Source code for xtgeo.grid3d.grid_property

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import functools
import hashlib
import pathlib
import warnings
from import Callable
from types import FunctionType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal

import deprecation
import numpy as np

import xtgeo
from xtgeo.common import XTGeoDialog, null_logger
from xtgeo.common.constants import UNDEF, UNDEF_INT, UNDEF_INT_LIMIT, UNDEF_LIMIT
from xtgeo.common.sys import _XTGeoFile
from xtgeo.common.types import Dimensions
from xtgeo.common.version import __version__
from xtgeo.metadata.metadata import MetaDataCPProperty

from . import (
from ._grid3d import _Grid3D
from ._gridprop_import_eclrun import (
from ._gridprop_import_grdecl import import_bgrdecl_prop, import_grdecl_prop
from ._gridprop_import_roff import import_roff
from ._gridprop_import_xtgcpprop import import_xtgcpprop

xtg = XTGeoDialog()
logger = null_logger(__name__)

    from typing import Union

    import numpy.typing as npt

    from xtgeo.common.types import FileLike
    from import Polygons

    from ._gridprop_op1 import XYValueLists
    from .grid import Grid

    GridProperty_DType = Union[
    Roxar_DType = Union[type[np.uint8], type[np.uint16], type[np.float32]]

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comment on 'asmasked' vs 'activeonly:
# 'asmasked'=True will return a array, while 'asmasked' = False will
# return a np.ndarray
# The 'activeonly' will filter out masked entries, or use None or np.nan
# if 'activeonly' is False.
# Use word 'zerobased' for a bool regrading startcell basis is 1 or 0
# For functions with mask=... ,they should be replaced with asmasked=...
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ======================================================================================
# Functions outside the class, for rapid access. Will be exposed as
# xxx = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file.
# ======================================================================================

def _data_reader_factory(fformat: str) -> Callable:
    if fformat in ["roff_binary", "roff_ascii"]:
        return import_roff
    if fformat in ["finit", "init"]:
        return import_gridprop_from_init

    if fformat in ["funrst", "unrst"]:
        return functools.partial(import_gridprop_from_restart, fformat=fformat)
    if fformat == "grdecl":
        return import_grdecl_prop

    if fformat == "bgrdecl":
        return import_bgrdecl_prop

    if fformat == "xtg":
        return import_xtgcpprop

    raise ValueError(f"Invalid grid property file format {fformat}")

[docs] def gridproperty_from_file( pfile: FileLike, fformat: str | None = None, **kwargs: dict[str, Any], ) -> GridProperty: """ Make a GridProperty instance directly from a file import. Note that the the property may be linked to its geometrical grid through the ``grid=`` option. Sometimes this is required, for instance for most Eclipse input. Args: pfile: Name of file to be imported. fformat: File format to be used (roff/init/unrst/grdecl). Defaults to None and tries to infer from file extension. name (str): Name of property to import date (int or str): For restart files, date in YYYYMMDD format. Also the YYYY-MM-DD form is allowed (string), and for Eclipse, mnemonics like 'first', 'last' is also allowed. grid (Grid, optional): Grid object for checks. Optional for ROFF, required for Eclipse). gridlink (bool): If True, and grid is not None, a link from the grid instance to the property is made. If False, no such link is made. Avoiding gridlink is recommended when running statistics of multiple realisations of a property. fracture (bool): Only applicable for DUAL POROSITY systems. If True then the fracture property is read. If False then the matrix property is read. Names will be appended with "M" or "F" ijrange (list-like): A list of 4 numbers (i1, i2, j1, j2) for a subrange of cells to read. Only applicable for xtgcpprop format. zerobased (bool): Input if cells counts are zero- or one-based in ijrange. Only applicable for xtgcpprop format. Returns: A GridProperty instance. Examples:: import xtgeo gprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("somefile.roff", fformat="roff") # or mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("ECL.EGRID") pressure_1 = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("ECL.UNRST", name="PRESSURE", date="first", grid=mygrid) """ return GridProperty._read_file(pfile, fformat, **kwargs)
[docs] def gridproperty_from_roxar( project: Any, # project can be a path but also a magic variable in RMS gname: str, pname: str, realisation: int = 0, faciescodes: bool = False, ) -> GridProperty: """ Make a GridProperty instance directly inside RMS. Args: project: The Roxar project path or magical pre-defined variable in RMS gname: Name of the grid model pname: Name of the grid property realisation: Realisation number (default 0; first) faciescodes: If a Roxar property is of the special body_facies type (e.g. result from a channel facies object modelling), the default is to get the body code values. If faciescodes is True, the facies code values will be read instead. For other roxar properties this key is not relevant. Returns: A GridProperty instance. Example:: import xtgeo myporo = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_roxar(project, 'Geogrid', 'Poro') """ return GridProperty._read_roxar( project, gname, pname, realisation=realisation, faciescodes=faciescodes, )
def _allow_deprecated_init(func: Callable) -> Callable: # This decorator is here to maintain backwards compatibility in the construction # of GridProperty and should be deleted once the deprecation period has expired, # the construction will then follow the new pattern. @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self: GridProperty, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable: # Check if dummy values are to be used if ( all(param not in kwargs for param in ["values", "ncol", "nrow", "nlay"]) and len(args) == 0 ): warnings.warn( "Default initialization of GridProperty without values and dimension " "is deprecated and will be removed in xtgeo version 4.0", DeprecationWarning, ) return func( self, *args, ncol=4, nrow=3, nlay=5, values=_gridprop_value_init.gridproperty_dummy_values( kwargs.get("discrete", False) ), **kwargs, ) # Checking if we are doing an initialization # from file and raise a deprecation warning if # we are. if "pfile" in kwargs or ( len(args) >= 1 and isinstance(args[0], (str, pathlib.Path, _XTGeoFile)) ): pfile = kwargs.get("pfile", args[0]) warnings.warn( "Initializing directly from file name is deprecated and will be " "removed in xtgeo version 4.0. Use: " "myprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file('some_name.roff') instead", DeprecationWarning, ) fformat = kwargs.get("fformat", None) mfile = _XTGeoFile(pfile) if fformat is None or fformat == "guess": fformat = mfile.detect_fformat() else: fformat = mfile.generic_format_by_proposal(fformat) # default if "pfile" in kwargs: del kwargs["pfile"] if "fformat" in kwargs: del kwargs["fformat"] if len(args) >= 1 and isinstance(args[0], (str, pathlib.Path, _XTGeoFile)): args = args[min(len(args), 2) :] kwargs = _data_reader_factory(fformat)(mfile, *args, **kwargs) kwargs["filesrc"] = mfile.file return func(self, **kwargs) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] class GridProperty(_Grid3D): """ Class for a single 3D grid property, e.g porosity or facies. An GridProperty instance may or may not 'belong' to a grid (geometry) object. E.g. for ROFF input, ncol, nrow, nlay are given in the import file and the grid geometry file is not needed. For many Eclipse files, the grid geometry is needed as this holds the active number indices (ACTNUM). Normally the instance is created when importing a grid property from file, but it can also be created directly, as e.g.:: poro = GridProperty(ncol=233, nrow=122, nlay=32) The grid property values ``someinstance.values`` by themselves is a 3D masked numpy usually as either float64 (double) or int32 (if discrete), and undefined cells are displayed as masked. The internal array order is now C_CONTIGUOUS. (i.e. not in Eclipse manner). A 1D view (C order) is achieved by the values1d property, e.g.:: poronumpy = poro.values1d .. versionchanged:: 2.6 Possible to make GridProperty instance directly from Grid .. versionchanged:: 2.8 Possible to base it on existing GridProperty instance """
[docs] @_allow_deprecated_init def __init__( self, gridlike: Grid | GridProperty | None = None, ncol: int | None = None, nrow: int | None = None, nlay: int | None = None, name: str = "unknown", discrete: bool = False, date: str | None = None, grid: Grid | None = None, linkgeometry: bool = True, fracture: bool = False, codes: dict[int, str] | None = None, dualporo: bool = False, dualperm: bool = False, roxar_dtype: Roxar_DType | None = None, values: np.ndarray | float | int | None = None, roxorigin: bool = False, filesrc: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Instantiating. Args: gridlike: Grid or GridProperty instance, or leave blank. ncol: Number of columns (nx). Defaults to 4. nrow: Number of rows (ny). Defaults to 3. nlay: Number of layers (nz). Defaults to 5. name: Name of property. Defaults to "unknown". discrete: True or False. Defaults to False. date: Date on YYYYMMDD form. grid: Attached Grid object. linkgeometry: If True, establish a link between GridProperty and Grid. Defaults to True. fracture: True if fracture option (relevant for flow simulator data). Defaults to False. codes: Codes in case a discrete property e.g. {1: "Sand", 4: "Shale"}. dualporo: True if dual porosity system. Defaults to False. dualperm: True if dual porosity and dual permeability system. Defaults to False. roxar_dtype: Specify Roxar datatype e.g. np.uint8. values: Values to apply. roxorigin: True if the object comes from Roxar API. Defaults to False. filesrc: Where the file came from. Raises: RuntimeError: If something goes wrong (e.g. file not found). Examples:: import xtgeo myprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("emerald.roff", name="PORO") # or values =, 17, 10), dtype=np.float64), myprop = GridProperty(ncol=12, nrow=17, nlay=10, values=values, discrete=False, name="MyValue") # or create properties from a Grid() instance mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("grid.roff") myprop1 = xtgeo.GridProperty(mygrid, name="PORO") myprop2 = xtgeo.GridProperty(mygrid, name="FACIES", discrete=True, values=1, linkgeometry=True) # alternative 1 myprop2.geometry = mygrid # alternative 2 to link grid geometry to property # from Grid instance: grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file("somefile_grid_file") myprop = GridProperty(grd, values=99, discrete=True) # based on grd # or from existing GridProperty instance: myprop2 = GridProperty(myprop, values=99, discrete=False) # based on myprop """ super().__init__(ncol or 4, nrow or 3, nlay or 5) self._reset( gridlike, ncol, nrow, nlay, name, discrete, date, grid, linkgeometry, fracture, codes, dualporo, dualperm, roxar_dtype, values, roxorigin, filesrc, )
def _reset( self, gridlike: Grid | GridProperty | None = None, ncol: int | None = None, nrow: int | None = None, nlay: int | None = None, name: str = "unknown", discrete: bool = False, date: str | None = None, grid: Grid | None = None, linkgeometry: bool = True, fracture: bool = False, codes: dict[int, str] | None = None, dualporo: bool = False, dualperm: bool = False, roxar_dtype: Roxar_DType | None = None, values: np.ndarray | float | int | None = None, roxorigin: bool = False, filesrc: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Instantiating. Args: gridlike: Grid or GridProperty instance, or leave blank. ncol: Number of columns (nx). Defaults to 4. nrow: Number of rows (ny). Defaults to 3. nlay: Number of layers (nz). Defaults to 5. name: Name of property. Defaults to "unknown". discrete: True or False. Defaults to False. date: Date on YYYYMMDD form. grid: Attached Grid object. linkgeometry: If True, establish a link between GridProperty and Grid. Defaults to True. fracture: True if fracture option (relevant for flow simulator data). Defaults to False. codes: Codes in case a discrete property e.g. {1: "Sand", 4: "Shale"}. dualporo: True if dual porosity system. Defaults to False. dualperm: True if dual porosity and dual permeability system. Defaults to False. roxar_dtype: Specify Roxar datatype e.g. np.uint8. values: Values to apply. roxorigin: True if the object comes from Roxar API. Defaults to False. filesrc: Where the file came from. Raises: RuntimeError: If something goes wrong (e.g. file not found). Examples:: import xtgeo myprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("emerald.roff", name="PORO") # or values =, 17, 10), dtype=np.float64), myprop = GridProperty(ncol=12, nrow=17, nlay=10, values=values, discrete=False, name="MyValue") # or create properties from a Grid() instance mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("grid.roff") myprop1 = GridProperty(mygrid, name="PORO") myprop2 = GridProperty(mygrid, name="FACIES", discrete=True, values=1, linkgeometry=True) # alternative 1 myprop2.geometry = mygrid # alternative 2 to link grid geometry to property # from Grid instance: grd = xtgeo.grid_from_file("somefile_grid_file") myprop = GridProperty(grd, values=99, discrete=True) # based on grd # or from existing GridProperty instance: myprop2 = GridProperty(myprop, values=99, discrete=False) # based on myprop """ super().__init__(ncol or 4, nrow or 3, nlay or 5) # Instance attributes defaults: self._name = name self._date = date self._isdiscrete = discrete self._geometry = grid self._fracture = fracture self._codes = {} if codes is None else codes # Not primary input: self._dualporo = dualporo self._dualperm = dualperm self._filesrc = filesrc self._roxorigin = roxorigin if roxar_dtype is None: self._roxar_dtype: Roxar_DType = np.uint8 if discrete else np.float32 else: self.roxar_dtype = roxar_dtype self._undef = UNDEF_INT if discrete else UNDEF self._set_initial_dimensions(gridlike, (ncol, nrow, nlay)) self._values = _gridprop_value_init.gridproperty_non_dummy_values( gridlike, self.dimensions, values, discrete ) if isinstance(gridlike, xtgeo.grid3d.Grid): if linkgeometry: # Associate this grid property with a Grid instance. This is not default # since sunch links may affect garbage collection self.geometry = gridlike gridlike.append_prop(self) self._metadata: MetaDataCPProperty = MetaDataCPProperty() def _set_initial_dimensions( self, gridlike: Grid | GridProperty | None, input_dimensions: tuple[int | None, int | None, int | None], ) -> None: """ Sets the initial dimensions either from input, grid or default. Args: gridlike: Grid/GridProperty instance or leave blank. input_dimensions: The (ncol, nrow, nlay) tuple describing the dimensions. If a gridlike is given, we use its dimensions, but make sure it matches the input dimensions if given (not None). Otherwise, dimensions are either set to the input dimensions or defaulted. """ if gridlike is not None: self._ncol = gridlike.ncol self._nrow = gridlike.nrow self._nlay = gridlike.nlay self._check_dimensions_match(*input_dimensions) else: ncol, nrow, nlay = input_dimensions if ncol is None: self._ncol = 4 else: self._ncol = ncol if nrow is None: self._nrow = 3 else: self._nrow = nrow if nlay is None: self._nlay = 5 else: self._nlay = nlay def _check_dimensions_match( self, ncol: int | None, nrow: int | None, nlay: int | None ) -> None: """ Checks that Grid/GridProperty dimensions match provided input dimensions. Args: input_dimensions: The (ncol, nrow, nlay) tuple describing the dimensions. Raises: ValueError: If given dimensions are not None and do not match dimensions of the GridProperty """ if ncol is not None and self._ncol != ncol: raise ValueError( f"Mismatching column dimension given: {ncol} vs {self._ncol}" ) if nrow is not None and self._nrow != nrow: raise ValueError(f"Mismatching row dimension given: {nrow} vs {self._nrow}") if nlay is not None and self._nlay != nlay: raise ValueError( f"Mismatching layer dimension given: {nlay} vs {self._nlay}" ) def __del__(self) -> None: logger.debug("DELETING property instance %s", def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__} (id={id(self)}) ncol={self._ncol!r}, " f"nrow={self._nrow!r}, nlay={self._nlay!r}, filesrc={self._filesrc!r}" ) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.describe(flush=False) # ================================================================================== # Properties # Some properties such as ncol, nrow, nlay are from _Grid3d # ================================================================================== @property def metadata(self) -> MetaDataCPProperty: """Get or set metadata object instance of type MetaDataCPProperty.""" return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, metadata: MetaDataCPProperty) -> None: if not isinstance(metadata, MetaDataCPProperty): raise ValueError("Input metadata not an instance of MetaDataCPProperty") # TODO: validate this? self._metadata = metadata @property def name(self) -> str | None: """Get or set the property name.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name: str) -> None: self._name = name @property def dimensions(self) -> Dimensions: """Get the grid dimensions as a NamedTuple of 3 integers.""" return Dimensions(self.ncol, self.nrow, self.nlay) @property def nactive(self) -> int: """Get the number of active cells.""" return len(self.actnum_indices) @property def geometry(self) -> Grid | None: """Get or set the linked geometry, i.e. the Grid instance.""" return self._geometry @geometry.setter def geometry(self, grid: Grid | None) -> None: if grid is None: self._geometry = None elif isinstance(grid, xtgeo.grid3d.Grid) and grid.dimensions == self.dimensions: self._geometry = grid else: raise ValueError("Could not set geometry; wrong type or size") @property def actnum_indices(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the 1D ndarray which holds the indices for active cells given in 1D, C order. """ gridprop = self.get_actnum() actnumv = np.ravel(gridprop.values) return np.flatnonzero(actnumv) @property def isdiscrete(self) -> bool: """ Get or set whether this property is discrete. This can also be used to convert from continuous to discrete or from discrete to continuous:: myprop.isdiscrete = False """ return self._isdiscrete @isdiscrete.setter def isdiscrete(self, flag: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(flag, bool): raise ValueError("Input to {__name__} must be a bool") if flag is self._isdiscrete: return if flag is True and self._isdiscrete is False: self.continuous_to_discrete() else: self.discrete_to_continuous() @property def dtype(self) -> GridProperty_DType: """ Get or set the ``values`` numpy dtype. When setting, note that the the dtype must correspond to the `isdiscrete` property. Hence dtype cannot alter isdiscrete status Example:: if myprop.isdiscrete: myprop.dtype = np.uint16 """ return self._values.dtype @dtype.setter def dtype(self, dtype: GridProperty_DType) -> None: allowed: list[GridProperty_DType] = ( [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64] if self.isdiscrete else [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64] ) if dtype not in allowed: raise ValueError( f"{__name__}: Wrong input for dtype. Use one of {allowed}!" ) # self.values = self.values.astype(dtype) # type: ignore @property def filesrc(self) -> str | None: """Get or set the GridProperty file src (if any).""" return self._filesrc @filesrc.setter def filesrc(self, src: str) -> None: self._filesrc = src @property def roxar_dtype(self) -> Roxar_DType | None: """Get or set the roxar dtype (if any).""" return self._roxar_dtype @roxar_dtype.setter def roxar_dtype(self, dtype: Roxar_DType) -> None: allowed = [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.float32] if dtype not in allowed: raise ValueError( f"{__name__}: Wrong input for roxar_dtype. Use one of {allowed}!" ) self._roxar_dtype = dtype @property def date(self) -> str | None: """Get or set the property date as string in YYYYMMDD format.""" return self._date @date.setter def date(self, date: str | None) -> None: self._date = date @property def codes(self) -> dict[int, str]: """Get or set the property codes as a dictionary.""" return self._codes @codes.setter def codes(self, codes: dict[int, str]) -> None: if not isinstance(codes, dict): raise ValueError( "The codes must be a python dictionary, current input " f"is type: {type(codes)}" ) self._codes = copy.deepcopy(codes) @property def ncodes(self) -> int: """Get number of codes if discrete grid property.""" return len(self._codes) @property def values(self) -> """Get or set the grid property as a masked 3D numpy array.""" return self._values @values.setter def values(self, values: np.ndarray) -> None: values = self.ensure_correct_values(self.ncol, self.nrow, self.nlay, values) self._values = values @property def ntotal(self) -> int: """Get total number of cells (ncol * nrow * nlay).""" return self.ncol * self.nrow * self.nlay @property def roxorigin(self) -> bool: """Get boolean value of True if the property comes from ROXAPI.""" return self._roxorigin @roxorigin.setter def roxorigin(self, val: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(val, bool): raise ValueError("Input to roxorigin must be True or False") self._roxorigin = val @property @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="3.6", removed_in="4.0", current_version=__version__, details="Use gridprop.values instead", ) def values3d(self) -> """DEPRECATED: use values instead (kept for backwards compatibility).""" return self._values @values3d.setter @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="3.6", removed_in="4.0", current_version=__version__, details="Use gridprop.values instead", ) def values3d(self, values: -> None: self.values = values @property def values1d(self) -> """Get a masked 1D array view of values.""" return self._values.reshape(-1) @property def undef(self) -> float | int: """Get the actual undef value for floats or ints in numpy arrays.""" if self._isdiscrete: return UNDEF_INT return UNDEF @property def undef_limit(self) -> float | int: """ Get the undef limit number, which is slightly less than the undef value. Hence for numerical precision, one can force undef values to a given number, e.g.:: x[x<x.undef_limit] = 999 Undef limit values cannot be changed (read only). """ if self._isdiscrete: return UNDEF_INT_LIMIT return UNDEF_LIMIT # ================================================================================== # Class and special methods # ==================================================================================
[docs] def generate_hash(self) -> str: """ Generates a sha256 hash id representing a GridProperty. Returns: A unique hash id string. .. versionadded:: 2.10 """ mhash = hashlib.sha256() gid = ( f"{self._filesrc}{self._ncol}{self._nrow}{self._nlay}" f"{self._values.mean()}{self._values.min()}{self._values.max()}" ) mhash.update(gid.encode()) return mhash.hexdigest()
[docs] @classmethod def methods(cls) -> str: """ A list of methods in the class as a string. Returns: The names of the methods in the class. Example:: >>> print(GridProperty.methods()) METHODS for GridProperty(): ====================== __init__ _reset _set_initial_dimensions _check_dimensions_match ... """ mets = [x for x, y in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(y, FunctionType)] txt = "METHODS for GridProperty():\n======================\n" for met in mets: txt += str(met) + "\n" return txt
[docs] def ensure_correct_values( self, ncol: int, nrow: int, nlay: int, invalues: npt.ArrayLike, ) -> """ Ensures that values is a 3D masked numpy (ncol, nrol, nlay). Args: ncol: Number of columns. nrow: Number of rows. nlay: Number of layers. invalues: Values to process. Returns: The values as a masked numpy array. """ currentmask = ( if self._values is not None and isinstance(self._values, else None ) if isinstance(invalues, (int, float)): vals =, nrow, nlay), order="C", dtype=self.dtype) vals =, mask=currentmask) values = vals + invalues invalues = values if not isinstance(invalues, values =, mask=currentmask, order="C") else: values = invalues # new mask is possible if values.shape != (ncol, nrow, nlay): try: values =, (ncol, nrow, nlay), order="C") except ValueError as emsg: xtg.error(f"Cannot reshape array: {emsg}") raise # replace any undef or nan with mask values =, self.undef_limit) values = if not values.flags.c_contiguous: mask = mask = np.asanyarray(mask, order="C") values = np.asanyarray(values, order="C") values =, mask=mask, order="C") # the self._isdiscrete property shall win over numpy dtype if "int" in str(values.dtype) and not self._isdiscrete: values = values.astype(np.float64) if "float" in str(values.dtype) and self._isdiscrete: values = values.astype(np.int32) return values
# ================================================================================== # Import and export # ==================================================================================
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="2.16", removed_in="4.0", current_version=__version__, details="Use xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file() instead", ) def from_file( self, pfile: FileLike, fformat: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> GridProperty: """ Import grid property from file, and makes an instance of this class. Note that the the property may be linked to its geometrical grid, through the ``grid=`` option. Sometimes this is required, for instance for most Eclipse input. Args: pfile: Name of file to be imported fformat: File format to be used (roff/init/unrst/grdecl). Defaults to None and tries to infer from file extension. name: Name of property to import date: For restart files, date in YYYYMMDD format. Also the YYYY-MM-DD form is allowed (string), and for Eclipse, mnemonics like 'first', 'last' is also allowed. grid: Grid object for checks. Optional for ROFF, required for Eclipse). gridlink: If True, and grid is not None, a link from the grid instance to the property is made. If False, no such link is made. Avoiding gridlink is recommended when running statistics of multiple realisations of a property. fracture: Only applicable for DUAL POROSITY systems. If True then the fracture property is read. If False then the matrix property is read. Names will be appended with "M" or "F" ijrange: A list of 4 number: (i1, i2, j1, j2) for subrange of cells to read. Only applicable for xtgcpprop format. zerobased: Input if cells counts are zero- or one-based in ijrange. Only applicable for xtgcpprop format. Returns: A GridProperty instance. Examples:: import xtgeo gprop = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file("somefile.roff", fformat="roff") # or mygrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("ECL.EGRID") pressure_1 = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file( "ECL.UNRST", name="PRESSURE", date="first", grid=mygrid ) .. versionchanged:: 2.8 Added gridlink option, default is True """ xtg_file = _XTGeoFile(pfile) if fformat is None or fformat == "guess": _fformat = xtg_file.detect_fformat() else: _fformat = xtg_file.generic_format_by_proposal(fformat) # default kwargs = _data_reader_factory(_fformat)(xtg_file, **kwargs) kwargs["filesrc"] = xtg_file.file self._reset(**kwargs) return self
@classmethod def _read_file( cls, pfile: FileLike, fformat: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> GridProperty: xtg_file = _XTGeoFile(pfile) if fformat is None or fformat == "guess": _fformat = xtg_file.detect_fformat() else: _fformat = xtg_file.generic_format_by_proposal(fformat) # default kwargs = _data_reader_factory(_fformat)(xtg_file, **kwargs) kwargs["filesrc"] = xtg_file.file return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_file( self, pfile: FileLike, fformat: Literal["roff", "roffasc", "grdecl", "bgrdecl", "xtgcpprop"] = "roff", name: str | None = None, append: bool = False, dtype: type[np.float32] | type[np.float64] | type[np.int32] | None = None, fmt: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Export the grid property to file. Args: pfile: File name or pathlib.Path to export to. fformat: The file format to be used. Default is roff binary, else roff_ascii/grdecl/bgrdecl. name: If provided, will explicitly give property name; else the existing name of the instance will used. append: Append to existing file, only for (b)grdecl formats. dtype: The values data type. This is valid only for grdecl or bgrdecl formats, where the default is None which means 'float32' for floating point numbers and 'int32' for discrete properties. Other choices are 'float64' which are 'DOUB' entries in Eclipse formats. fmt: Format for ascii grdecl format. Default is None. If specified, the user is responsible for a valid format specifier, e.g. "%8.4f". Example:: # This example demonstrates that file formats can be mixed import xtgeo rgrid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("reek.roff") poro = GridProperty("reek_poro.grdecl", grid=rgrid, name='PORO') poro.values += 0.05 poro.to_file("reek_export_poro.bgrdecl", format="bgrdecl") .. versionadded:: 2.13 Key `fmt` was added and default format for float output to grdecl is now "%e" if `fmt=None` """ _gridprop_export.to_file( self, pfile, fformat=fformat, name=name, append=append, dtype=dtype, fmt=fmt, )
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="2.16", removed_in="4.0", current_version=__version__, details="Use xtgeo.gridproperty_from_roxar() instead", ) def from_roxar( self, projectname: str, gridname: str, propertyname: str, realisation: int = 0, faciescodes: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Import grid model property from RMS project, and makes an instance. Args: projectname: Name of RMS project. Use 'project' if inside RMS. gridname: Name of grid model. propertyname: Name of grid property. realisation: Realisation number. Default is 0 (the first). faciescodes: If a Roxar property is of the special ``body_facies`` type (e.g. result from a channel facies object modelling), the default is to get the body code values. If faciescodes is True, the facies code values will be read instead. For other roxar properties this key is not relevant. .. versionadded:: 2.12 Key `faciescodes` was added """ self._reset( **_gridprop_roxapi.import_prop_roxapi( projectname, gridname, propertyname, realisation, faciescodes ) )
@classmethod def _read_roxar( cls, projectname: str, gridname: str, propertyname: str, realisation: int = 0, faciescodes: bool = False, ) -> GridProperty: return cls( **_gridprop_roxapi.import_prop_roxapi( projectname, gridname, propertyname, realisation, faciescodes ) )
[docs] def to_roxar( self, projectname: str, gridname: str, propertyname: str, realisation: int = 0, casting: Literal["no", "equiv", "safe", "same_kind", "unsafe"] | None = "unsafe", ) -> None: """ Store a grid model property into a RMS project. Note: When project is file path (direct access, outside RMS) then ``to_roxar()`` will implicitly do a project save. Otherwise, the project will not be saved until the user do an explicit project save action. Note: Beware values casting, see ``casting`` key. Default is "unsafe" which may create issues if your property has values that is outside the valid range. I.e. for float values XTGeo normally use `float64` (8 byte) while roxar use `float32` (4 byte). With extreme values, e.g. 10e40, such values will be truncated if "unsafe" casting. More common is casting issues with discrete as Roxar (RMS) often use `uint8` which only allow values in range 1..256. Args: projectname: Inside RMS use the magic 'project' string. Otherwise use a path to an RMS project, or a project reference. gridname: Name of grid model. propertyname: Name of grid property. realisation: Realisation number. Default is 0 (the first). casting: This refers to numpy `astype(... casting=...)` settings. .. versionchanged:: 2.10 Key `saveproject` has been removed and will have no effect .. versionadded:: 2.12 Key `casting` was added """ _gridprop_roxapi.export_prop_roxapi( self, projectname, gridname, propertyname, realisation=realisation, casting=casting, )
# ================================================================================== # Various public methods # ==================================================================================
[docs] def describe(self, flush: bool = True) -> str: """ Describe a GridProperty instance by printing its properties to stdout Args: flush: Print to stdout. True by default. Returns: A string description of the grid property instance. """ from xtgeo.common import XTGDescription dsc = XTGDescription() dsc.title("Description of GridProperty instance") dsc.txt("Object ID", id(self)) dsc.txt("Name", dsc.txt("Date", dsc.txt("File source", self._filesrc) dsc.txt("Discrete status", self._isdiscrete) dsc.txt("Codes", self._codes) dsc.txt("Shape: NCOL, NROW, NLAY", self.ncol, self.nrow, self.nlay) np.set_printoptions(threshold=16) dsc.txt("Values", self._values.reshape(-1), self._values.dtype) np.set_printoptions(threshold=1000) dsc.txt( "Values, mean, stdev, minimum, maximum", self.values.mean(), self.values.std(), self.values.min(), self.values.max(), ) itemsize = self.values.itemsize msize = float(self.values.size * itemsize) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) dsc.txt("Roxar datatype", self.roxar_dtype) dsc.txt("Minimum memory usage of array (GB)", msize) if flush: dsc.flush() return "" return dsc.astext()
[docs] def get_npvalues3d(self, fill_value: npt.ArrayLike | None = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Get a pure numpy copy (not masked) of the values in 3D shape. Note that Numpy dtype will be reset; int32 if discrete or float64 if continuous. The reason for this is to avoid inconsistensies regarding UNDEF values. If fill_value is not None, than the returning dtype is always `np.float64`. Args: fill_value: Value of masked entries. Default is None which means the XTGeo UNDEF value (a high number). This UNDEF value is different for a continuous or discrete property. Returns: Non-masked array copy of 3D-shaped values """ if fill_value is None: if self._isdiscrete: fvalue: npt.ArrayLike = UNDEF_INT dtype: type[np.int32] | type[np.float64] = np.int32 else: fvalue = UNDEF dtype = np.float64 else: fvalue = fill_value dtype = np.float64 val = self.values.copy().astype(dtype) npv3d =, fill_value=fvalue) del val return npv3d
[docs] def get_actnum( self, name: str = "ACTNUM", asmasked: bool = False, mask: bool | None = None, ) -> GridProperty: """ Return an ACTNUM GridProperty object. Note that this method is similar to, but not identical to, the job with same name in Grid(). Here, the maskedarray of the values is applied to deduce the ACTNUM array. Args: name: Name of property in the XTGeo GridProperty object. Default is "ACTNUM". asmasked: Default is False, so that actnum is returned with all cells shown. Use asmasked=True to make 0 entries masked. mask: Deprecated, use asmasked instead! Returns: The ACTNUM GridProperty object. Example:: act = mygrid.get_actnum() print('{}% cells are active'.format(act.values.mean() * 100)) """ if mask is not None: xtg.warndeprecated( "The mask option is deprecated," "and will be removed in version 4.0. Use asmasked instead." ) asmasked = super()._evaluate_mask(mask) act = GridProperty( ncol=self._ncol, nrow=self._nrow, nlay=self._nlay, name=name, discrete=True ) orig = self.values vact = vact[orig.mask] = 0 if asmasked: vact =, 0) act.values = vact.astype(np.int32) act.isdiscrete = True = {0: "0", 1: "1"} return act
[docs] def get_active_npvalues1d(self) -> """ Get the active cells as a 1D numpy masked array. Returns: The grid property as a 1D numpy masked array, active cells only. """ return self.get_npvalues1d(activeonly=True)
[docs] def get_npvalues1d( self, activeonly: bool = False, fill_value: npt.ArrayLike = np.nan, order: Literal["C", "F"] = "C", ) -> """ Return the grid property as a 1D numpy array (copy) for active or all cells, but inactive have a fill value. Args: activeonly: If True, then only return active cells. Default is False. fill_value: Fill value for inactive cells. Default is `np.nan`. order: Array internal order. Default is "C", alternative is "F". Returns: The grid property as a 1D numpy masked array. .. versionadded:: 2.3 .. versionchanged:: 2.8 Added `fill_value` and `order` """ vact = self.values1d.copy() if order == "F": vact = _gridprop_lowlevel.c2f_order(self, vact) if activeonly: return vact.compressed() # safer than vact[~vact.mask] if no masked return vact.filled(fill_value)
[docs] def copy(self, newname: str | None = None) -> GridProperty: """ Copy a GridProperty object to another instance. Args: newname: Give the copied instance a new name. Returns: A copy of the GridProperty instance. :: >>> import xtgeo >>> myporo = xtgeo.gridproperty_from_file( ... reek_dir + '/reek_sim_poro.roff', ... name="PORO" ... ) >>> mycopy = myporo.copy(newname='XPROP') >>> print( XPROP """ if newname is None: newname = xprop = GridProperty( ncol=self._ncol, nrow=self._nrow, nlay=self._nlay, values=self._values.copy(), name=newname, ) xprop.geometry = self._geometry xprop.isdiscrete = self._isdiscrete = self._codes = self._date xprop.roxorigin = self._roxorigin xprop.roxar_dtype = self.roxar_dtype xprop.filesrc = self._filesrc return xprop
[docs] def mask_undef(self) -> None: """Make UNDEF values masked.""" if self._isdiscrete: self._values =, UNDEF_INT_LIMIT) else: self._values =, UNDEF_LIMIT)
[docs] def crop( self, spec: tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]] ) -> None: """ Crop a property between grid coordinates. Args: spec: Provide a tuple of i, j, k lower and upper bounds to crop between, e.g. ((1, 3), (2, 4), (1, 5)) would crop a grid property such that only values from 1:3 in the i plane, 2:4 in the j plane, and 1:5 in the k plane would be present. """ (ic1, ic2), (jc1, jc2), (kc1, kc2) = spec # Compute size of new cropped grid self._ncol = ic2 - ic1 + 1 self._nrow = jc2 - jc1 + 1 self._nlay = kc2 - kc1 + 1 newvalues = self.values.copy() self.values = newvalues[ic1 - 1 : ic2, jc1 - 1 : jc2, kc1 - 1 : kc2]
[docs] def get_xy_value_lists( self, grid: Grid | None = None, activeonly: bool = True ) -> XYValueLists: """ Get lists of xy coords and values for Webportal format. The coordinates are on the form (two cells):: [[[(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4)], [(x5,y5), (x6,y6), (x7,y7), (x8,y8)]]] Args: grid: The XTGeo Grid object for the property. Defaults to None. activeonly: If True (default), active cells only, otherwise cell geometries will be listed and property will have value -999 in undefined cells. Returns: A tuple of two lists, one being the xr coords, the other the values at those coords. Example:: import xtgeo grid = xtgeo.grid_from_file("../xtgeo-testdata/3dgrids/bri/b_grid.roff") prop = xtgeogridproperty_from_file( "../xtgeo-testdata/3dgrids/bri/b_poro.roff", grid=grid, name="PORO" ) clist, valuelist = prop.get_xy_value_lists( grid=grid, activeonly=False ) """ clist, vlist = _gridprop_op1.get_xy_value_lists( self, grid=grid, mask=activeonly ) return clist, vlist
[docs] def get_values_by_ijk( self, iarr: np.ndarray, jarr: np.ndarray, karr: np.ndarray, base: int = 1 ) -> | None: """ Get a 1D ndarray of values by I J K arrays. This could for instance be a well path where I J K exists as well logs. Note that the input arrays have 1 as base as default Args: iarr: Numpy array of I jarr: Numpy array of J karr: Numpy array of K base: Should be 1 or 0, dependent on what number base the input arrays has. Returns: A 1D numpy array of property values, with NaN if undefined. Returns None on IndexErrors. """ res = np.zeros(iarr.shape, dtype="float64") res =, 0) # mask all # get indices where defined (note the , after valids) (valids,) = np.where(~np.isnan(iarr)) iarr = iarr[~np.isnan(iarr)] jarr = jarr[~np.isnan(jarr)] karr = karr[~np.isnan(karr)] try: res[valids] = self.values[ iarr.astype("int") - base, jarr.astype("int") - base, karr.astype("int") - base, ] return, fill_value=np.nan) except IndexError as ier: xtg.warn(f"Error {ier}, return None") return None except: # noqa xtg.warn("Unexpected error") raise
[docs] def discrete_to_continuous(self) -> None: """Convert from discrete to continuous values.""" if not self.isdiscrete: logger.debug("No need to convert, already continuous") return logger.debug("Converting to continuous ...") val = self._values.copy() val = val.astype("float64") self._values = val self._isdiscrete = False self._codes = {} self.roxar_dtype = np.float32
[docs] def continuous_to_discrete(self) -> None: """Convert from continuous to discrete values.""" if self.isdiscrete: logger.debug("No need to convert, already discrete") return logger.debug("Converting to discrete ...") val = self._values.copy() val = val.astype(np.int32) self._values = val self._isdiscrete = True # make the code list uniq = np.unique(val).tolist() codes = dict(zip(uniq, uniq)) codes = {k: str(v) for k, v in codes.items()} # val as strings self._codes = codes self.roxar_dtype = np.uint16
# ================================================================================== # Operations restricted to inside/outside polygons # ==================================================================================
[docs] def operation_polygons( self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int, opname: Literal["add", "sub", "mul", "div", "set"] = "add", inside: bool = True, ) -> None: """ A generic function for doing 3D grid property operations restricted to inside or outside polygon(s). This method requires that the property geometry is known (prop.geometry is set to a grid instance). Args: poly: A XTGeo Polygons instance. value: Value to add, subtract etc. opname: Name of operation... "add", "sub", etc. Defaults to "add". inside: If True do operation inside polygons; else outside. Defaults to True. """ if self.geometry is None: msg = """ You need to link the property to a grid geometry:" myprop.geometry = mygrid """ xtg.warnuser(msg) raise ValueError("The geometry attribute is not set") _gridprop_op1.operation_polygons( self, poly, value, opname=opname, inside=inside )
[docs] def add_inside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Add a value (scalar) inside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="add", inside=True)
[docs] def add_outside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Add a value (scalar) outside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="add", inside=False)
[docs] def sub_inside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Subtract a value (scalar) inside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="sub", inside=True)
[docs] def sub_outside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Subtract a value (scalar) outside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="sub", inside=False)
[docs] def mul_inside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Multiply a value (scalar) inside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="mul", inside=True)
[docs] def mul_outside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Multiply a value (scalar) outside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="mul", inside=False)
[docs] def div_inside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Divide a value (scalar) inside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="div", inside=True)
[docs] def div_outside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Divide a value (scalar) outside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="div", inside=False)
[docs] def set_inside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Set a value (scalar) inside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="set", inside=True)
[docs] def set_outside(self, poly: Polygons, value: float | int) -> None: """Set a value (scalar) outside polygons.""" self.operation_polygons(poly, value, opname="set", inside=False)