Source code for xtgeo.cube.cube1

"""Module for a seismic (or whatever) cube."""
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import numbers
import os.path
import pathlib
import tempfile
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import deprecation
import numpy as np

import xtgeo
import xtgeo.common.sys as xtgeosys
from xtgeo.common import XTGDescription, null_logger
from xtgeo.common.types import Dimensions
from xtgeo.common.version import __version__
from xtgeo.cube import _cube_export, _cube_import, _cube_roxapi, _cube_utils

logger = null_logger(__name__)

    from xtgeo.common.types import FileLike

def _data_reader_factory(fformat):
    if fformat == "segy":
        return _cube_import.import_segy
    if fformat == "storm":
        return _cube_import.import_stormcube
    if fformat == "xtg":
        return _cube_import.import_xtgregcube
    raise ValueError(f"File format fformat={fformat} is not supported")

[docs] def cube_from_file(mfile, fformat="guess"): """This makes an instance of a Cube directly from file import. Args: mfile (str): Name of file fformat (str): See :meth:`Cube.from_file` Example:: >>> import xtgeo >>> mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy") """ return Cube._read_file(mfile, fformat)
[docs] def cube_from_roxar(project, name, folder=None): """This makes an instance of a Cube directly from roxar input. The folder is a string on form "a" or "a/b" if subfolders are present Example:: import xtgeo mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_roxar(project, "DepthCube") """ obj = Cube(ncol=9, nrow=9, nlay=9, xinc=9.99, yinc=9.99, zinc=9.99) obj.from_roxar(project, name, folder=folder) return obj
def _allow_deprecated_init(func): # This decorator is here to maintain backwards compatibility in the construction # of Cube and should be deleted once the deprecation period has expired, # the construction will then follow the new pattern. @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): # Checking if we are doing an initialization # from file and raise a deprecation warning if # we are. if args and isinstance(args[0], (str, pathlib.Path)): warnings.warn( "Initializing directly from file name is deprecated and will be " "removed in xtgeo version 4.0. Use: " "mcube = xtgeo.cube_from_file('some_name.segy') instead", DeprecationWarning, ) cfile = args[0] fformat = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else kwargs.get("fformat", None) mfile = xtgeosys._XTGeoFile(cfile) if fformat is None or fformat == "guess": fformat = mfile.detect_fformat(suffixonly=True) else: fformat = mfile.generic_format_by_proposal(fformat) # default kwargs = _data_reader_factory(fformat)(mfile) kwargs["filesrc"] = mfile.file return func(cls, **kwargs) return func(cls, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper def _allow_deprecated_default_init(func): # This decorator is here to maintain backwards compatibility in the construction # of Cube and should be deleted once the deprecation period has expired, # the construction will then follow the new pattern. @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(cls, *args, **kwargs): _deprecation_msg = ( "{} is a required argument and will no " "longer be defaulted in xtgeo version 4.0" ) if "ncol" not in kwargs and len(args) < 1: warnings.warn(_deprecation_msg.format("ncol"), DeprecationWarning) kwargs["ncol"] = 5 if "nrow" not in kwargs and len(args) < 2: warnings.warn(_deprecation_msg.format("nrow"), DeprecationWarning) kwargs["nrow"] = 3 if "nlay" not in kwargs and len(args) < 3: warnings.warn(_deprecation_msg.format("nlay"), DeprecationWarning) kwargs["nlay"] = 2 if "xinc" not in kwargs and len(args) < 4: warnings.warn(_deprecation_msg.format("xinc"), DeprecationWarning) kwargs["xinc"] = 25.0 if "yinc" not in kwargs and len(args) < 5: warnings.warn(_deprecation_msg.format("yinc"), DeprecationWarning) kwargs["yinc"] = 25.0 if "zinc" not in kwargs and len(args) < 6: warnings.warn(_deprecation_msg.format("zinc"), DeprecationWarning) kwargs["zinc"] = 2.0 return func(cls, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] class Cube: """Class for a (seismic) cube in the XTGeo framework. The values are stored as a 3D numpy array (4 bytes; float32 is default), with internal C ordering (nlay fastest). See :func:`xtgeo.cube_from_file` for importing cubes from e.g. segy files. See also Cube section in documentation: docs/datamodel.rst Examples:: >>> import xtgeo >>> # a user defined cube: >>> mycube = xtgeo.Cube( ... xori=100.0, ... yori=200.0, ... zori=150.0, ... ncol=40, ... nrow=30, ... nlay=10, ... rotation=30, ... values=0 ... ) Args: xori: Origin in Easting coordinate yori: Origin in Northing coordinate zori: Origin in Depth coordinate, where depth is positive down ncol: Number of columns nrow: Number of columns nlay: Number of layers, starting from top rotation: Cube rotation, X axis is applied and "school-wise" rotation, anti-clock in degrees values: Numpy array with shape (ncol, nrow, nlay), C order, np.float32 ilines: 1D numpy array with ncol elements, aka INLINES array, defaults to arange xlines: 1D numpy array with nrow elements, aka XLINES array, defaults to arange segyfile: Name of source segyfile if any filesrc: String: Source file if any yflip: Normally 1; if -1 Y axis is flipped --> from left-handed (1) to right handed (-1). Right handed cubes are common. """
[docs] @_allow_deprecated_init @_allow_deprecated_default_init def __init__( self, ncol, nrow, nlay, xinc, yinc, zinc, xori=0.0, yori=0.0, zori=0.0, yflip=1, values=0.0, rotation=0.0, zflip=1, ilines=None, xlines=None, traceidcodes=None, segyfile=None, filesrc=None, ): """Initiate a Cube instance.""" self._reset( xori=xori, yori=yori, zori=zori, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow, nlay=nlay, xinc=xinc, yinc=yinc, zinc=zinc, yflip=yflip, values=values, rotation=rotation, zflip=zflip, ilines=ilines, xlines=xlines, traceidcodes=traceidcodes, segyfile=segyfile, filesrc=filesrc, )
def _reset( self, ncol=5, nrow=3, nlay=2, xinc=25.0, yinc=25.0, zinc=2.0, xori=0.0, yori=0.0, zori=0.0, yflip=1, values=0.0, rotation=0.0, zflip=1, ilines=None, xlines=None, traceidcodes=None, segyfile=None, filesrc=None, ): self._filesrc = filesrc self._xori = xori self._yori = yori self._zori = zori self._ncol = ncol self._nrow = nrow self._nlay = nlay self._xinc = xinc self._yinc = yinc self._zinc = zinc self._yflip = yflip self._zflip = zflip # currently not in use self._rotation = rotation self._values = None self.values = values # "values" is intentional over "_values"; cf. values() if ilines is None: self._ilines = ilines or np.array(range(1, self._ncol + 1), dtype=np.int32) else: self._ilines = ilines if xlines is None: self._xlines = np.array(range(1, self._nrow + 1), dtype=np.int32) else: self._xlines = xlines if traceidcodes is None: self._traceidcodes = np.ones((self._ncol, self._nrow), dtype=np.int32) else: self._traceidcodes = traceidcodes self._segyfile = segyfile self.undef = xtgeo.UNDEF self._metadata = xtgeo.MetaDataRegularCube() self._metadata.required = self def __repr__(self): """The __repr__ method.""" avg = self.values.mean() return ( f"{self.__class__} (ncol={self.ncol!r}, nrow={self.nrow!r}, " f"nlay={self.nlay!r}, original file: {self._filesrc}), " f"average {avg}, ID=<{id(self)}>" ) def __str__(self): """The __str__ method for pretty print.""" return self.describe(flush=False) @property def metadata(self): """Return metadata object instance of type MetaDataRegularSurface.""" return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, obj): # The current metadata object can be replaced. This is a bit dangerous so # further check must be done to validate. TODO. if not isinstance(obj, xtgeo.MetaDataRegularCube): raise ValueError("Input obj not an instance of MetaDataRegularCube") self._metadata = obj # checking is currently missing! TODO @property def ncol(self): """The NCOL (NX or I dir) number (read-only).""" return self._ncol @property def nrow(self): """The NROW (NY or J dir) number (read-only).""" return self._nrow @property def nlay(self): """The NLAY (or NZ or K dir) number (read-only).""" return self._nlay @property def dimensions(self): """NamedTuple: The cube dimensions with 3 integers (read only).""" return Dimensions(self._ncol, self._nrow, self._nlay) @property def xori(self): """The XORI (origin corner) coordinate.""" return self._xori @xori.setter def xori(self, val): logger.warning("Changing xori is risky!") self._xori = val @property def yori(self): """The YORI (origin corner) coordinate.""" return self._yori @yori.setter def yori(self, val): logger.warning("Changing yori is risky!") self._yori = val @property def zori(self): """The ZORI (origin corner) coordinate.""" return self._zori @zori.setter def zori(self, val): logger.warning("Changing zori is risky!") self._zori = val @property def xinc(self): """The XINC (increment X) as property.""" return self._xinc @xinc.setter def xinc(self, val): logger.warning("Changing xinc is risky!") self._xinc = val @property def yinc(self): """The YINC (increment Y).""" return self._yinc @yinc.setter def yinc(self, val): logger.warning("Changing yinc is risky!") self._yinc = val @property def zinc(self): """The ZINC (increment Z).""" return self._zinc @zinc.setter def zinc(self, val): logger.warning("Changing zinc is risky!") self._zinc = val @property def rotation(self): """The rotation, anticlock from X axis in degrees.""" return self._rotation @rotation.setter def rotation(self, val): logger.warning("Changing rotation is risky!") self._rotation = val @property def ilines(self): """The inlines numbering vector.""" return self._ilines @ilines.setter def ilines(self, values): self._ilines = values @property def xlines(self): """The xlines numbering vector.""" return self._xlines @xlines.setter def xlines(self, values): self._xlines = values @property def zslices(self): """Return the time/depth slices as an int array (read only).""" # This is a derived property zslices = range( int(self.zori), int(self.zori + self.nlay * self.zinc), int(self.zinc) ) return np.array(zslices) @property def traceidcodes(self): """The trace identifaction codes array (ncol, nrow).""" return self._traceidcodes @traceidcodes.setter def traceidcodes(self, values): if isinstance(values, (int, str)): self._traceidcodes = np.full((self.ncol, self.nrow), values, dtype=np.int32) else: if isinstance(values, list): values = np.array(values, np.int32) self._traceidcodes = values.reshape(self.ncol, self.nrow) @property def yflip(self): """The YFLIP indicator, 1 is normal, -1 means Y flipped. YFLIP = 1 means a LEFT HANDED coordinate system with Z axis positive down, while inline (col) follow East (X) and xline (rows) follows North (Y), when rotation is zero. """ return self._yflip @property def zflip(self): """The ZFLIP indicator, 1 is normal, -1 means Z flipped. ZFLIP = 1 and YFLIP = 1 means a LEFT HANDED coordinate system with Z axis positive down, while inline (col) follow East (X) and xline (rows) follows North (Y), when rotation is zero. """ return self._zflip @property def segyfile(self): """The input segy file name (str), if any (or None) (read-only).""" return self._segyfile @property def filesrc(self): """The input file name (str), if any (or None) (read-only).""" return self._filesrc @filesrc.setter def filesrc(self, name): self._filesrc = name @property def values(self): """The values, as a 3D numpy (ncol, nrow, nlay), 4 byte float.""" return self._values @values.setter def values(self, values): self._ensure_correct_values(values) # ========================================================================= # Describe # =========================================================================
[docs] def generate_hash(self, hashmethod="md5"): """Return a unique hash ID for current instance. See :meth:`~xtgeo.common.sys.generic_hash()` for documentation. .. versionadded:: 2.14 """ required = ( "ncol", "nrow", "nlay", "xori", "yori", "zori", "xinc", "yinc", "zinc", "yflip", "zflip", "rotation", "values", "ilines", "xlines", "traceidcodes", ) gid = "" for req in required: gid += f"{getattr(self, '_' + req)}" return xtgeosys.generic_hash(gid, hashmethod=hashmethod)
[docs] def describe(self, flush=True): """Describe an instance by printing to stdout or return. Args: flush (bool): If True, description is printed to stdout. """ dsc = XTGDescription() dsc.title("Description of Cube instance") dsc.txt("Object ID", id(self)) dsc.txt("File source", self._filesrc) dsc.txt("Shape: NCOL, NROW, NLAY", self.ncol, self.nrow, self.nlay) dsc.txt("Origins XORI, YORI, ZORI", self.xori, self.yori, self.zori) dsc.txt("Increments XINC YINC ZINC", self.xinc, self.yinc, self.zinc) dsc.txt("Rotation (anti-clock from X)", self.rotation) dsc.txt("YFLIP flag", self.yflip) np.set_printoptions(threshold=16) dsc.txt("Inlines vector", self._ilines) dsc.txt("Xlines vector", self._xlines) dsc.txt("Time or depth slices vector", self.zslices) dsc.txt("Values", self._values.reshape(-1), self._values.dtype) np.set_printoptions(threshold=1000) dsc.txt( "Values, mean, stdev, minimum, maximum", self.values.mean(), self.values.std(), self.values.min(), self.values.max(), ) dsc.txt("Trace ID codes", self._traceidcodes.reshape(-1)) msize = float(self.values.size * 4) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) dsc.txt("Minimum memory usage of array (GB)", msize) if flush: dsc.flush() return None return dsc.astext()
# ================================================================================== # Copy, swapping, cropping, thinning... # ==================================================================================
[docs] def copy(self): """Deep copy of a Cube() object to another instance. >>> mycube = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy") >>> mycube2 = mycube.copy() """ xcube = Cube( ncol=self.ncol, nrow=self.nrow, nlay=self.nlay, xinc=self.xinc, yinc=self.yinc, zinc=self.zinc, xori=self.xori, yori=self.yori, zori=self.zori, yflip=self.yflip, segyfile=self.segyfile, rotation=self.rotation, values=self.values.copy(), ) xcube.filesrc = self._filesrc xcube.ilines = self._ilines.copy() xcube.xlines = self._xlines.copy() xcube.traceidcodes = self._traceidcodes.copy() xcube.metadata.required = xcube return xcube
[docs] def swapaxes(self): """Swap the axes inline vs xline, keep origin.""" _cube_utils.swapaxes(self)
[docs] def resample(self, incube, sampling="nearest", outside_value=None): """Resample a Cube object into this instance. Args: incube (Cube): A XTGeo Cube instance sampling (str): Sampling algorithm: 'nearest' for nearest node of 'trilinear' for trilinear interpoltion (more correct but slower) outside_value (None or float). If None, keep original, otherwise use this value Raises: ValueError: If cubes do not overlap Example: >>> import xtgeo >>> mycube1 = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy") >>> mycube2 = xtgeo.Cube( ... xori=777574, ... yori=6736507, ... zori=1000, ... xinc=10, ... yinc=10, ... zinc=4, ... ncol=100, ... nrow=100, ... nlay=100, ... yflip=mycube1.yflip, ... rotation=mycube1.rotation ... ) >>> mycube2.resample(mycube1) """ _cube_utils.resample( self, incube, sampling=sampling, outside_value=outside_value )
[docs] def do_thinning(self, icol, jrow, klay): """Thinning the cube by removing every N column, row and/or layer. Args: icol (int): Thinning factor for columns (usually inlines) jrow (int): Thinning factor for rows (usually xlines) klay (int): Thinning factor for layers Raises: ValueError: If icol, jrow or klay are out of reasonable range Example: >>> mycube1 = Cube(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy") >>> mycube1.do_thinning(2, 2, 1) # keep every second column, row >>> mycube1.to_file(outdir + '/mysegy_smaller.segy') """ _cube_utils.thinning(self, icol, jrow, klay)
[docs] def do_cropping(self, icols, jrows, klays, mode="edges"): """Cropping the cube by removing rows, columns, layers. Note that input boundary checking is currently lacking, and this is a currently a user responsibility! The 'mode' is used to determine to different 'approaches' on cropping. Examples for icols and mode 'edges': Here the tuple (N, M) will cut N first rows and M last rows. However, if mode is 'inclusive' then, it defines the range of rows to be included, and the numbering now shall be the INLINE, XLINE and DEPTH/TIME mode. Args: icols (int tuple): Cropping front, end of rows, or inclusive range jrows (int tuple): Cropping front, end of columns, or inclusive range klays (int tuple ): Cropping top, base layers, or inclusive range. mode (str): 'Default is 'edges'; alternative is 'inclusive' Example: Crop 10 columns from front, 2 from back, then 20 rows in front, 40 in back, then no cropping of layers:: >>> import xtgeo >>> mycube1 = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy") >>> mycube2 = mycube1.copy() >>> mycube1.do_cropping((10, 2), (20, 40), (0, 0)) >>> mycube1.to_file(outdir + '/mysegy_smaller.segy') In stead, do cropping as 'inclusive' where inlines, xlines, slices arrays are known:: >>> mycube2.do_cropping((11, 32), (112, 114), (150, 200)) """ useicols = icols usejrows = jrows useklays = klays if mode == "inclusive": # transfer to 'numbers to row/col/lay to remove' in front end ... useicols = ( icols[0] - self._ilines[0], self._ilines[self._ncol - 1] - icols[1], ) usejrows = ( jrows[0] - self._xlines[0], self._xlines[self._nrow - 1] - jrows[1], ) ntop = int((klays[0] - self.zori) / self.zinc) nbot = int((self.zori + self.nlay * self.zinc - klays[1] - 1) / (self.zinc)) useklays = (ntop, nbot) "Cropping at all cube sides: %s %s %s", useicols, usejrows, useklays ) _cube_utils.cropping(self, useicols, usejrows, useklays)
[docs] def values_dead_traces(self, newvalue): """Set values for traces flagged as dead. Dead traces have traceidcodes 2 and corresponding values in the cube will here receive a constant value to mimic "undefined". Args: newvalue (float): Set cube values to newvalues where traceid is 2. Return: oldvalue (float): The estimated simple 'average' of old value will be returned as (max + min)/2. If no dead traces, return None. """"Set values for dead traces, if any") if 2 in self._traceidcodes: minval = self._values[self._traceidcodes == 2].min() maxval = self._values[self._traceidcodes == 2].max() # a bit weird calculation of mean but kept for backward compatibility self._values[self._traceidcodes == 2] = newvalue return 0.5 * (minval + maxval) return None
[docs] def get_xy_value_from_ij(self, iloc, jloc, ixline=False, zerobased=False): """Returns x, y coordinate from a single i j location. Args: iloc (int): I (col) location (base is 1) jloc (int): J (row) location (base is 1) ixline (bool): If True, then input locations are inline and xline position zerobased (bool): If True, first index is 0, else it is 1. This does not apply when ixline is set to True. Returns: The X, Y coordinate pair. """ xval, yval = _cube_utils.get_xy_value_from_ij( self, iloc, jloc, ixline=ixline, zerobased=zerobased ) return xval, yval
# ========================================================================= # Cube extractions, e.g. XSection # =========================================================================
[docs] def get_randomline( self, fencespec, zmin=None, zmax=None, zincrement=None, hincrement=None, atleast=5, nextend=2, sampling="nearest", ): """Get a randomline from a fence spesification. This randomline will be a 2D numpy with depth/time on the vertical axis, and length along as horizontal axis. Undefined values will have the np.nan value. The input fencespec is either a 2D numpy where each row is X, Y, Z, HLEN, where X, Y are UTM coordinates, Z is depth/time, and HLEN is a length along the fence, or a Polygons instance. If input fencspec is a numpy 2D, it is important that the HLEN array has a constant increment and ideally a sampling that is less than the Cube resolution. If a Polygons() instance, this is automated! Args: fencespec (:obj:`~numpy.ndarray` or :class:``): 2D numpy with X, Y, Z, HLEN as rows or a xtgeo Polygons() object. zmin (float): Minimum Z (default is Cube Z minima/origin) zmax (float): Maximum Z (default is Cube Z maximum) zincrement (float): Sampling vertically, default is Cube ZINC/2 hincrement (float or bool): Resampling horizontally. This applies only if the fencespec is a Polygons() instance. If None (default), the distance will be deduced automatically. atleast (int): Minimum number of horizontal samples (only if fencespec is a Polygons instance) nextend (int): Extend with nextend * hincrement in both ends (only if fencespec is a Polygons instance) sampling (str): Algorithm, 'nearest' or 'trilinear' (first is faster, second is more precise for continuous fields) Returns: A tuple: (hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax, ndarray2d) Raises: ValueError: Input fence is not according to spec. .. versionchanged:: 2.1 support for Polygons() as fencespec, and keywords hincrement, atleast and sampling .. seealso:: Class :class:`` The method :meth:`` which can be used to pregenerate `fencespec` """ if not isinstance(fencespec, (np.ndarray, xtgeo.Polygons)): raise ValueError( "fencespec must be a numpy or a Polygons() object. " f"Current type is {type(fencespec)}" )"Getting randomline...") res = _cube_utils.get_randomline( self, fencespec, zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax, zincrement=zincrement, hincrement=hincrement, atleast=atleast, nextend=nextend, sampling=sampling, )"Getting randomline... DONE") return res
# ========================================================================= # Import and export # =========================================================================
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="2.16", removed_in="4.0", current_version=__version__, details="Use xtgeo.cube_from_file() instead", ) def from_file(self, sfile, fformat="guess", engine=None): """Deprecated, see :func:`cube_from_file`.""" mfile = xtgeosys._XTGeoFile(sfile) if fformat is None or fformat == "guess": fformat = mfile.detect_fformat(suffixonly=True) else: fformat = mfile.generic_format_by_proposal(fformat) # default if engine is not None: warnings.warn( "The engine parameter is deprecated, and has no effect.", DeprecationWarning, ) kwargs = _data_reader_factory(fformat)(mfile) kwargs["filesrc"] = mfile.file self._reset(**kwargs)
@classmethod def _read_file(cls, sfile, fformat="guess"): """Import cube data from file. If fformat is not provided, the file type will be guessed based on file extension (e.g. segy og sgy for SEGY format) Args: sfile (str): Filename (as string or pathlib.Path instance). fformat (str): file format guess/segy/rms_regular/xtgregcube where 'guess' is default. Regard 'xtgrecube' format as experimental. deadtraces (float): Set 'dead' trace values to this value (SEGY only). Default is UNDEF value (a very large number). Raises: OSError: if the file cannot be read (e.g. not found) ValueError: Input is invalid Example:: >>> zz = Cube() >>> zz.from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy") """ mfile = xtgeosys._XTGeoFile(sfile) if fformat is None or fformat == "guess": fformat = mfile.detect_fformat(suffixonly=True) else: fformat = mfile.generic_format_by_proposal(fformat) # default kwargs = _data_reader_factory(fformat)(mfile) kwargs["filesrc"] = mfile.file return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_file(self, sfile, fformat="segy", pristine=False, engine="xtgeo"): """Export cube data to file. Args: sfile (str): Filename fformat (str, optional): file format 'segy' (default) or 'rms_regular' pristine (bool): If True, make SEGY from scratch. engine (str): Which "engine" to use. Example:: >>> import xtgeo >>> zz = xtgeo.cube_from_file(cube_dir + "/ib_test_cube2.segy") >>> zz.to_file(outdir + '/some.rmsreg') """ fobj = xtgeosys._XTGeoFile(sfile, mode="wb") fobj.check_folder(raiseerror=OSError) if fformat == "segy": _cube_export.export_segy(self,, pristine=pristine, engine=engine) elif fformat == "rms_regular": _cube_export.export_rmsreg(self, elif fformat == "xtgregcube": _cube_export.export_xtgregcube(self, else: raise ValueError(f"File format fformat={fformat} is not supported")
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="3.6", removed_in="4.0", current_version=__version__, details="Use xtgeo.cube_from_roxar() instead", ) def from_roxar(self, project, name, folder=None): # pragma: no cover """Import (transfer) a cube from a Roxar seismic object to XTGeo. Args: project (str): Inside RMS use the magic 'project', else use path to RMS project name (str): Name of cube within RMS project. folder (str): Folder name in in RMS if present; use '/' to seperate subfolders Raises: To be described... Example:: zz = Cube() zz.from_roxar(project, 'truth_reek_seismic_depth_2000', folder="alt/depth") """ _cube_roxapi.import_cube_roxapi(self, project, name, folder=folder) self._metadata.required = self
[docs] def to_roxar( self, project: Any, name: str, folder: str | None = None, propname: str = "seismic_attribute", domain: str = "time", compression: tuple[str, float] = ("wavelet", 5.0), target: str = "seismic", ): # pragma: no cover """Export (transfer) a cube from a XTGeo cube object to Roxar data. Note: When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then ``to_roxar()`` will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action. Args: project: Inside RMS use the magic 'project', else use path to RMS project, or a project reference name: Name of cube (seismic data) within RMS project. folder: Cubes may be stored under a folder in the tree, use '/' to seperate subfolders. propname: Name of grid property; only relevant when target is "grid" and defaults to "seismic_attribute" domain: 'time' (default) or 'depth' compression: Reference to Roxar API 'compression method' and 'compression tolerance', but implementation is pending. Hence inactive. target: Optionally, the seismic cube can be written to the `Grid model` tree in RMS. Internally, it will be convert to a "box" grid with one gridproperty, before it is written to RMS. The ``compression``and ``domain`` are not relevant when writing to grid model. Raises: To be described... Example:: zz = xtgeo.cube_from_file('myfile.segy') zz.to_roxar(project, 'reek_cube') # write cube to "Grid model" tree in RMS instead zz.to_roxar(project, 'cube_as_grid', propname="impedance", target="grid") .. versionchanged:: 3.4 Add ``target`` and ``propname`` keys """ if "grid" in target.lower(): _tmpgrd = xtgeo.grid_from_cube(self, propname=name) _tmpprop = _tmpgrd.props[0] = propname if propname else "seismic_attribute" _tmpgrd.to_roxar(project, name) _tmpprop.to_roxar(project, name, else: _cube_roxapi.export_cube_roxapi( self, project, name, folder=folder, domain=domain, compression=compression, )
[docs] @staticmethod @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="3.6", removed_in="4.0", current_version=__version__, details=( "This functionality is no longer supported in xtgeo. " "Use the segyio library instead." ), ) def scan_segy_traces(sfile: str, outfile: FileLike = None): """Scan a SEGY file traces and print limits info to STDOUT or file. Args: sfile (str): Name of SEGY file outfile: File where store scanned trace info, if empty or None output goes to STDOUT. """ oflag = False # if outfile is none, it means that you want to plot on STDOUT if outfile is None: fx = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix="tmpxgeo") fx.close() outfile ="TMP file name is %s", outfile) oflag = True _cube_import._scan_segy_trace(sfile, outfile=outfile) if oflag: # pass"OUTPUT to screen...") with open(outfile) as out: for line in out: print(line.rstrip("\r\n")) os.remove(outfile)
[docs] @staticmethod @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="3.6", removed_in="4.0", current_version=__version__, details=( "This functionality is no longer supported in xtgeo. " "Use the segyio library instead." ), ) def scan_segy_header(sfile: str, outfile: FileLike = None): """Scan a SEGY file header and print info to screen or file. Args: sfile (str): Name of SEGY file outfile (str): File where store header info, if empty or None output goes to screen (STDOUT). """ flag = False # if outfile is none, it means that you want to print on STDOUT if outfile is None: fc = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix="tmpxtgeo") fc.close() outfile ="TMP file name is %s", outfile) flag = True _cube_import._scan_segy_header(sfile, outfile=outfile) if flag:"OUTPUT to screen...") with open(outfile) as out: for line in out: print(line.rstrip("\r\n")) os.remove(outfile)
def _ensure_correct_values(self, values): """Ensures that values is a 3D numpy (ncol, nrow, nlay), C order. Args: values (array-like or scalar): Values to process. Return: Nothing, self._values will be updated inplace """ if values is None or values is False: self._ensure_correct_values(0.0) return if isinstance(values, numbers.Number): self._values = np.zeros(self.dimensions, dtype=np.float32) + values self._values = self._values.astype(np.float32) # ensure 32 bit floats elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray): values = values.reshape(self.dimensions).astype(np.float32) if not values = np.ascontiguousarray(values) self._values = values elif isinstance(values, (list, tuple)): self._values = np.array(values, dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.dimensions) else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot process _ensure_correct_values")