the NROW (NY or Nrows) number of cells.

property ntotal

Returns the total number of cells (read only).

property propnames

Returns a list of property names that are hooked to a grid.

property props

Return or set a list of XTGeo GridProperty objects.

When setting, the dimension of the property object is checked, and will raise an IndexError if it does not match the grid.

When setting props, the current property list is replaced.

See also append_prop() method to add a property to the current list.


Reduce the grid to one single layer.


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> grid.nlay
>>> grid.reduce_to_one_layer()
>>> grid.nlay
Return type:


refine_vertically(rfactor, zoneprop=None)[source]

Refine vertically, proportionally.

The rfactor can be a scalar or a dictionary.

If rfactor is a dict and zoneprop is None, then the current subgrids array is used. If zoneprop is defined, the current subgrid index will be redefined for the case. A warning will be issued if subgrids are defined, but the give zone property is inconsistent with this.

Also, if a zoneprop is defined but no current subgrids in the grid, then subgrids will be added to the grid, if more than 1 subgrid.

  • self (object) – A grid XTGeo object

  • rfactor (scalar or dict) – Refinement factor, if dict, then the dictionary must be consistent with self.subgrids if this is present.

  • zoneprop (GridProperty) – Zone property; must be defined if rfactor is a dict


if.. RuntimeError: if mismatch in dimensions for rfactor and zoneprop

Return type:



# refine vertically all by factor 3


# refine by using a dictionary; note that subgrids must exist!
# and that subgrids that are not mentioned will have value 1
# in refinement (1 is meaning no refinement)

grd.refine_vertically({1: 3, 2: 4, 4: 1})

# refine by using a a dictionary and a zonelog. If subgrids exists
# but are inconsistent with the zonelog; the current subgrids will
# be redefined, and a warning will be issued! Note also that ranges
# in the dictionary rfactor and the zone property must be aligned.

grd.refine_vertically({1: 3, 2: 4, 4: 0}, zoneprop=myzone)

Rename the names in the subgrids with the new names.


names (list) – List of new names, length of list must be same as length of subgrids

Return type:



>>> grd = create_box_grid((3, 3, 3))
>>> grd.subgrids = dict(
...     [("1", range(1,2)), ("2", range(2,3)), ("3", range(3,4))]
... )
>>> grd.rename_subgrids(["Inky", "Tinky", "Pinky"])
  • ValueError – Input names not a list or a tuple

  • ValueError – Lenght of names list not same as number of subgrids

New in version 2.12.

report_zone_mismatch(well=None, zonelogname='ZONELOG', zoneprop=None, onelayergrid=None, zonelogrange=(0, 9999), zonelogshift=0, depthrange=None, perflogname=None, perflogrange=(1, 9999), filterlogname=None, filterlogrange=(1e-32, 9999.0), resultformat=1)[source]

Reports mismatch between wells and a zone.

Approaches on matching:
  1. Use the well zonelog as basis, and compare sampled zone with that interval. This means that zone cells outside well range will not be counted

  2. Compare intervals with wellzonation in range or grid zonations in range. This gives a wider comparison, and will capture cases where grid zonations is outside well zonation


Note if zonelogname and/or filterlogname and/or perflogname is given, and such log(s) are not present, then this function will return None.

  • well (Well) – a XTGeo well object

  • zonelogname (str) – Name of the zone logger

  • zoneprop (GridProperty) – Grid property instance to use for zonation

  • zonelogrange (tuple) – zone log range, from - to (inclusive)

  • onelayergrid (Grid) – Redundant from version 2.8, please skip!

  • zonelogshift (int) – Deviation (numerical shift) between grid and zonelog, e.g. if Zone property starts with 1 and this corresponds to a zonelog index of 3 in the well, the shift shall be -2.

  • depthrange (tuple) – Interval for search in TVD depth, to speed up

  • perflogname (str) – Name of perforation log to filter on (> 0 default).

  • perflogrange (tuple) – Range of values where perforations are present.

  • filterlogname (str) – General filter, work as perflog, filter on values > 0

  • filterlogrange (tuple) – Range of values where filter shall be present.

  • resultformat (int) – If 1, consider the zonelogrange in the well as basis for match ratio, return (percent, match count, total count). If 2 then a dictionary is returned with various result members


report dependent on resultformat
  • A tuple with 3 members:

    (match_as_percent, number of matches, total count) approach 1

  • A dictionary with keys:
    • MATCH1 - match as percent, approach 1

    • MCOUNT1 - number of match samples approach 1

    • TCOUNT1 - total number of samples approach 1

    • MATCH2 - match as percent, approach 2

    • MCOUNT2 - a.a for option 2

    • TCOUNT2 - a.a. for option 2

    • WELLINTV - a Well() instance for the actual interval

  • None, if perflogname or zonelogname of filtername is given, but the log does not exists for the well

Return type:

res (tuple or dict)


g1 = xtgeo.grid_from_file("gullfaks2.roff")

z = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(gullfaks2_zone.roff", name="Zone")

w2 = xtgeo.well_from_file("34_10-1.w", zonelogname="Zonelog")

w3 = xtgeo.well_from_file("34_10-B-21_B.w", zonelogname="Zonelog"))

wells = [w2, w3]

for w in wells:
    response = g1.report_zone_mismatch(
        well=w, zonelogname="ZONELOG", zoneprop=z,
        zonelogrange=(0, 19), depthrange=(1700, 9999))


Changed in version 2.8: Added several new keys and better precision in result

Changed in version 2.11: Added perflogrange and filterlogrange


Reverse the row axis (J indices).

This means that IJK system will switched between a left vs right handed system. It is here (by using ijk_handedness key), possible to set a wanted stated.

Note that properties that are assosiated with the grid (through the gridprops or props attribute) will also be reversed (which is desirable).


ijk_handedness (str) – If set to “right” or “left”, do only reverse rows if handedness is not already achieved.

Return type:



grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file("somefile.roff")
prop1 = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("somepropfile1.roff")
prop2 = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("somepropfile2.roff")

grd.props = [prop1, prop2]

# secure that the grid geometry is IJK right-handed

New in version 2.5.

property roxgrid

Get the Roxar native proj.grid_models[gname].get_grid() object.

property roxindexer

The Roxar native proj.grid_models[gname].get_grid().grid_indexer object.


Modify the existing active cell index, ACTNUM.


actnum (GridProperty) – a gridproperty instance with 1 for active cells, 0 for inactive cells

Return type:


>>> mygrid = create_box_grid((5,5,5))
>>> act = mygrid.get_actnum()
>>> act.values[:, :, :] = 1
>>> act.values[:, :, 4] = 0
>>> mygrid.set_actnum(act)

Set the subgrid from a simplified ordered dictionary.

The simplified dictionary is on the form {“name1”: 3, “name2”: 5}

Note that the input must be an dict!

Return type:


property subgrids

A dict with subgrid name and an array as value.

I.e. a dict on the form {"name1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "name2": [5, 6, 7], "name3": [8, 9, 10]}, here meaning 3 subgrids where upper is 4 cells vertically, then 3, then 3. The numbers must sum to NLAY.

The numbering in the arrays are 1 based; meaning uppermost layer is 1 (not 0).

None will be returned if no subgrid indexing is present.

See also set_subgrids() and get_subgrids() which have a similar function, but differs a bit.

Note that this design is a bit different from the Roxar API, where repeated sections are allowed, and where indices start from 0, not one.


list of int


Estimate subgrid index from a zone property.

The new will esimate which will replace the current if any.


zoneprop (GridProperty) – a XTGeo GridProperty instance.

Return type:

Optional[dict[str, int]]


Will also return simplified dictionary is on the form

{“name1”: 3, “name2”: 5}

to_file(gfile, fformat='roff')[source]

Export grid geometry to file, various vendor formats.

  • gfile (str) – Name of output file

  • fformat (str) – File format; roff/roff_binary/roff_ascii/ grdecl/bgrdecl/egrid.


OSError – Directory does not exist

Return type:


>>> grid = create_box_grid((2,2,2))
>>> grid.to_file(outdir + "/myfile.roff")
to_hdf(gfile, compression=None, chunks=False, subformat=844)[source]

Export grid geometry to HDF5 storage format (experimental!).

  • gfile (str | Path) – Name of output file

  • compression (Optional[str]) – Compression method, such as “blosc” or “lzf”

  • chunks (Optional[bool]) – chunks settings

  • subformat (Optional[int]) – Format of output arrays in terms of bytes. E.g. 844 means 8 byte for COORD, 4 byte for ZCORNS, 4 byte for ACTNUM.


OSError – Directory does not exist

Return type:

Union[str, Path, StringIO, BytesIO]


Used file object, or None if memory stream


>>> grid = create_box_grid((2,2,2))
>>> filename = grid.to_hdf(outdir + "/myfile_grid.h5")
to_roxar(project, gname, realisation=0, info=False, method='cpg')[source]

Export (upload) a grid from XTGeo to RMS via Roxar API.


When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then to_roxar() will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action.

  • project (str or roxar._project) – Inside RMS use the magic ‘project’, else use path to RMS project, or a project reference

  • gname (str) – Name of grid in RMS

  • realisation (int) – Realisation umber, default 0

  • info (bool) – TBD

  • method (str) – Save approach

Return type:


to_xtgf(gfile, subformat=844)[source]

Export grid geometry to xtgeo native binary file format (experimental!).

  • gfile (str | Path) – Name of output file

  • subformat (Optional[int]) – Format of output arryas in terms of bytes. E.g. 844 means 8 byte for COORD, 4 byte for ZCORNS, 4 byte for ACTNUM.


OSError – Directory does not exist


Used pathlib.Path file object, or None if

memory stream

Return type:

gfile (pathlib.Path)

>>> grid = create_box_grid((2,2,2))
>>> filename = grid.to_xtgf(outdir + "/myfile.xtg")
translate_coordinates(translate=(0, 0, 0), flip=(1, 1, 1))[source]

Translate (move) and/or flip grid coordinates in 3D.

By ‘flip’ here, it means that the full coordinate array are multiplied with -1.

  • translate (tuple) – Translation distance in X, Y, Z coordinates

  • flip (tuple) – Flip array. The flip values must be 1 or -1.


RuntimeError – If translation goes wrong for unknown reasons

Return type:


property vectordimensions

The storage grid array dimensions tuple of 3 integers (read only).

The tuple is (ncoord, nzcorn, nactnum).



Grid property (single)


xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(pfile, fformat=None, **kwargs)[source]

Make a GridProperty instance directly from a file import.

Note that the the property may be linked to its geometrical grid through the grid= option. Sometimes this is required, for instance for most Eclipse input.

  • pfile (Union[str, Path, StringIO, BytesIO]) – Name of file to be imported.

  • fformat (Optional[str]) – File format to be used (roff/init/unrst/grdecl). Defaults to None and tries to infer from file extension.

  • name (str) – Name of property to import

  • date (int or str) – For restart files, date in YYYYMMDD format. Also the YYYY-MM-DD form is allowed (string), and for Eclipse, mnemonics like ‘first’, ‘last’ is also allowed.

  • grid (Grid, optional) – Grid object for checks. Optional for ROFF, required for Eclipse).

  • gridlink (bool) – If True, and grid is not None, a link from the grid instance to the property is made. If False, no such link is made. Avoiding gridlink is recommended when running statistics of multiple realisations of a property.

  • fracture (bool) – Only applicable for DUAL POROSITY systems. If True then the fracture property is read. If False then the matrix property is read. Names will be appended with “M” or “F”

  • ijrange (list-like) – A list of 4 numbers (i1, i2, j1, j2) for a subrange of cells to read. Only applicable for xtgcpprop format.

  • zerobased (bool) – Input if cells counts are zero- or one-based in ijrange. Only applicable for xtgcpprop format.

Return type:



A GridProperty instance.


import xtgeo
gprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("somefile.roff", fformat="roff")

# or

mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("ECL.EGRID")
pressure_1 = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("ECL.UNRST", name="PRESSURE",
                                         date="first", grid=mygrid)
xtgeo.gridproperty_from_roxar(project, gname, pname, realisation=0, faciescodes=False)[source]

Make a GridProperty instance directly inside RMS.

  • project (Any) – The Roxar project path or magical pre-defined variable in RMS

  • gname (str) – Name of the grid model

  • pname (str) – Name of the grid property

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number (default 0; first)

  • faciescodes (bool) – If a Roxar property is of the special body_facies type (e.g. result from a channel facies object modelling), the default is to get the body code values. If faciescodes is True, the facies code values will be read instead. For other roxar properties this key is not relevant.

Return type:



A GridProperty instance.


import xtgeo
myporo = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_roxar(project, 'Geogrid', 'Poro')


class xtgeo.GridProperty(gridlike=None, ncol=None, nrow=None, nlay=None, name='unknown', discrete=False, date=None, grid=None, linkgeometry=True, fracture=False, codes=None, dualporo=False, dualperm=False, roxar_dtype=None, values=None, roxorigin=False, filesrc=None)[source]

Bases: _Grid3D

Class for a single 3D grid property, e.g porosity or facies.

An GridProperty instance may or may not ‘belong’ to a grid (geometry) object. E.g. for ROFF input, ncol, nrow, nlay are given in the import file and the grid geometry file is not needed. For many Eclipse files, the grid geometry is needed as this holds the active number indices (ACTNUM).

Normally the instance is created when importing a grid property from file, but it can also be created directly, as e.g.:

poro = GridProperty(ncol=233, nrow=122, nlay=32)

The grid property values someinstance.values by themselves is a 3D masked numpy usually as either float64 (double) or int32 (if discrete), and undefined cells are displayed as masked. The internal array order is now C_CONTIGUOUS. (i.e. not in Eclipse manner). A 1D view (C order) is achieved by the values1d property, e.g.:

poronumpy = poro.values1d

Changed in version 2.6: Possible to make GridProperty instance directly from Grid

Changed in version 2.8: Possible to base it on existing GridProperty instance


  • gridlike (UnionType[Grid, GridProperty, None]) – Grid or GridProperty instance, or leave blank.

  • ncol (Optional[int]) – Number of columns (nx). Defaults to 4.

  • nrow (Optional[int]) – Number of rows (ny). Defaults to 3.

  • nlay (Optional[int]) – Number of layers (nz). Defaults to 5.

  • name (str) – Name of property. Defaults to “unknown”.

  • discrete (bool) – True or False. Defaults to False.

  • date (Optional[str]) – Date on YYYYMMDD form.

  • grid (Optional[Grid]) – Attached Grid object.

  • linkgeometry (bool) – If True, establish a link between GridProperty and Grid. Defaults to True.

  • fracture (bool) – True if fracture option (relevant for flow simulator data). Defaults to False.

  • codes (Optional[dict[int, str]]) – Codes in case a discrete property e.g. {1: “Sand”, 4: “Shale”}.

  • dualporo (bool) – True if dual porosity system. Defaults to False.

  • dualperm (bool) – True if dual porosity and dual permeability system. Defaults to False.

  • roxar_dtype (Union[type[uint8], type[uint16], type[float32], None]) – Specify Roxar datatype e.g. np.uint8.

  • values (UnionType[ndarray, float, int, None]) – Values to apply.

  • roxorigin (bool) – True if the object comes from Roxar API. Defaults to False.

  • filesrc (Optional[str]) – Where the file came from.


RuntimeError – If something goes wrong (e.g. file not found).


import xtgeo
myprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("emerald.roff", name="PORO")

# or

values = np.ma.ones((12, 17, 10), dtype=np.float64),
myprop = GridProperty(ncol=12, nrow=17, nlay=10,
                      values=values, discrete=False,

# or create properties from a Grid() instance

mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("grid.roff")
myprop1 = xtgeo.GridProperty(mygrid, name="PORO")
myprop2 = xtgeo.GridProperty(mygrid, name="FACIES", discrete=True, values=1,
                       linkgeometry=True)  # alternative 1
myprop2.geometry = mygrid  # alternative 2 to link grid geometry to property

# from Grid instance:
grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file("somefile_grid_file")
myprop = GridProperty(grd, values=99, discrete=True)  # based on grd

# or from existing GridProperty instance:
myprop2 = GridProperty(myprop, values=99, discrete=False)  # based on myprop

Public Data Attributes:


Get or set metadata object instance of type MetaDataCPProperty.


Get or set the property name.


Get the grid dimensions as a NamedTuple of 3 integers.


Get the number of active cells.


Get or set the linked geometry, i.e. the Grid instance.


Get the 1D ndarray which holds the indices for active cells given in 1D, C order.


Get or set whether this property is discrete.


Get or set the values numpy dtype.


Get or set the GridProperty file src (if any).


Get or set the roxar dtype (if any).


Get or set the property date as string in YYYYMMDD format.


Get or set the property codes as a dictionary.


Get number of codes if discrete grid property.


Get or set the grid property as a masked 3D numpy array.


Get total number of cells (ncol * nrow * nlay).


Get boolean value of True if the property comes from ROXAPI.


use values instead (kept for backwards compatibility).


Get a masked 1D array view of values.


Get the actual undef value for floats or ints in numpy arrays.


Get the undef limit number, which is slightly less than the undef value.

Inherited from _Grid3D


Returns the NCOL (NX or Ncolumns) number of cells.


Returns the NROW (NY or Nrows) number of cells.


Returns the NLAY (NZ or Nlayers) number of cells.

Public Methods:


Generates a sha256 hash id representing a GridProperty.


A list of methods in the class as a string.

ensure_correct_values(ncol, nrow, nlay, invalues)

Ensures that values is a 3D masked numpy (ncol, nrol, nlay).

from_file(pfile[, fformat])

Import grid property from file, and makes an instance of this class.

to_file(pfile[, fformat, name, append, ...])

Export the grid property to file.

from_roxar(projectname, gridname, propertyname)

Import grid model property from RMS project, and makes an instance.

to_roxar(projectname, gridname, propertyname)

Store a grid model property into a RMS project.


Describe a GridProperty instance by printing its properties to stdout


Get a pure numpy copy (not masked) of the values in 3D shape.

get_actnum([name, asmasked, mask])

Return an ACTNUM GridProperty object.


Get the active cells as a 1D numpy masked array.

get_npvalues1d([activeonly, fill_value, order])

Return the grid property as a 1D numpy array (copy) for active or all cells, but inactive have a fill value.


Copy a GridProperty object to another instance.


Make UNDEF values masked.


Crop a property between grid coordinates.

get_xy_value_lists([grid, activeonly])

Get lists of xy coords and values for Webportal format.

get_values_by_ijk(iarr, jarr, karr[, base])

Get a 1D ndarray of values by I J K arrays.


Convert from discrete to continuous values.


Convert from continuous to discrete values.

operation_polygons(poly, value[, opname, inside])

A generic function for doing 3D grid property operations restricted to inside or outside polygon(s).

add_inside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) inside polygons.

add_outside(poly, value)

Add a value (scalar) outside polygons.

sub_inside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) inside polygons.

sub_outside(poly, value)

Subtract a value (scalar) outside polygons.

mul_inside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) inside polygons.

mul_outside(poly, value)

Multiply a value (scalar) outside polygons.

div_inside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) inside polygons.

div_outside(poly, value)

Divide a value (scalar) outside polygons.

set_inside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) inside polygons.

set_outside(poly, value)

Set a value (scalar) outside polygons.

__init__(gridlike=None, ncol=None, nrow=None, nlay=None, name='unknown', discrete=False, date=None, grid=None, linkgeometry=True, fracture=False, codes=None, dualporo=False, dualperm=False, roxar_dtype=None, values=None, roxorigin=False, filesrc=None)[source]


  • gridlike (UnionType[Grid, GridProperty, None]) – Grid or GridProperty instance, or leave blank.

  • ncol (Optional[int]) – Number of columns (nx). Defaults to 4.

  • nrow (Optional[int]) – Number of rows (ny). Defaults to 3.

  • nlay (Optional[int]) – Number of layers (nz). Defaults to 5.

  • name (str) – Name of property. Defaults to “unknown”.

  • discrete (bool) – True or False. Defaults to False.

  • date (Optional[str]) – Date on YYYYMMDD form.

  • grid (Optional[Grid]) – Attached Grid object.

  • linkgeometry (bool) – If True, establish a link between GridProperty and Grid. Defaults to True.

  • fracture (bool) – True if fracture option (relevant for flow simulator data). Defaults to False.

  • codes (Optional[dict[int, str]]) – Codes in case a discrete property e.g. {1: “Sand”, 4: “Shale”}.

  • dualporo (bool) – True if dual porosity system. Defaults to False.

  • dualperm (bool) – True if dual porosity and dual permeability system. Defaults to False.

  • roxar_dtype (Union[type[uint8], type[uint16], type[float32], None]) – Specify Roxar datatype e.g. np.uint8.

  • values (UnionType[ndarray, float, int, None]) – Values to apply.

  • roxorigin (bool) – True if the object comes from Roxar API. Defaults to False.

  • filesrc (Optional[str]) – Where the file came from.


RuntimeError – If something goes wrong (e.g. file not found).


import xtgeo
myprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("emerald.roff", name="PORO")

# or

values = np.ma.ones((12, 17, 10), dtype=np.float64),
myprop = GridProperty(ncol=12, nrow=17, nlay=10,
                      values=values, discrete=False,

# or create properties from a Grid() instance

mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("grid.roff")
myprop1 = xtgeo.GridProperty(mygrid, name="PORO")
myprop2 = xtgeo.GridProperty(mygrid, name="FACIES", discrete=True, values=1,
                       linkgeometry=True)  # alternative 1
myprop2.geometry = mygrid  # alternative 2 to link grid geometry to property

# from Grid instance:
grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file("somefile_grid_file")
myprop = GridProperty(grd, values=99, discrete=True)  # based on grd

# or from existing GridProperty instance:
myprop2 = GridProperty(myprop, values=99, discrete=False)  # based on myprop
property actnum_indices

Get the 1D ndarray which holds the indices for active cells given in 1D, C order.

add_inside(poly, value)[source]

Add a value (scalar) inside polygons.

Return type:


add_outside(poly, value)[source]

Add a value (scalar) outside polygons.

Return type:


property codes

Get or set the property codes as a dictionary.


Convert from continuous to discrete values.

Return type:



Copy a GridProperty object to another instance.


newname (Optional[str]) – Give the copied instance a new name.

Return type:



A copy of the GridProperty instance.

>>> import xtgeo
>>> myporo = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(
...    reek_dir + '/reek_sim_poro.roff',
...    name="PORO"
... )
>>> mycopy = myporo.copy(newname='XPROP')
>>> print(mycopy.name)

Crop a property between grid coordinates.


spec (tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]) – Provide a tuple of i, j, k lower and upper bounds to crop between, e.g. ((1, 3), (2, 4), (1, 5)) would crop a grid property such that only values from 1:3 in the i plane, 2:4 in the j plane, and 1:5 in the k plane would be present.

Return type:


property date

Get or set the property date as string in YYYYMMDD format.


Describe a GridProperty instance by printing its properties to stdout


flush (bool) – Print to stdout. True by default.

Return type:



A string description of the grid property instance.

property dimensions

Get the grid dimensions as a NamedTuple of 3 integers.


Convert from discrete to continuous values.

Return type:


div_inside(poly, value)[source]

Divide a value (scalar) inside polygons.

Return type:


div_outside(poly, value)[source]

Divide a value (scalar) outside polygons.

Return type:


property dtype

Get or set the values numpy dtype.

When setting, note that the the dtype must correspond to the isdiscrete property. Hence dtype cannot alter isdiscrete status


if myprop.isdiscrete:
    myprop.dtype = np.uint16
ensure_correct_values(ncol, nrow, nlay, invalues)[source]

Ensures that values is a 3D masked numpy (ncol, nrol, nlay).

  • ncol (int) – Number of columns.

  • nrow (int) – Number of rows.

  • nlay (int) – Number of layers.

  • invalues (Union[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]], _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]], bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes, _NestedSequence[Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes]]]) – Values to process.

Return type:



The values as a masked numpy array.

property filesrc

Get or set the GridProperty file src (if any).

from_file(pfile, fformat=None, **kwargs)[source]

Import grid property from file, and makes an instance of this class.

Note that the the property may be linked to its geometrical grid, through the grid= option. Sometimes this is required, for instance for most Eclipse input.

  • pfile (Union[str, Path, StringIO, BytesIO]) – Name of file to be imported

  • fformat (Optional[str]) – File format to be used (roff/init/unrst/grdecl). Defaults to None and tries to infer from file extension.

  • name – Name of property to import

  • date – For restart files, date in YYYYMMDD format. Also the YYYY-MM-DD form is allowed (string), and for Eclipse, mnemonics like ‘first’, ‘last’ is also allowed.

  • grid – Grid object for checks. Optional for ROFF, required for Eclipse).

  • gridlink – If True, and grid is not None, a link from the grid instance to the property is made. If False, no such link is made. Avoiding gridlink is recommended when running statistics of multiple realisations of a property.

  • fracture – Only applicable for DUAL POROSITY systems. If True then the fracture property is read. If False then the matrix property is read. Names will be appended with “M” or “F”

  • ijrange – A list of 4 number: (i1, i2, j1, j2) for subrange of cells to read. Only applicable for xtgcpprop format.

  • zerobased – Input if cells counts are zero- or one-based in ijrange. Only applicable for xtgcpprop format.

Return type:



A GridProperty instance.


import xtgeo
gprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("somefile.roff", fformat="roff")

# or

mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("ECL.EGRID")
pressure_1 = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file(
    "ECL.UNRST", name="PRESSURE", date="first", grid=mygrid

Changed in version 2.8: Added gridlink option, default is True

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file() instead

from_roxar(projectname, gridname, propertyname, realisation=0, faciescodes=False)[source]

Import grid model property from RMS project, and makes an instance.

  • projectname (str) – Name of RMS project. Use ‘project’ if inside RMS.

  • gridname (str) – Name of grid model.

  • propertyname (str) – Name of grid property.

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number. Default is 0 (the first).

  • faciescodes (bool) – If a Roxar property is of the special body_facies type (e.g. result from a channel facies object modelling), the default is to get the body code values. If faciescodes is True, the facies code values will be read instead. For other roxar properties this key is not relevant.

Return type:


New in version 2.12: Key faciescodes was added

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.gridproperty_from_roxar() instead


Generates a sha256 hash id representing a GridProperty.

Return type:



A unique hash id string.

New in version 2.10.

property geometry

Get or set the linked geometry, i.e. the Grid instance.


Get the active cells as a 1D numpy masked array.

Return type:



The grid property as a 1D numpy masked array, active cells only.

get_actnum(name='ACTNUM', asmasked=False, mask=None)[source]

Return an ACTNUM GridProperty object.

Note that this method is similar to, but not identical to, the job with same name in Grid(). Here, the maskedarray of the values is applied to deduce the ACTNUM array.

  • name (str) – Name of property in the XTGeo GridProperty object. Default is “ACTNUM”.

  • asmasked (bool) – Default is False, so that actnum is returned with all cells shown. Use asmasked=True to make 0 entries masked.

  • mask (Optional[bool]) – Deprecated, use asmasked instead!

Return type:



The ACTNUM GridProperty object.


act = mygrid.get_actnum()
print('{}% cells are active'.format(act.values.mean() * 100))
get_npvalues1d(activeonly=False, fill_value=nan, order='C')[source]

Return the grid property as a 1D numpy array (copy) for active or all cells, but inactive have a fill value.

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, then only return active cells. Default is False.

  • fill_value (Union[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]], _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]], bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes, _NestedSequence[Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes]]]) – Fill value for inactive cells. Default is np.nan.

  • order (Literal['C', 'F']) – Array internal order. Default is “C”, alternative is “F”.

Return type:



The grid property as a 1D numpy masked array.

New in version 2.3.

Changed in version 2.8: Added fill_value and order


Get a pure numpy copy (not masked) of the values in 3D shape.

Note that Numpy dtype will be reset; int32 if discrete or float64 if continuous. The reason for this is to avoid inconsistensies regarding UNDEF values.

If fill_value is not None, than the returning dtype is always np.float64.


fill_value (Union[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]], _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]], bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes, _NestedSequence[Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes]], None]) – Value of masked entries. Default is None which means the XTGeo UNDEF value (a high number). This UNDEF value is different for a continuous or discrete property.

Return type:



Non-masked array copy of 3D-shaped values

get_values_by_ijk(iarr, jarr, karr, base=1)[source]

Get a 1D ndarray of values by I J K arrays.

This could for instance be a well path where I J K exists as well logs.

Note that the input arrays have 1 as base as default

  • iarr (ndarray) – Numpy array of I

  • jarr (ndarray) – Numpy array of J

  • karr (ndarray) – Numpy array of K

  • base (int) – Should be 1 or 0, dependent on what number base the input arrays has.

Return type:



A 1D numpy array of property values, with NaN if undefined. Returns None on IndexErrors.

get_xy_value_lists(grid=None, activeonly=True)[source]

Get lists of xy coords and values for Webportal format.

The coordinates are on the form (two cells):

[[[(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4)],
[(x5,y5), (x6,y6), (x7,y7), (x8,y8)]]]
  • grid (Optional[Grid]) – The XTGeo Grid object for the property. Defaults to None.

  • activeonly (bool) – If True (default), active cells only, otherwise cell geometries will be listed and property will have value -999 in undefined cells.

Return type:

Tuple[List[List[List[Tuple[Union[float, int], Union[float, int]]]]], List[List[Union[float, int]]]]


A tuple of two lists, one being the xr coords, the other the values at those coords.


import xtgeo
grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("../xtgeo-testdata/3dgrids/bri/b_grid.roff")
prop = xtgeogridproperty_from_file(
    "../xtgeo-testdata/3dgrids/bri/b_poro.roff", grid=grid, name="PORO"

clist, valuelist = prop.get_xy_value_lists(
    grid=grid, activeonly=False
property isdiscrete

Get or set whether this property is discrete.

This can also be used to convert from continuous to discrete or from discrete to continuous:

myprop.isdiscrete = False

Make UNDEF values masked.

Return type:


property metadata

Get or set metadata object instance of type MetaDataCPProperty.

classmethod methods()[source]

A list of methods in the class as a string.

Return type:



The names of the methods in the class.

>>> print(GridProperty.methods())
METHODS for GridProperty():
mul_inside(poly, value)[source]

Multiply a value (scalar) inside polygons.

Return type:


mul_outside(poly, value)[source]

Multiply a value (scalar) outside polygons.

Return type:


property nactive

Get the number of active cells.

property name

Get or set the property name.

property ncodes

Get number of codes if discrete grid property.

property ncol

Returns the NCOL (NX or Ncolumns) number of cells.

property nlay

Returns the NLAY (NZ or Nlayers) number of cells.

property nrow

Returns the NROW (NY or Nrows) number of cells.

property ntotal

Get total number of cells (ncol * nrow * nlay).

operation_polygons(poly, value, opname='add', inside=True)[source]

A generic function for doing 3D grid property operations restricted to inside or outside polygon(s).

This method requires that the property geometry is known (prop.geometry is set to a grid instance).

  • poly (Polygons) – A XTGeo Polygons instance.

  • value (float | int) – Value to add, subtract etc.

  • opname (Literal['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'set']) – Name of operation… “add”, “sub”, etc. Defaults to “add”.

  • inside (bool) – If True do operation inside polygons; else outside. Defaults to True.

Return type:


property roxar_dtype

Get or set the roxar dtype (if any).

property roxorigin

Get boolean value of True if the property comes from ROXAPI.

set_inside(poly, value)[source]

Set a value (scalar) inside polygons.

Return type:


set_outside(poly, value)[source]

Set a value (scalar) outside polygons.

Return type:


sub_inside(poly, value)[source]

Subtract a value (scalar) inside polygons.

Return type:


sub_outside(poly, value)[source]

Subtract a value (scalar) outside polygons.

Return type:


to_file(pfile, fformat='roff', name=None, append=False, dtype=None, fmt=None)[source]

Export the grid property to file.

  • pfile (Union[str, Path, StringIO, BytesIO]) – File name or pathlib.Path to export to.

  • fformat (Literal['roff', 'roffasc', 'grdecl', 'bgrdecl', 'xtgcpprop']) – The file format to be used. Default is roff binary, else roff_ascii/grdecl/bgrdecl.

  • name (Optional[str]) – If provided, will explicitly give property name; else the existing name of the instance will used.

  • append (bool) – Append to existing file, only for (b)grdecl formats.

  • dtype (UnionType[type[float32], type[float64], type[int32], None]) – The values data type. This is valid only for grdecl or bgrdecl formats, where the default is None which means ‘float32’ for floating point numbers and ‘int32’ for discrete properties. Other choices are ‘float64’ which are ‘DOUB’ entries in Eclipse formats.

  • fmt (Optional[str]) – Format for ascii grdecl format. Default is None. If specified, the user is responsible for a valid format specifier, e.g. “%8.4f”.

Return type:



# This example demonstrates that file formats can be mixed
import xtgeo
rgrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("reek.roff")
poro = GridProperty("reek_poro.grdecl", grid=rgrid, name='PORO')

poro.values += 0.05

poro.to_file("reek_export_poro.bgrdecl", format="bgrdecl")

New in version 2.13: Key fmt was added and default format for float output to grdecl is now “%e” if fmt=None

to_roxar(projectname, gridname, propertyname, realisation=0, casting='unsafe')[source]

Store a grid model property into a RMS project.


When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then to_roxar() will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action.


Beware values casting, see casting key. Default is “unsafe” which may create issues if your property has values that is outside the valid range. I.e. for float values XTGeo normally use float64 (8 byte) while roxar use float32 (4 byte). With extreme values, e.g. 10e40, such values will be truncated if “unsafe” casting. More common is casting issues with discrete as Roxar (RMS) often use uint8 which only allow values in range 1..256.

  • projectname (str) – Inside RMS use the magic ‘project’ string. Otherwise use a path to an RMS project, or a project reference.

  • gridname (str) – Name of grid model.

  • propertyname (str) – Name of grid property.

  • realisation (int) – Realisation number. Default is 0 (the first).

  • casting (Optional[Literal['no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe']]) – This refers to numpy astype(… casting=…) settings.

Return type:


Changed in version 2.10: Key saveproject has been removed and will have no effect

New in version 2.12: Key casting was added

property undef

Get the actual undef value for floats or ints in numpy arrays.

property undef_limit

Get the undef limit number, which is slightly less than the undef value.

Hence for numerical precision, one can force undef values to a given number, e.g.:

x[x<x.undef_limit] = 999

Undef limit values cannot be changed (read only).

property values

Get or set the grid property as a masked 3D numpy array.

property values1d

Get a masked 1D array view of values.

property values3d

use values instead (kept for backwards compatibility).

Deprecated since version 3.6: This will be removed in 4.0. Use gridprop.values instead



Grid properties (multiple)


class xtgeo.GridProperties(ncol=None, nrow=None, nlay=None, props=None)[source]

Bases: _Grid3D

Class for a collection of 3D grid props, belonging to the same grid topology.

It is a thin wrapper on a list that 1) checks that the GridProperties belong to the same Grid (loosely). 2) Contains operations that can be called on lists of GridProperty objects for easy discoverability.

>>> import xtgeo
>>> # Create an
>>> grid_properties = xtgeo.GridProperties(props=[])
>>> # Get the dataframe via the gridproperties object
>>> grid_properties.get_dataframe()
Empty DataFrame...
>>> # Convert the gridproperties to a list
>>> grid_properties_list = list(grid_properties)
>>> # Get the dataframe of the list:
>>> gridproperties_dataframe(grid_properties_list)
Empty DataFrame...
  • ncol (Optional[int]) – Deprecated argument.

  • nrow (Optional[int]) – Deprecated argument.

  • nlay (Optional[int]) – Deprecated argument.

  • props (Optional[list[GridProperty]]) – The list of GridProperty objects.

See also

The GridProperty class.

Public Data Attributes:


Returns a list of property names.


Returns a list of XTGeo GridProperty objects, None if empty.


Returns a list of valid (found) dates after import.

Inherited from _Grid3D


Returns the NCOL (NX or Ncolumns) number of cells.


Returns the NROW (NY or Nrows) number of cells.


Returns the NLAY (NZ or Nlayers) number of cells.

Public Methods:


Copy a GridProperties instance to a new unique instance.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout.


str: Return a unique hash ID for current gridproperties instance.

get_prop_by_name(name[, raiseserror])

Find and return a property object (GridProperty) by name.


Add a list of GridProperty objects to current GridProperties instance.

get_ijk([names, zerobased, asmasked, mask])

Returns 3 xtgeo.grid3d.GridProperty objects: I counter, J counter, K counter.

get_actnum([name, asmasked, mask])

Return an ACTNUM GridProperty object.

from_file(pfile[, fformat, names, dates, ...])

Import grid properties from file in one go.

get_dataframe([activeonly, ijk, xyz, ...])

Returns a Pandas dataframe table for the properties.

dataframe(*args, **kwargs)

Deprecated method to obtain a pandas DataFrame representation of the grid property.

scan_keywords(pfile[, fformat, maxkeys, ...])

Quick scan of keywords in Eclipse binary files, or ROFF binary files.

scan_dates(pfile[, fformat, maxdates, ...])

Quick scan dates in a simulation restart file.

__init__(ncol=None, nrow=None, nlay=None, props=None)[source]

Add a list of GridProperty objects to current GridProperties instance.

Return type:



Copy a GridProperties instance to a new unique instance.

Note that the GridProperty instances will also be unique.

Return type:


dataframe(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Deprecated method to obtain a pandas DataFrame representation of the grid property.

This method is deprecated as of version 2.16 and will be removed in version 4.0. Users are advised to use the GridProperties.get_dataframe() method instead for similar functionality.


DataFrame representation of the grid property.

Return type:



This method is a wrapper around get_dataframe(*args, **kwargs) and maintains compatibility with older versions of the API. However, transitioning to get_dataframe() is recommended for future-proofing your code.

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use GridProperties().get_dataframe() instead

property dates

Returns a list of valid (found) dates after import.

Returns None if no dates present


See also GridProperties.scan_dates() for scanning available dates in advance


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> props = xtgeo.gridproperties_from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/REEK.INIT",
...     fformat="init",
...     names=["PERMX"],
...     grid=grid,
... )

>>> datelist = props.dates
>>> for date in datelist:
...     print ('Date applied is {}'.format(date))
Date applied is 19991201

Changed in version 2.16: dates is no longer an alias (undocumented behavior), and simply return the dates of the underlying list of GridProperty.


Describe an instance by printing to stdout.

Return type:


from_file(pfile, fformat='roff', names=None, dates=None, grid=None, namestyle=0, strict=(True, False))[source]

Import grid properties from file in one go.

This class is particulary useful for Eclipse INIT and RESTART files.

In case of names=’all’ then all vectors which have a valid length (number of total or active cells in the grid) will be read

  • pfile (str or Path) – Name of file with properties

  • fformat (str) – roff/init/unrst

  • names (Optional[list[str]]) – list of property names, e.g. [‘PORO’, ‘PERMX’] or ‘all’

  • dates (Optional[list[str]]) – list of dates on YYYYMMDD format, for restart files, or ‘all’

  • grid (obj) – The grid geometry object (optional if ROFF)

  • namestyle (int) – 0 (default) for style SWAT_20110223, 1 for SWAT–2011_02_23 (applies to restart only)

  • strict (tuple of (bool, bool)) – If (True, False) (default) then an Error is raised if keyword name is not found, or a key-date combination is not found. However, the dates will processed so that non-valid dates are skipped (still, invalid key-date combinations may occur!). If (True, True) all keywords and dates are tried, while (False, False) means that that only valid entries are imported, more or less silently. Saturations keywords SWAT/SOIL/SGAS are not evaluated as they may be derived.

Return type:


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> props = xtgeo.gridproperties_from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/REEK.INIT",
...     fformat="init",
...     names=["PERMX"],
...     grid=grid,
... )
  • FileNotFoundError – if input file is not found

  • DateNotFoundError – The date is not found

  • KeywordNotFoundError – The keyword is not found

  • KeywordFoundDateNotFoundError – The keyword but not date found

New in version 2.13: Added strict key

Deprecated since version 2.16: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.gridproperties_from_file() instead


str: Return a unique hash ID for current gridproperties instance. :rtype: str

New in version 2.10.

get_actnum(name='ACTNUM', asmasked=False, mask=None)[source]

Return an ACTNUM GridProperty object.

  • name (str) – name of property in the XTGeo GridProperty object.

  • asmasked (bool) – ACTNUM is returned with all cells as default. Use asmasked=True to make 0 entries masked.

  • mask (bool) – Deprecated, use asmasked instead.


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> myprops = xtgeo.gridproperties_from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/REEK.INIT",
...     fformat="init",
...     names=["PERMX"],
...     grid=grid,
... )
>>> act = myprops.get_actnum()
>>> print('{}% of cells are active'.format(act.values.mean() * 100))
99.99...% of cells are active
Return type:



A GridProperty instance of ACTNUM, or None if no props present.

get_dataframe(activeonly=False, ijk=False, xyz=False, doubleformat=False, grid=None)[source]

Returns a Pandas dataframe table for the properties.

See also xtgeo.gridproperties_dataframe()

  • activeonly (bool) – If True, return only active cells, NB! If True, will require a grid instance (see grid key)

  • ijk (bool) – If True, show cell indices, IX JY KZ columns

  • xyz (bool) – If True, show cell center coordinates (needs grid).

  • doubleformat (bool) – If True, floats are 64 bit, otherwise 32 bit. Note that coordinates (if xyz=True) is always 64 bit floats.

  • grid (Grid) – The grid geometry object. This is required for the xyz option.

Return type:



Pandas dataframe object


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> pps = xtgeo.gridproperties_from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/REEK.UNRST",
...     fformat="unrst",
...     names=['SOIL', 'SWAT', 'PRESSURE'],
...     dates=[19991201],
...     grid=grid,
... )
>>> df = pps.get_dataframe(activeonly=False, ijk=True, xyz=True, grid=grid)
>>> print(df)
       ACTNUM  IX  JY  ...  SOIL_19991201  SWAT_19991201  PRESSURE_19991201
0           1   1   1  ...            0.0            1.0         341.694183
1           1   1   1  ...            0.0            1.0         342.097107
2           1   1   1  ...            0.0            1.0         342.500061
3           1   1   1  ...            0.0            1.0         342.902954
4           1   1   1  ...            0.0            1.0         343.305908
get_ijk(names=('IX', 'JY', 'KZ'), zerobased=False, asmasked=False, mask=None)[source]

Returns 3 xtgeo.grid3d.GridProperty objects: I counter, J counter, K counter.

  • names (tuple[str, str, str]) – a 3 x tuple of names per property (default IX, JY, KZ).

  • asmasked (bool) – If True, then active cells only.

  • mask (Optional[bool]) – If True, then active cells only (deprecated).

  • zerobased (bool) – If True, counter start from 0, otherwise 1 (default=1).

Return type:

tuple[GridProperty, GridProperty, GridProperty]

get_prop_by_name(name, raiseserror=True)[source]

Find and return a property object (GridProperty) by name.

  • name (str) – Name of property to look for

  • raiseserror (bool) – If True, raises a ValueError if not found, otherwise return None

Return type:


property names

Returns a list of property names.


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> props = xtgeo.gridproperties_from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/REEK.INIT",
...     fformat="init",
...     names=["PERMX"],
...     grid=grid,
... )

>>> namelist = props.names
>>> for name in namelist:
...     print ('Property name is {}'.format(name))
Property name is PERMX
property ncol

Returns the NCOL (NX or Ncolumns) number of cells.

property nlay

Returns the NLAY (NZ or Nlayers) number of cells.

property nrow

Returns the NROW (NY or Nrows) number of cells.

property props

Returns a list of XTGeo GridProperty objects, None if empty.


>>> import xtgeo
>>> grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file(reek_dir + "/REEK.EGRID")
>>> myprops = xtgeo.gridproperties_from_file(
...     reek_dir + "/REEK.INIT",
...     fformat="init",
...     names=["PERMX"],
...     grid=grid,
... )

>>> proplist = myprops.props
>>> for prop in proplist:
...     print ('Property object name is {}'.format(prop.name))
Property object name is PERMX

>>> # adding a property, e.g. get ACTNUM as a property from the grid
>>> actn = grid.get_actnum()  # this will get actn as a GridProperty
>>> myprops.append_props([actn])
static scan_dates(pfile, fformat='unrst', maxdates=1000, dataframe=False, datesonly=False)[source]

Quick scan dates in a simulation restart file.

  • pfile (str) – Name of file or file handle with properties

  • fformat (str) – unrst (so far)

  • maxdates (int) – Maximum number of dates to collect

  • dataframe (bool) – If True, return a Pandas dataframe instead

  • datesonly (bool) – If True, SEQNUM is skipped,

Return type:

list | DataFrame


A list of tuples or a dataframe with (seqno, date), date is on YYYYMMDD form. If datesonly is True and dataframe is False, the returning list will be a simple list of dates.

>>> dlist = GridProperties.scan_dates(reek_dir + "/REEK.UNRST")
>>> #or getting all dates a simple list:
>>> dlist = GridProperties.scan_dates(
... reek_dir + "/REEK.UNRST",
... datesonly=True)

Changed in version 2.13: Added datesonly keyword

static scan_keywords(pfile, fformat='xecl', maxkeys=1000000, dataframe=False, dates=False)[source]

Quick scan of keywords in Eclipse binary files, or ROFF binary files.

For Eclipse files:
Returns a list of tuples (or dataframe), e.g.

('PRESSURE', 'REAL', 355299, 3582700)


(keyword, type, no_of_values, byteposition_in_file)

For ROFF files:
Returns a list of tuples (or dataframe), e.g.

('translate!xoffset', 'float', 1, 3582700)


(keyword, type, no_of_values, byteposition_in_file)

For Eclipse, the byteposition is to the KEYWORD, while for ROFF the byte position is to the beginning of the actual data.

  • pfile (Union[str, Path, StringIO, BytesIO]) – Name or a filehandle to file with properties.

  • fformat (Literal['roff', 'xecl']) – xecl (Eclipse INIT, RESTART, …) or roff for ROFF binary. Default is “xecl”.

  • maxkeys (int) – Maximum number of keys. Default is xtgeo.commom.constants.MAXKEYWORDS.

  • dataframe (bool) – If True, return a Pandas dataframe instead. Default is False.

  • dates (bool) – If True, the date is the last column (only meaningful for restart files). Default is False.

Return type:

Union[List[Union[Tuple[str, str, int, int], Tuple[str, str, int, int, Union[str, int]]]], DataFrame]


A list of tuples or dataframe with keyword info

>>> dlist = GridProperties.scan_keywords(reek_dir + "/REEK.UNRST")

Deprecated since version 3.6: This will be removed in 4.0. Use xtgeo.list_gridproperties() instead


Roxar utilities


class xtgeo.RoxUtils(project, readonly=False)[source]

Bases: object

Class RoxUtils, for accessing project level methods:

import xtgeo

xr = xtgeo.RoxUtils(project)

The project itself can be a reference to an existing project, typically the magic project wording inside RMS python, or a file path to a RMS project (for external access).

  • project (roxar.Project or str) – Reference to a RMS project either an existing instance or a RMS project folder path.

  • readonly (bool) – saved to this project (which is the case for “secondary” projects).


import xgeo
path = '/some/path/to/rmsprject.rmsx'

ext = xtgeo.RoxUtils(path, readonly=True)
# ...do something

Public Data Attributes:


Roxar API version (read only)


The Roxar project instance (read only)

Public Methods:


Close the project but only if roxarapps (external) mode, i.e. not current RMS project.


Defines a minimum ROXAPI version for some feature (True or False).


Get the actual RMS version(s) given an API version.

create_horizons_category(category[, domain, ...])

Create one or more a Horizons category entries.

create_zones_category(category[, domain, htype])

Create one or more a Horizons category entries.


Delete on or more horizons or zones categories


Delete on or more horizons or zones categories.


Clear (or make empty) the content of one or more horizon categories.


Clear (or make empty) the content of one or more zone categories.

__init__(project, readonly=False)[source]

Clear (or make empty) the content of one or more horizon categories.


category (str or list) – Name(s) of category to empty, either as a simple string or a list of strings.

New in version 2.1.


Clear (or make empty) the content of one or more zone categories.


category (str or list) – Name(s) of category to empty, either as a simple string or a list of strings.

New in version 2.1.

create_horizons_category(category, domain='depth', htype='surface')[source]

Create one or more a Horizons category entries.

  • category (str or list) – Name(s) of category to make, either as a simple string or a list of strings.

  • domain (str) – ‘depth’ (default) or ‘time’

  • htype (str) – Horizon type: surface/lines/points

create_zones_category(category, domain='thickness', htype='surface')[source]

Create one or more a Horizons category entries.

  • category (str or list) – Name(s) of category to make, either as a simple string or a list of strings.

  • domain (str) – ‘thickness’ (default) or …?

  • htype (str) – Horizon type: surface/lines/points


Delete on or more horizons or zones categories


Delete on or more horizons or zones categories. See previous

property project

The Roxar project instance (read only)


Get the actual RMS version(s) given an API version.


apiversion (str) – ROXAPI version to ask for


A list of RMS version(s) for the given API version, None if

not any match.


rox = RoxUtils(project)
rmsver = rox.rmsversion('1.5')
print('The supported RMS version are {}'.format(rmsver))
property roxversion

Roxar API version (read only)


Close the project but only if roxarapps (external) mode, i.e. not current RMS project

In case roxar.Project.open() is done explicitly, safe_close() will do nothing.


Defines a minimum ROXAPI version for some feature (True or False).


targetversion (str) – Minimum version to compare with.


rox = RoxUtils(project)
if rox.version_required('1.5'):
    print('Not supported in this version')

Metadata (experimental)


class xtgeo.MetaDataRegularSurface[source]

Bases: MetaData

Metadata for RegularSurface() objects.


Public Data Attributes:



Get of set required metadata.

Inherited from MetaData


Return or set optional metadata.


Return the metadata optional instance.


Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.

Public Methods:

Inherited from MetaData


Get all metadata that are present.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx--yyyy--date but no suffix.

REQUIRED = {'ncol': 1, 'nrow': 1, 'rotation': 0.0, 'undef': 1e+33, 'xinc': 1.0, 'xori': 0.0, 'yflip': 1, 'yinc': 1.0, 'yori': 0.0}


property freeform

Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx–yyyy–date but no suffix.


Get all metadata that are present.

property opt

Return the metadata optional instance.

This makes access to the _OptionalMetaData instance.

>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + "/topreek_rota.gri")
>>> surf.metadata.opt.shortname = "TopValysar"
property optional

Return or set optional metadata.

When setting optional names, it can be done in several ways…

surf.metadata.optional.name = “New name”

property required

Get of set required metadata.


class xtgeo.MetaDataRegularCube[source]

Bases: MetaData

Metadata for Cube() objects.


Public Data Attributes:



Get of set required metadata.

Inherited from MetaData


Return or set optional metadata.


Return the metadata optional instance.


Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.

Public Methods:

Inherited from MetaData


Get all metadata that are present.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx--yyyy--date but no suffix.

REQUIRED = {'ncol': 1, 'nlay': 1, 'nrow': 1, 'rotation': 0.0, 'undef': 1e+33, 'xinc': 1.0, 'xori': 0.0, 'yflip': 1, 'yinc': 1.0, 'yori': 0.0, 'zflip': 1, 'zinc': 1.0, 'zori': 0.0}


property freeform

Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx–yyyy–date but no suffix.


Get all metadata that are present.

property opt

Return the metadata optional instance.

This makes access to the _OptionalMetaData instance.

>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + "/topreek_rota.gri")
>>> surf.metadata.opt.shortname = "TopValysar"
property optional

Return or set optional metadata.

When setting optional names, it can be done in several ways…

surf.metadata.optional.name = “New name”

property required

Get of set required metadata.


class xtgeo.MetaDataCPGeometry[source]

Bases: MetaData

Metadata for Grid() objects of type simplified CornerPoint Geometry.


Public Data Attributes:



Get of set required metadata.

Inherited from MetaData


Return or set optional metadata.


Return the metadata optional instance.


Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.

Public Methods:

Inherited from MetaData


Get all metadata that are present.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx--yyyy--date but no suffix.

REQUIRED = {'ncol': 1, 'nlay': 1, 'nrow': 1, 'xscale': 1.0, 'xshift': 0.0, 'yscale': 1.0, 'yshift': 0.0, 'zscale': 1.0, 'zshift': 0.0}


property freeform

Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx–yyyy–date but no suffix.


Get all metadata that are present.

property opt

Return the metadata optional instance.

This makes access to the _OptionalMetaData instance.

>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + "/topreek_rota.gri")
>>> surf.metadata.opt.shortname = "TopValysar"
property optional

Return or set optional metadata.

When setting optional names, it can be done in several ways…

surf.metadata.optional.name = “New name”

property required

Get of set required metadata.


class xtgeo.MetaDataCPProperty[source]

Bases: MetaData

Metadata for GridProperty() objects belonging to CPGeometry.


Public Data Attributes:



Get of set required metadata.

Inherited from MetaData


Return or set optional metadata.


Return the metadata optional instance.


Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.

Public Methods:

Inherited from MetaData


Get all metadata that are present.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx--yyyy--date but no suffix.

REQUIRED = {'codes': None, 'discrete': False, 'ncol': 1, 'nlay': 1, 'nrow': 1}


property freeform

Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx–yyyy–date but no suffix.


Get all metadata that are present.

property opt

Return the metadata optional instance.

This makes access to the _OptionalMetaData instance.

>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + "/topreek_rota.gri")
>>> surf.metadata.opt.shortname = "TopValysar"
property optional

Return or set optional metadata.

When setting optional names, it can be done in several ways…

surf.metadata.optional.name = “New name”

property required

Get of set required metadata.


class xtgeo.MetaDataWell[source]

Bases: MetaData

Metadata for single Well() objects.

Initialisation for Well metadata.

Public Data Attributes:



Get of set required metadata.

Inherited from MetaData


Return or set optional metadata.


Return the metadata optional instance.


Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.

Public Methods:

Inherited from MetaData


Get all metadata that are present.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx--yyyy--date but no suffix.

REQUIRED = {'mdlogname': None, 'name': 'noname', 'rkb': 0.0, 'wlogs': {}, 'xpos': 0.0, 'ypos': 0.0, 'zonelogname': None}

Initialisation for Well metadata.

property freeform

Get or set the current freeform metadata dictionary.


Generate FMU name on form xxxx–yyyy–date but no suffix.


Get all metadata that are present.

property opt

Return the metadata optional instance.

This makes access to the _OptionalMetaData instance.

>>> import xtgeo
>>> surf = xtgeo.surface_from_file(surface_dir + "/topreek_rota.gri")
>>> surf.metadata.opt.shortname = "TopValysar"
property optional

Return or set optional metadata.

When setting optional names, it can be done in several ways…

surf.metadata.optional.name = “New name”

property required

Get of set required metadata.

Plot (to be deprecated)


class xtgeo.plot.XSection(zmin=0, zmax=9999, well=None, surfaces=None, sampling=20, nextend=5, colormap=None, zonelogshift=0, surfacenames=None, cube=None, grid=None, gridproperty=None, outline=None)[source]

Bases: BasePlot

Class for plotting a cross-section of a well.

  • zmin (float) – Upper level of the plot (top Y axis).

  • zmax (float) – Lower level of the plot (bottom Y axis).

  • well (Well) – XTGeo well object.

  • surfaces (list) – List of XTGeo RegularSurface objects

  • surfacenames (list) – List of surface names (str) for legend

  • cube (Cube) – A XTGeo Cube instance

  • grid (Grid) – A XTGeo Grid instance

  • gridproperty (GridProperty) – A XTGeo GridProperty instance

  • colormap (str) – Name of colormap, e.g. ‘Set1’. Default is ‘xtgeo’

  • outline (obj) – XTGeo Polygons object

Init method.

Public Data Attributes:


Returns page size.


Returns or set the legend size.


Returns or set the legends.


Returns or set the axes status.


Set or get the facies colormap.


Set or get the zonelog colormap.


Set or get the perforations colormap.


Set or get the facies colormap actual dict table.


Set or get the perf colormap actual dict table.


Set or get the zonelog colormap actual dict table.


Set or get the fence spesification.

Inherited from BasePlot


Get or set the number of contour levels.


Get or set the color table as a matplot cmap object.


Returns page size.

Public Methods:

canvas([title, subtitle, infotext, figscaling])

Prepare the canvas to plot on, with title and subtitle.

plot_well([zonelogname, facieslogname, ...])

Input an XTGeo Well object and plot it.


Set x-axis labels to measured depth.

plot_cube([colormap, vmin, vmax, alpha, ...])

Plot a cube backdrop.

plot_grid3d([colormap, vmin, vmax, alpha, ...])

Plot a sampled grid with gridproperty backdrop.

plot_surfaces([fill, surfaces, ...])

Input a surface list (ordered from top to base) , and plot them.

plot_md_data([data, markersize, color, ...])

Plot MD vs TVD data as lines and/or markers.

plot_wellmap([otherwells, expand])

Plot well map as local view, optionally with nearby wells.


Plot well location map as an overall view (with field outline).

Inherited from BasePlot

define_any_colormap(cfile[, colorlist])

Defines any color map from file or a predefined name.


Returns the given color map cmap as a list of RGB tuples.


Get the current color map as a list of RGB tuples.

define_colormap(cfile[, colorlist])

Defines a color map from file or a predefined name.

canvas([title, subtitle, infotext, figscaling])

Prepare the canvas to plot on, with title and subtitle.


Call to matplotlib.pyplot show method.


Explicitly closes the plot, meaning that memory will be cleared.

savefig(filename[, fformat, last])

Call to matplotlib.pyplot savefig method.

__init__(zmin=0, zmax=9999, well=None, surfaces=None, sampling=20, nextend=5, colormap=None, zonelogshift=0, surfacenames=None, cube=None, grid=None, gridproperty=None, outline=None)[source]

Init method.

canvas(title=None, subtitle=None, infotext=None, figscaling=1.0)[source]

Prepare the canvas to plot on, with title and subtitle.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of plot.

  • subtitle (str, optional) – Sub title of plot.

  • infotext (str, optional) – Text to be written as info string.

  • figscaling (str, optional) – Figure scaling, default is 1.0


Explicitly closes the plot, meaning that memory will be cleared.

After close is called, no more operations can be performed on the plot.

property colormap

Get or set the color table as a matplot cmap object.

property colormap_facies

Set or get the facies colormap.

property colormap_facies_dict

Set or get the facies colormap actual dict table.

property colormap_perf

Set or get the perforations colormap.

property colormap_perf_dict

Set or get the perf colormap actual dict table.

property colormap_zonelog

Set or get the zonelog colormap.

property colormap_zonelog_dict

Set or get the zonelog colormap actual dict table.

property contourlevels

Get or set the number of contour levels.

static define_any_colormap(cfile, colorlist=None)

Defines any color map from file or a predefined name.

This is a static method, which returns a matplotlib CM object.

  • cfile (str) – File name (RMS format) or an alias for a predefined map name, e.g. ‘xtgeo’, or one of matplotlibs numerous tables.

  • colorlist (list, int, optional) – List of integers redefining color entries per zone and/or well, which starts from 0 index. Default is just keep the linear sequence as is.

define_colormap(cfile, colorlist=None)

Defines a color map from file or a predefined name.

  • cfile (str) – File name (RMS format) or an alias for a predefined map name, e.g. ‘xtgeo’, or one of matplotlibs numerous tables.

  • colorlist (list, int, optional) – List of integers redefining color entries per zone and/or well, which starts from 0 index. Default is just keep the linear sequence as is.

property fence

Set or get the fence spesification.

static get_any_colormap_as_table(cmap)

Returns the given color map cmap as a list of RGB tuples.


Get the current color map as a list of RGB tuples.

property has_axes

Returns or set the axes status.

property has_legend

Returns or set the legends.

property legendsize

Returns or set the legend size.

property pagesize

Returns page size.

plot_cube(colormap='seismic', vmin=None, vmax=None, alpha=0.7, interpolation='gaussian', sampling='nearest')[source]

Plot a cube backdrop.

  • colormap (ColorMap) – Name of color map (default ‘seismic’)

  • vmin (float) – Minimum value in plot.

  • vmax (float) –

  • alpha (float) – Alpah blending number beween 0 and 1.

  • interpolation (str) – Interpolation for plotting, cf. matplotlib documentation on this. Also gaussianN is allowed, where N = 1..9.

  • sampling (str) – ‘nearest’ (default) or ‘trilinear’ (more precise)


ValueError – No cube is loaded

plot_grid3d(colormap='rainbow', vmin=None, vmax=None, alpha=0.7, zinc=0.5, interpolation='auto')[source]

Plot a sampled grid with gridproperty backdrop.

  • colormap (ColorMap) – Name of color map (default ‘rainbow’)

  • vmin (float) – Minimum value in plot.

  • vmax (float) –

  • alpha (float) – Alpha blending number beween 0 and 1.

  • zinc (float) – Sampling vertically, default is 0.5

  • interpolation (str) – Interpolation for plotting, cf. matplotlib documentation on this. “auto” uses “nearest” for discrete parameters and “antialiased” for floats.


ValueError – No grid or gridproperty is loaded


Plot well location map as an overall view (with field outline).

plot_md_data(data=None, markersize=10, color='red', linestyle='', label=False, zorder=350, **kwargs)[source]

Plot MD vs TVD data as lines and/or markers.

The input pandas dataframe points shall have the following columns: * Name of well(s) named WELL * Coordinate X named MDEPTH * Coordinate Y named Z_TVDSS

plot_surfaces(fill=False, surfaces=None, surfacenames=None, colormap=None, onecolor=None, linewidth=1.0, linestyle='-', legend=True, legendtitle=None, fancyline=False, axisname='main', gridlines=False)[source]

Input a surface list (ordered from top to base) , and plot them.

plot_well(zonelogname='ZONELOG', facieslogname=None, perflogname=None, wellcrossings=None, wellcrossingnames=True, wellcrossingyears=False, welltrajcolor='black', welltrajwidth=6)[source]

Input an XTGeo Well object and plot it.

plot_wellmap(otherwells=None, expand=1)[source]

Plot well map as local view, optionally with nearby wells.

  • otherwells (list of Polygons) – List of surrounding wells to plot, these wells are repr as Polygons instances, one per well.

  • expand (float) – Plot axis expand factor (default is 1); larger values may be used if other wells are plotted.

savefig(filename, fformat='png', last=True, **kwargs)

Call to matplotlib.pyplot savefig method.

  • filename (str) – File to plot to

  • fformat (str) – Plot format, e.g. png (default), jpg, svg

  • last (bool) – Default is true, calls close on the plot, let last be False for all except the last plots.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to matplotlib when saving the figure


True of plotting is done; otherwise False


myplot.savefig('layerslice.svg', fformat='svg', last=False)

Changed in version 2.4: added kwargs option


Set x-axis labels to measured depth.


Call to matplotlib.pyplot show method.


True of plotting is done; otherwise False


class xtgeo.plot.Map[source]

Bases: BasePlot

Class for plotting a map, using matplotlib.

The constructor method for a Map object.

Public Data Attributes:


Returns page size.

Inherited from BasePlot


Get or set the number of contour levels.


Get or set the color table as a matplot cmap object.


Returns page size.

Public Methods:

plot_surface(surf[, minvalue, maxvalue, ...])

Input a surface and plot it.

plot_faults(fpoly[, idname, color, ...])

Plot the faults.

plot_polygons(fpoly[, idname, color, linewidth])

Plot a polygons instance.


Plot a points set on the map.


Plot wells on the map.

Inherited from BasePlot

define_any_colormap(cfile[, colorlist])

Defines any color map from file or a predefined name.


Returns the given color map cmap as a list of RGB tuples.


Get the current color map as a list of RGB tuples.

define_colormap(cfile[, colorlist])

Defines a color map from file or a predefined name.

canvas([title, subtitle, infotext, figscaling])

Prepare the canvas to plot on, with title and subtitle.


Call to matplotlib.pyplot show method.


Explicitly closes the plot, meaning that memory will be cleared.

savefig(filename[, fformat, last])

Call to matplotlib.pyplot savefig method.


The constructor method for a Map object.

canvas(title=None, subtitle=None, infotext=None, figscaling=1.0)

Prepare the canvas to plot on, with title and subtitle.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of plot.

  • subtitle (str, optional) – Sub title of plot.

  • infotext (str, optional) – Text to be written as info string.

  • figscaling (str, optional) – Figure scaling, default is 1.0


Explicitly closes the plot, meaning that memory will be cleared.

After close is called, no more operations can be performed on the plot.

property colormap

Get or set the color table as a matplot cmap object.

property contourlevels

Get or set the number of contour levels.

static define_any_colormap(cfile, colorlist=None)

Defines any color map from file or a predefined name.

This is a static method, which returns a matplotlib CM object.

  • cfile (str) – File name (RMS format) or an alias for a predefined map name, e.g. ‘xtgeo’, or one of matplotlibs numerous tables.

  • colorlist (list, int, optional) – List of integers redefining color entries per zone and/or well, which starts from 0 index. Default is just keep the linear sequence as is.

define_colormap(cfile, colorlist=None)

Defines a color map from file or a predefined name.

  • cfile (str) – File name (RMS format) or an alias for a predefined map name, e.g. ‘xtgeo’, or one of matplotlibs numerous tables.

  • colorlist (list, int, optional) – List of integers redefining color entries per zone and/or well, which starts from 0 index. Default is just keep the linear sequence as is.

static get_any_colormap_as_table(cmap)

Returns the given color map cmap as a list of RGB tuples.


Get the current color map as a list of RGB tuples.

property pagesize

Returns page size.

plot_faults(fpoly, idname='POLY_ID', color='k', edgecolor='k', alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.8)[source]

Plot the faults.

  • fpoly (object) – A XTGeo Polygons object

  • idname (str) – Name of column which has the faults ID

  • color (c) – Fill color model c according to Matplotlib

  • edgecolor (c) – Edge color according to Matplotlib

  • alpha (float) – Degree of opacity

  • linewidth (float) – Line width


Plot a points set on the map.

This can be be useful e.g. for plotting the underlying point set that makes a gridded map.


points (Points) – A XTGeo Points object X Y VALUE

plot_polygons(fpoly, idname='POLY_ID', color='k', linewidth=0.8)[source]

Plot a polygons instance.

  • fpoly (object) – A XTGeo Polygons object

  • idname (str) – Name of column which has the faults ID

  • color (c) – Line color model c according to Matplotlib

  • linewidth (float) – Line width

plot_surface(surf, minvalue=None, maxvalue=None, contourlevels=None, xlabelrotation=None, colormap=None, logarithmic=False)[source]

Input a surface and plot it.


Plot wells on the map.


wells (Wells) – A XTGeo Wells object (contains a number of Well instances).

savefig(filename, fformat='png', last=True, **kwargs)

Call to matplotlib.pyplot savefig method.

  • filename (str) – File to plot to

  • fformat (str) – Plot format, e.g. png (default), jpg, svg

  • last (bool) – Default is true, calls close on the plot, let last be False for all except the last plots.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to matplotlib when saving the figure


True of plotting is done; otherwise False


myplot.savefig('layerslice.svg', fformat='svg', last=False)

Changed in version 2.4: added kwargs option


Call to matplotlib.pyplot show method.


True of plotting is done; otherwise False


class xtgeo.plot.Grid3DSlice[source]

Bases: BasePlot

Class for plotting a row, a column, or a layer, using matplotlib.

Construct an instance for a Grid3DSlice object.

Public Data Attributes:

Inherited from BasePlot


Get or set the number of contour levels.


Get or set the color table as a matplot cmap object.


Returns page size.

Public Methods:

plot_gridslice(grid[, prop, mode, minvalue, ...])

Plot a row slice, column slice or layer slice of a grid.

Inherited from BasePlot

define_any_colormap(cfile[, colorlist])

Defines any color map from file or a predefined name.


Returns the given color map cmap as a list of RGB tuples.


Get the current color map as a list of RGB tuples.

define_colormap(cfile[, colorlist])

Defines a color map from file or a predefined name.

canvas([title, subtitle, infotext, figscaling])

Prepare the canvas to plot on, with title and subtitle.


Call to matplotlib.pyplot show method.


Explicitly closes the plot, meaning that memory will be cleared.

savefig(filename[, fformat, last])

Call to matplotlib.pyplot savefig method.


Construct an instance for a Grid3DSlice object.

canvas(title=None, subtitle=None, infotext=None, figscaling=1.0)

Prepare the canvas to plot on, with title and subtitle.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of plot.

  • subtitle (str, optional) – Sub title of plot.

  • infotext (str, optional) – Text to be written as info string.

  • figscaling (str, optional) – Figure scaling, default is 1.0


Explicitly closes the plot, meaning that memory will be cleared.

After close is called, no more operations can be performed on the plot.

property colormap

Get or set the color table as a matplot cmap object.

property contourlevels

Get or set the number of contour levels.

static define_any_colormap(cfile, colorlist=None)

Defines any color map from file or a predefined name.

This is a static method, which returns a matplotlib CM object.

  • cfile (str) – File name (RMS format) or an alias for a predefined map name, e.g. ‘xtgeo’, or one of matplotlibs numerous tables.

  • colorlist (list, int, optional) – List of integers redefining color entries per zone and/or well, which starts from 0 index. Default is just keep the linear sequence as is.

define_colormap(cfile, colorlist=None)

Defines a color map from file or a predefined name.

  • cfile (str) – File name (RMS format) or an alias for a predefined map name, e.g. ‘xtgeo’, or one of matplotlibs numerous tables.

  • colorlist (list, int, optional) – List of integers redefining color entries per zone and/or well, which starts from 0 index. Default is just keep the linear sequence as is.

static get_any_colormap_as_table(cmap)

Returns the given color map cmap as a list of RGB tuples.


Get the current color map as a list of RGB tuples.

property pagesize

Returns page size.

plot_gridslice(grid, prop=None, mode='layer', minvalue=None, maxvalue=None, colormap=None, linecolor='black', index=1, window=None, activeonly=True)[source]

Plot a row slice, column slice or layer slice of a grid.

  • grid (Grid) – The XTGeo grid object

  • prop (GridProperty, optional) – The XTGeo grid property object

  • mode (str) – Choose between ‘column’, ‘row’, ‘layer’ (default)

  • minvalue (float) – Minimum level color scale (default: from data)

  • maxvalue (float) – Maximum level color scale (default: from data)

  • index (int) – Index to plot e.g layer number if layer slice (first=1)

  • colormap – Color map to use for cells, e.g. ‘rainbow’ or an rmscol file

  • linecolor (str or tuple) – Color of grid lines (black/white/grey or a tuple with 4 numbers on valid matplotlib format)

  • activeonly (bool) – If only use active cells

  • window (str) – Some window

savefig(filename, fformat='png', last=True, **kwargs)

Call to matplotlib.pyplot savefig method.

  • filename (str) – File to plot to

  • fformat (str) – Plot format, e.g. png (default), jpg, svg

  • last (bool) – Default is true, calls close on the plot, let last be False for all except the last plots.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments that are passed to matplotlib when saving the figure


True of plotting is done; otherwise False


myplot.savefig('layerslice.svg', fformat='svg', last=False)

Changed in version 2.4: added kwargs option


Call to matplotlib.pyplot show method.


True of plotting is done; otherwise False